Monday, December 31, 2012

On The Edge of the Ledge!

Let me compare America with the birth and growth of an eagle:

An eagle's nest weighs close to a ton.  The mother and father eagle line the nest with rabbit fur and feathers to make a soft and cushy lining for the baby eaglets to be birthed in, protected, provided for, and properly covered.  However, when the baby eaglets start to grow and its time for them to "leave the nest," the parent eagles remove the soft, cushy lining.

Next the mother eagle nudges her adolescents to the edge of a high cliff.  Then she PUSHES them over the cliff!  They start flapping their weak little wings and try to fly...but they keep falling!  So they cry out for help.  The mother eagle hears their cries and swoops down and carries them on her wings to safety.

America's soft, cushy life has been taken away.  We're now standing on the edge of the cliff (the so-called "Fiscal Cliff").  We're about to be PUSHED over the cliff.  Our only hope of survival and rescue is to put our trust in God (not in our government or in our finances)!

Over-and-over again the mother eagle takes them to the edge of the cliff and pushes them over.  This seems cruel, but it is the only way the young eagles will learn how to fly and soar above their circumstances and have victory over their adversaries.

"But those who wait (trust, obey and rely) on the Lord will find new strength.  They will fly high on wings like eagles...".  [Isaiah 40:31]

[Read:  Proverbs 24:10 and 16; John 10:10]

Friday, December 28, 2012


WINTER , for some, is a wonderful time of year...but for many others, they loathe it!  They can't find anything good about it; and they WONDER why God ever created it.  Yet, winter has so much to teach us.

I remember a cold, snowy winter when we traveled to IN to celebrate our anniversary (in March).  We stayed in an old lodge at Pokagon State Park.  One of the activities offered was to take a guided tour of the woods surrounding the lake.  The  Park Ranger revealed to us many things that were "growing" and "alive" in the dead of winter.  Our "untrained eyes" couldn't see, but with the help of the Ranger, our eyes were opened to see much beauty and life growing all around us.
Of course, some things were dormant--resting until spring.  But they weren't DEAD!!!

As Solomon wrote in The Book of Ecclesiastes, "To everything there is a season--a time to be born and a time to die; a time to laugh and a time to cry; a time to lift up and a time to let go; a time to spend and a time to refrain from spending; a time to speak and a time to be silent; etc."
[Paraphrased from Chapter 3]

Time is running out for 2012.  A new year awaits us.  I suggest you reflect and review what you've accompished and what you didn't finish in 2012.  Then look at what you need to attend to in the coming year.

As a heart doctor says in a TV commercial:  "Time waits for no one!"  OUT with the old year...IN with the new!

Many WONDER and WORRY what the new year will bring.  Others WAIT upon the Lord--believing He will guide them, bless them, provide for them, strengthen them, and protect them.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The 1st Snowfall

Yesterday was Toledo's 1st snowfall of the season.  As I gazed out the window, watching the snow pile up during the day, I was reminded of my childhood.

Our family lived along side a steep hill, which was a great place to go sledding.  Kids would come from all around the neighborhood--hauling their sleds--eager to slide down our hill.

It was such fun and so exciting to fall (belly-flop) on our sleds and slide swiftly down the hill.  However, it was not so much fun climbing back up that steep hill!  In fact, it took a lot of strength, effort, and required great endurance to climb back up that hill while dragging the heavy sled behind you.

You had to COUNT THE COST!  Was it worth climbing the hill?  Oh, YES it was!!!  The JOY of experiencing the ride on the sled made it all worth the trip!

(This reminded me of Jesus carrying His cross up Calvary's Hill.  That was a much more difficult climb--carrying a very heavy cross.  He, too, had to COUNT THE COST!  But He chose to ENDURE the cross for the JOY that was set before Him.)

Most kids today have "no clue" what it's like to sled down a steep hill on a snowy day.  Nor do they know how to climb back up--dragging a heavy sled behind them.  In like manner, most so-called Christians have no idea what it takes to carry "their cross" and follow Jesus and "go up higher" with Him.

There's JOY in the JOURNEY with JESUS, if you have the courage and the faith to climb the hill!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


It was during World War I--on Christmas Eve--that a "miracle" took place.  The American soldiers were camped on one side of a battlefield and the German soldiers were camped on the other side.

The gunfire had ceased for the night.  This allowed the soldiers to put down their guns and lift up their eyes to a star-lit sky.  Some soldiers started to remember that it was Christmas Eve!

The silence was broken when one lowly German soldier's voice could be heard singing "Silent Night."  Although he was singing in German, the Americans recognized the song.

An overwhelming PEACE, in the midst of a horrific WAR, began to blanket the battlefield.  PEACE began to penetrate hearts as the soldiers paused to worship and remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Truly "The Prince of Peace" had come to comfort them!  It was, indeed, a "holy night" was a "Divine intervention!"  All hatred ceased and fear fled for that moment in time.

There's a line from an old hymn that I'd like to use as a prayer today:

"Let there be PEACE on earth...and let it begin with me."  Amen.

Monday, December 24, 2012


It seems that our society is more consumed with telling tales than telling the truth about Christmas.  Many parents have convinced their young children to believe in Santa Claus, but fail to teach them about believing in Jesus.

The children send their WISH LISTS to Santa, but parents are forgetting to tell them to take their PRAYER LISTS to God.  They've taught them to say things like, "I want...I need....I have to have" rather than teaching them to tell the Lord how grateful they are for what they already have!

It's more of a family tradition at Christmas time for many parents to read the book, "'Twas The Night Before Christmas" to their children than to tell them the story about Jesus (the true "Christmas Story," which can be found in Luke Chapter 2)Children seem to know more about the fictional character, Santa Claus, than they know about the one true God!!!

Christmas is not about Santa Claus coming to's about the Christ-child being birthed into our world!  It's not about's about sheep and shepherds seeking the newborn babe.

GET REAL...tell the truth!  The Bible is not a fiction's the real deal!  It's okay to tell a tale about Santa, but children need to hear the real story about the true meaning of Christmas
(over-and-over every generation).

Show them THE WAY (and it's not by a sleigh).  Go "over the river and through the woods," or however you have to go to get to grandmother's house....I bet she'll remember The Story!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012


You can't put a PRICE TAG on love.  Some people leave the price tag on their packages.  They want you to know how much it cost them.

Some give gifts with STRINGS ATTACHED.  They're expecting something in return.

Some give gifts to BUY your love.

God gave us THE GREATEST GIFT of all....He gave us His Only Begotten Son.  And, His Son GAVE His life to save ours!  RECEIVE His gift....and SHARE this GIFT with others this Christmas.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


There's a TV coffee commercial where the sister is talking to her brother, who has just returned from a long stay in South Africa.  The brother hands his sister a Christmas gift.  She takes the bow off the package and sticks it on his chest.  He says to her, "what are you doing?"  She answers, "you're my Christmas present this year!"  WOW!  What a beautiful answer! 

We should place more value and importance on the PERSON than on the PRESENT!!!

Jesus was the invited guest at Mary and Martha's home.  Martha was a fabulous cook--and she set a beautiful table.  One would think she was the "Martha Stewart" of her day!  But her sister, Mary, was a better hostess!  Mary sat with Jesus and listened to what He had to say while Martha was distracted and overly occupied with her kitchen duties!  More absorbed with her SERVING than SITTING with Jesus!!!  Mary, however, was determined not to miss  being present with Jesus (being in His presence).  [See:  Luke 10:38-42

Don't be a Martha and display a "bahh-humbug" attitude this Christmas!  Choose to demonstrate a "merry heart" as did MaryHave yourself a very "Merry Christmas" this year!

BEING PRESENT is the best PRESENT you can give!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My "Love Jar"

The most precious Christmas gift I ever received was a simple glass jar, which was filled with 365 slips of paper.  On each slip of paper was a handwritten note from my husband--one note for each day of the year.

This was my husband's way of expressing his love for me by honoring me with daily "acts of service."  For example:

  • Note #1 - "I'll give you a backrub today."
  • Note #2 - "I'll do the dishes today."
  • Note #3 - "I'll take you to the movies."
  • Note #4 - "Take a nap--I'll watch the kids."
Get the idea?

Neither the jar nor the paper were of any real value, but it truly was "A Gift of Love"--and that made it PRICELESS!!!  For you see--the jar contained his heart!  (And you simply can't put a "price tag" on love!)

What's in your heart to give as a gift this Christmas?  Who do you treasure most in your life?

Matthew 6:21 - For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lost & Found Christmas

A Home Health Aide, whom I knew when I worked at Hospice, had stopped at a Wendy's to use their restroom.  And, of course, she washed her hands before leaving.  It wasn't until she was at her next scheduled visit that she discovered she'd lost her wedding ring.  She went into a panic!  She frantically called a friend--exclaiming, "I've lost my diamond ring!"

The friend tried to calm her down...they prayed...and then she remembered the place where she was sure she LOST it.  After work, she and her friend went back to Wendy's and began to SEARCH through the garbage can.  And a miracle happened...they found the ring in the midst of all that garbage!

WHAT WAS "LOST" HAD BEEN "FOUND!"  (But they had to turn around and go back and search for it!)

The Christ child came into this world and was born in a dirty, filthy stable.  He came to save the LOST!  A few came SEEKING Him:  The wisemen came seeking the newborn king ("The King of the Kingdom of God"); the shepherds came seeking the newborn "Lamb of God."

Many have carelessly tossed Jesus into the garbage can--discarded Him like a piece of junk!  They prefer to SEEK after wordly GAIN (they worship power, money, and fame) that will rust and decay--and eventually be taken away.  But the true worshippers will SEEK after the Savior and find the most precious, lasting GIFT of all.

What about you?  WHAT are you seeking after...WHO do you worship?

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Walk In The Woods on Christmas

My worst Christmas and my best Christmas were on the same day!  Let me explain:

One Christmas, when we had the family gathered together for dinner, one family member began getting upset and angry.  He started making sarcastic and insulting remarks.  The noise level heightened in the room--tempers were getting hotter.

I couldn't take it any longer, so I escaped outside.  We lived near a woods--a fresh snow had fallen.  A blanket of snow lay on the branches of the trees.  Everything looked so clean, so white, so pure, so inviting.  I found myself walking deeper into the woods...just wanting to be alone.

It was after dark, but the snow glistened like diamonds as the moon shown down upon it.  "All was calm"..."all was bright!"

I began to feel a peace like I'd never felt before.  Peace seemed to be surrounding me; and, a Heavenly Presence began to walk with me.  I was no longer alone.  No words were spoken--we simply walked together in silence.  It truly was a "silent night"...a "holy night."  There, in the woods, I fell to my knees and began to worship my Lord.  I'd never before felt such love...such peace...such joy!

When I returned to my backyard, I could hear the voices inside the house.  They were so loud and disturbing that I couldn't make myself go back in.  So, I decided to stay outside and make a snowman.  (I hadn't made a snowman in years!)  I started to feel like a kid again.  I started to sing as I played in the snow.  I even made "snow angels."

What had started out to be my worst Christmas had turned into my best Christmas on the same day!  Why?

I had been in His Presence...I had worshipped my Lord...I had celebrated Christmas with "The Prince of Peace."

Friday, December 14, 2012

Too Heavy At The Top

Our 1st Christmas tree only cost us $1.98--but that's all we could afford!  (My husband was an Airman 3rd class.  His annual pay was only $800.)  We didn't have many ornaments to hang on the tree (and they were pretty cheap-looking).  However, we had a very big star to place on top of our spindly little tree.  The star caused the tree to bend down and hang low.  [It looked like the "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree!"]  The tree simply could not support the star!

Isn't that a picture of what's happening in our country today?  We've become too TOP heavy!  The "little tree" represents our "middle class."  The "star" has become "tarnished" by corrupt leaders and businesses, puffed-up and over-compensated politicians, etc.  Sadly to say--there are "too many chiefs and not enough indians!"

The backbone of this country (the middle class) has become weighted down.  It's growing weaker.  Many branches have been discarded, are deformed, or have not been cared for properly.

The tree doesn't need trimming...our country's budget does!!!  We need to remove, reform, or revise what's on TOP!

Our money has printed on it, "In God we trust."  But do we?  We, the people MUST put our trust in God rather than in government programs to provide aid and assistance.

The only way to save our land it to do what we can.  We can pray...we can put our trust in God...and we can obey what His Word has to say!

The wisemen went seeking THE STAR so they could worship THE SAVIOR.  If we're wise, we'll "Seek Him 1st and renew a right relationship with Him....then all these things (this country needs) will be given unto us."  [Paraphrased from Matthew 6:33]

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Christmas Past

Many years ago I gave my husband a tandum bike for Christmas.  We rode many miles together on that bike--and we went several places. 

  • He rode up front and I sat behind him. 
  • He led the way--but, we pedaled together.
  • He protected me from the strong head winds.
  • I could talk to him while we traveled.
  • Sometimes we had to pedal hard to get up a hill; and, sometimes we could relax and coast     downhill.
  • We even added a babyseat on the back of the bike so our 2-year old son could go with us.  The 3 of us took many rides together.
Isn't this the way we're to be with the Lord?  He leads the way; He protects us from strong winds; we can talk with Him as we go along the way; the way may not be easy, but He always takes us through the hard places.

We no longer have the bike.  Our son is grown and has a family of his own.  But the memory of those times we rode closely together will never be forgotten.  What memories will you be building this Christmas that will not be forgotten?

Many Christmas' have PAST, but that's one that'll always LAST!

Give a gift that keeps on giving--year after year:  Give a gift of time.  Give a gift of unconditional love.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


What appeared to be a DISASTER turned into a MIRACLE!  The story begins in what seemed to be the darkest of nights:

A husband and wife were traveling to a distant city.  It was getting very late, so they knew they needed to find shelter for the night.  They went from inn to inn--but there were NO VACANCIES!

The wife was pregnant--and her labor had begun.  Soon she would give birth.  What were they to do?  As they desperately pounded at the door of the last inn, the innkeeper told them "there is NO ROOM!"  All he could offer them was the stable out behind the inn.

The stable was dirty and it was OCCUPIED--crammed full of smelly barn animals!  No cushy beds or clean sheets available...only straw to lay on...only a manger to cradle a newborn.  But it was in this humble setting that the Christ child was born.

No doubt that when the baby breathed its first breath or let out its first cry, a new STAR appeared in the sky.  It shown brighter than any other star.  It was so bright that it caught the attention of lowly shepherds, who were watching over their sheep, on the hillsides.

No family, relatives, or friends came to see the newborn baby.  Only the shepherds came to gather 'round to celebrate the birth.  Then came a special messenger angel to deliver the BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT!

What had seemed to have been "the worst of times" was miraculously transformed into "the best of times!"  God's only Son had come to dwell among us!

JOY to the world....
         the Lord has come! 
                Oh come--let us adore Him! 

[See:  Luke Chapter 2]

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Have you ever taken part in a Christmas gift exchange?  I'm sure you have.  They can be very interesting and challenging--full of surprises--some good...and some bad.

When my husband and I were dating, and we were starting to get more serious (even though we were only teenagers), I used to buy him some pretty expensive Christmas gifts.  I'd be so excited about what I'd picked out for him that I'd just have to show them to his mother before I wrapped them!  I didn't know it at the time, but this upset her greatly.  It was her custom to exchange gifts of the same value...and she didn't want Jerry to spend that much on me!  I'd buy him a bowling ball and bag, or a watch.  In return, I'd get a blouse or a pair of gloves.  I didn't care....I just loved to give gifts to the people I loved!

Well, the Lord loves to give us expensive gifts, too!  He gave us the most priceless GIFT:  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."  [John 3:16]

Ever since that 1st Christmas gift was given, we've had the opportunity to EXCHANGE GIFTS with Jesus.  We give Him our SINS in exchange for His GIFT of FORGIVENESS.  We exchange our old life and receive a new life (one that will never perish).

Mary, at the Banquet at Bethany, EXCHANGED all that she had (and I'm not talking about the Alabaster jar of oil).  She  "poured out" all her past sins, soaked them with tears of love, and gave her HEART-- to Jesus.

What gift  are you willing to give Jesus this year for Christmas?  What does He want from you?  He's drawn your name...He's asking you to EXCHANGE gifts with Him!

Monday, December 10, 2012


As I was walking my dog around the neighborhood (while it was still DARK) this morning, the Lord seemed to begin to speak to my heart.  As I turned the corner, I could see one house that had left its Christmas lights on all night.  Every other home on the street was dark.

I began to go back in time, remembering when I was growing up.  Almost every house in the neighborhood would decorate the outside of their homes and their front yards with Christmas lights and Christmas scenes.
Not so much these days!  Times have changed!   The manger scenes have been replaced with Santas or snowmen....fewer-and-fewer homes hang outside lights anymore.  The world's getting DARKER!

First CHRIST was crossed out in the word Christmas and replaced with an "X."Next it became "politically incorrect" to wish people a "Merry Christmas."  Now we're supposed to say, "Happy Holidays."

Society is more preoccupied with purchasing gifts and scurrying around the malls rather than quieting themselves down and reflecting on that 1st Christmas night.   "Silent night, holy night--all is calm, all is bright!"  

It's all about being in His PRESENCE, and sharing HIS STORY.  It's all about letting your light shine in a dark world.  "Oh, come, all ye FAITHFUL!"  Let us celebrate His birth and share His love this Christmas season.  

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Draw Water from His Well

WISHING WELLS dry up!  But, the Lord's WELL of LIVING WATER never runs dry!  The way to draw water from His well is to "prime the pump" through PRAYER.

Where can we find this LIVING WATER?  It flows down from heaven above from THE RIVER of LIFE--then poured into the hearts of those who worship the One True God (those who worship Him in spirit and in truth).  [John 4:23-24]

Many wells have been poisoned and polluted by the lies of the devil and false religions.  Drinking from the devil's cup causes DEATH.  Drinking from the cup that Christ offers brings eternal LIFE.

As Christ said, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me--out of his heart will flow rivers of LIVING WATER."  [John 7:37-38]

Those who partake of this LIVING WATER will themselves become CHANNELS of SPIRITUAL REFRESHMENT for others.

Come to His [Refreshment] Table...let Him fill your CUP 'til it overflows!  [Psalm 23]


Take a look at your DAILY PLANNER...look at today's date...ask yourself these 3 questions:

(1)  Is this what I want to do today?
(2)  Is this what someone else wants me to do today?
(3)  Is this what the Lord wants me to do today?

Jesus didn't do everything He wanted to do.
Jesus didn't do everything everyone else wanted Him to do.
He only did what His Father wanted Him to do.
[John 5:19]


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


The prescription for worry is to take mega doses of Philippians 4:6 Amp. each day: 

"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God."

A dear friend of mine is the Director of Nurses at an Extended Care Facility.  In a matter of two weeks, the facility lost 14 residents (due to death)--leaving a big drop in their census.  This was a real concern, which could result in laying off staff, etc.

My friend confesses that she is a "worrier."  However, she is learning to take her worries and concerns to the Lord.  So, for a few days--she fretted, worried, and anxiety was starting to overwhelm her.  Then she remembered Philippians 4:6.  Not only that, but she decided to invite (not order or demand) her staff to join her for a time of prayer.  Within 3 days, the census began to rise...beds were being filled...God had heard their prayers.

Know this:  God will do His part (hear and answer your prayers) IF you will do your part!

  • TAKE your concerns to Him and make your requests known.
  • TRUST in Him to meet all your needs.
  • THANK Him for what He's done in the past and for what He's about to do.
Yep!  This is a good RX for worry!  "Don't happy" in the Lord!!!

Proverbs 17:22 - "A cheerful (merry) heart does good, like medicine."  Keep your heart healthy by laughing at the devil today!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


The Bible tells us that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."  [Matthew 12:34]

LISTEN to your words today.  Are they uplifting and positive, or are they critical and negative?  Are you tearing others down with your tongue, or are you building others up with words of affirmation--validating their worth?

I was taught as a child that "if you can't say something NICE, don't say anything at all."  That's pretty good advice.  Our mouths (words) can get us into a lot of trouble!  There's another old saying that says, "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me."  WRONG!!!  We've all been emotionally scarred by words that have been hurled at us to harm us.

May the words that we say be pleasing unto You, O Lord, as we go about our day.  [Psalm 19:14]

"The tongue is only 6" long--yet, it can kill a man 6' tall!"   

(Or as the Bible would say, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." - Proverbs 18:21

Monday, December 3, 2012


FAITH believes in God's promises whereas FEAR only sees the presence of the giants or the mountain of circumstances that stand in our way.

God PROMISED the Israelites that they could (and would) possess the Land of Canaan.  BUT, He didn't promise them they wouldn't have challenges and face giants along the way!

Moses sent 12 of his soldiers to spy out the land.  Ten returned with a NEGATIVE report; only 2 (Joshua and Caleb) gave a POSITIVE report.  The 10 (with "defeatist attitudes") died in the wilderness and never obtained what had been promised to them. 

They only saw what was, but could not see what could be!

We, who call ourselves BELIEVERS, must go by FAITH...not by what can be seen with the natural eye.  [II Corinthians 5:7/Hebrews 11:1]

Negative thoughts produce stinkin' thinking!  Negative thinkers are DOUBTERS...they DOUBT God's promises; therefore, their fruit falls from The Tree of Life and lays rotting on the ground.  Positive thinkers--BELIEVERS--those who trust in the Lord--bear good fruit and live an abundant life.

I urge you to "be DOERS of The Word" and you'll receive all He's promised you.  [James 1:22]
Let me leave you with this little poem to help motivate you:

Some people said "it couldn't be done!"  But he with a chuckle replied:  "Maybe it couldn't, but he would be one who wouldn't say so 'til he tried."  So he knuckled right in--with a trace of a grin.  If he worried, he hid it.  He started to sing as he tackled the thing that couldn't be done, and--HE DID IT!

Friday, November 30, 2012


We're told in Ephesians 6:17 to TAKE "The Sword of the Spirit," which is "The Word of God," and learn to skillfully use it.

Roman soldiers were skilled in the use of swords.  One was a BROADSWORD, which was about as long as a baseball bat.  It was sharp on both sides, and was swung like a bat at the opponent to cripple, crush, or kill.  The other sword was either a DAGGER (about 6" long); or a SWORD (about 18" in length).  This was used for hand-to-hand combat.  You had to get "up close and personal " to engage in the fight.

Jesus gets "up close and personal," too.  He got up close and personal with His disciples....not to destroy them, but to perform spiritual heart surgery. 

Hebrews 4:12 Amp. - For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of the joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.

Yes, He is our physician ["The Great Physician"] it is He who performs heart surgery on those He loves.  And if we love Him, we will submit to the surgery--allowing Him to cut away the damaged areas of our hearts....heal us....and make us whole again.

Satan comes to rob, kill, and destroy us....but Jesus has come to give us a more abundant life--an everlasting life.  [John 10:10]


Thursday, November 29, 2012


Spiritually speaking, we're to be outfitted from "head-to-toe" each day so we can be properly dressed to walk with the Lord, work for the Lord, and witness about the Lord.  We're to display our "designer clothes" (with the label sown inside that reads, "This garment was created by THE PRINCE of PEACE"). 

So, today we're going to add to our outfit the head gear, which is "The HELMET of SALVATION."  [See:  Ephesians 6:17]

Construction workers, those who play contact sports, and soldiers in combat wear head gear.  And, we even wear something on our heads for protection from the cold and on rainy or snowy days.  This "Helmet of Salvation" protects us from the blows of the enemy, which come to disturb our peace, invade our thoughts, and cause us to fall, fail, or quit fighting the good fight of faith.  But--we are ordered to "walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we've been called...endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."  [See:  Ephesians 4:1;3]

Know this--satan sends negative thoughts, lies, and deception to ATTACK our MINDS.  But--God sends us positive thoughts, truth, and discernment to fight against our foes.  A simple way to know if the thought is coming from God or satan is this:  If it's intention is to bring death, then you're being attacked by satan's forces.  But, if it's being sent to save lives, then it's coming from God. 

We win our battles against evil by using words that are calming, positive, encouraging, and edifying--NOT by nagging, lecturing, or putting others down.  We are to be PEACEMAKERS; we're to try to defuse negative talk, slander, and gossip, which causes STRESS and causes damage. 

We're to demonstrate God's love by shining LIGHT into dark places by wearing "The Armor of Light."  [See:  Romans 13:12-14So, LIGHT up your world with a smile on your face, love in your heart, praise on your lips, and have a good word to share with someone today!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


To help protect us from STRESS, we must learn how to use THE SHIELD of FAITH.  We are told in Ephesians 6:16 to "above all (over all) TAKE the (covering) shield of faith, so you can quench (put out) all the flaming missiles and fiery darts (of the enemy).

The purpose of the shield is to protect the other parts of the armor and to absorb the fiery arrows of the enemy.  Our faith in God is our response to what Christ accomplished on the cross for us.  Our faith can extinguish the accusations and lies of the enemy.

We're all GIVEN "a measure of faith"--but then we're to activate our faith by "hearing the Word of God" and then acting on it!  [Romans 12:3/10:17; James 2:17-20]

FAITH is like a small mustard seed.  The seed is sown in our hearts, but we must work our faith in order for it to grow.  God saves us and plants within us FAITH, but in order for us to become fully mature in the faith, we must develop it by working it in every area of our lives.

A mustard seed (of faith) is extremely small, but contains enormous possibilities.  When it is full grown, it becomes a tree.   Trees provide shelter, produce fruit, etc.  We are to be "TREES of RIGHTEOUSNESS--planted by the Lord."  [Isaiah 61:3]


Monday, November 26, 2012

Don't Forget To PUT ON Your SHOES!

Ephesians 6:15 - And SHOD your FEET with the PREPARATION of the GOSPEL of PEACE.

The Lord tells us to PUT ON his "designer shoes"--shoes He's specifically designed for us to wear.  Oh--they're not flip-flops, sandals, high heels, or slip-ons!  Those may be stylish--they may look good--but they don't provide enough protection and stability for spiritual battles.  Spiritual footwear is what we're required to wear to do spiritual warfare.

These shoes represent "peace of mind."  In the heat of battle, the greatest temptation the warrior faces is that of growing fearful and retreating.  Our foundation in the gospel will keep us from turning away and exposing our vulnerable backside to the onslaught of the enemy.  Notice the word "preparation."  Our battles actuallly begin before we experience conflict in our day.  You can't cram for a battle like you can for a test in school.  Our preparation of standing on the Word of God begins before the conflict arises.  Once the battle is raging, it's too late to prepare!

A Christian who STANDS FIRM says, "Look, satan, I have shoes that anchor me in the ground and I'm immoveable because God is on my side.  These shoes help me stand.

The GOSPEL means "good news."  The good news is that we have "PEACE" with God through our relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Here's how we acquire this internal peace.  (1)  Knowing that Jesus accepts us where we are and gently invites us to grow.  (2)  Realize that God's given us an added measure of strength to perform the task.  (3)  Remain quiet and be still.  Don't have a critical spirit; don't bad-mouth or condemn others.  (4)  Accept the differances, habits, traits, and personalities of others.  (5)  Demonstrate a joyful attitude.  Don't just "grin and bear it" out of duty, but have the right heart attitude--knowing that you're serving the Lord, and not being a slave to man.  (6)  Forgive others their faults and mistakes. 

WALK by FAITH wearing your "spiritual footwear" today!


Friday, November 23, 2012


Ephesians 6:14 - Stand firm then, with the BELT of TRUTH buckled around your waist, with the BREASTPLATE of RIGHTEOUSNESS...

The 1st piece of clothing we put on on is the BELT OF TRUTH, (a thick/broad girdle), which covered the regenerative/reproductive organs of the body.  For a woman, this means "the womb."  This was to protect "the seed of truth" (God's holy seed; His "living" Word).  Once we have the Word living inside of us, we are cleansed from within.  The Word of God is the "cleansing agent."  Now we have eternal life...but not necessarily abundant life.  [John 3:3-7; 15:3]

Next, we're to put on the BREASTPLACE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (we're given "a new heart").  Once we receive this new heart, the blood of Jesus Christ starts to flow from it into our brain and cleanses us from our old nature.  The blood of Jesus Christ gives us spiritual life--abundant life--an endless supply.  His blood flows through our bodies and our minds; and, it is through His blood that we "live and move."  Our new heart is the "heart of God."  It comes with His will, His ways, His purposes, and His assignments.  This heart--and only this heart--contains the POWER to change the way we live.  This is the "control center," which sends messages to the mind.
[Ezekiel 18:31; Acts 17:28]

I urge you to keep putting on this spiritual outfit for you'll be properly attired with his garments,
safely covered and equipped to deal life's circumstances, difficulties, and STRESS in your day.

[Note:  There's more pieces we need to put on before we're ready to face our day.  Tomorrow we'll learn about spiritual footwear.]

Remember to--
                             DRESS for STRESS so you can BE at your BEST!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


We must 1st learn to STAND before we're able to WALK!  We were told in Ephesians 6:14 to STAND...and PUT ON "The Belt of Truth."  We're not yet fully dressed--properly COVERED.  We're too exposed, vulnerable, and not adequately equipped to deal with the STRESS awaiting us; therefore, we aren't ready to walk out the door and face the world.

I remember a scene from an old John Wayne movie:  It showed a troup of Boy Scouts headed towards the battlefield.  John Wayne sees the boys marching towards the enemy forces and he tells his Sgt. to "get those BOYS out of there!"  He knew they were too naive, too immature, too unprepared, and lacked the skill and knowledge needed to fight the opposing army.

Children "dress up" in their parents' clothes and PLAY being "grown up."  They PRETEND to be mature and ACT as  grown ups (so do many Christians)!  The TRUTH is they are not readily prepared to face the stresses and challenges of the day.

The typical Christian wears PAPER ARMOR, which is made up of a system, a method, or a program (of 10 or 12 sessions with a teacher or a counselor).  That's NOT what you need!  What you need is a set apart time (daily), in the presence of the Lord, until you PUT OFF your unholy
garments and PUT ON His holy garments.  Put on the FULL ARMOR of God before you leave His presence and head (walk) into your STRESS-filled day! 

DRESS for STRESS...and you'll be at your best!

[Ephesians 6:14; Isaiah 40:31]

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


The 1st piece of armor is the BELT of TRUTH.  We're told in Ephesians 6:14(a) Amp. - STAND therefore--hold your ground--having tightened the Belt of Truth around your loins.

We're told to STAND.  What does that mean?  To stand up...stand up for your FAITH!  Don't back-off...don't compromise or deny what (or who) you believe in.  Stand firm in your faith while awaiting orders from your Commander and Chief (the Holy Spirit).  Place yourself under the authority of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Roman soldiers used to wear tunics, which were like loose fitting dresses.  So when they had to work fight, they would gather up the loose ends of the tunic and tuck them into their BELT so they could maneuver more easily.

Spiritually speaking, the BELT represents:  Integrity, faithfulness, and obedience.  TRUTH represents:  Freedom, ease of movement, and confidence.

In the meantime and until we learn how to PUT ON all the pieces, let me suggest you PRAY this prayer daily:

Lord, as a servant and a soldier in Your army, I will follow Your command to PUT ON the full armor that You have provided for me.  For it is only through Your provision that I will be able to stand against the enemy.

Train me to become a skillfull warrior so that I can fight and defeat the enemy and the evil that is present in this world.

Let me never forget that You are my COVERING.  I humbly bow as You cover me, Lord, with Your Presence.  Amen.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


In yesterday's devotional, we were told to "PUT ON the whole armor of God."  It's our responsibility to PUT ON each and every piece.  We'll be in danger and left vulnerable if we decide to "pick-and-choose" what we will or will not wear!  If you leave out one piece, you will not be properly covered or adequately equipped.

In Romans 13:12-14 we're told to CAST OFF the works of darkness and to PUT ON the ARMOR of LIGHT in order to walk in His Light.  (Jesus Christ is our light.)

When I come home at night and walk into my dark house, the first thing I do is turn on the LIGHT.  If I leave the house and know I won't be returning 'til after DARK, I'll leave a light on in the house as well as the porch light.  LIGHT helps us see what couldn't be seen in the DARK!

The ARMOR of LIGHT is the Lord's light shining in and through us.  The DARKNESS refers to the present (evil) times.

We're to be the light of the world...we're not to hide our light...we're to give light to all those in our households; and, when we go out into our neighborhoods, workplaces, and the marketplace--we're to keep our light shining so that all we come in contact with will see Christ in us and be drawn to His Light.  [Matthew 5:12-16]

Remember the little children's song:  "This little light of mine...I'm gonna let it shine...".  PUT ON the ARMOR of LIGHT and brighten up somebody's day!

Monday, November 19, 2012


It's Monday morning and, for many of you, it's the start of another work week.  So you go to your closet to pick out a business suit, a work uniform, or something appropriate to wear.

Time is getting away from you--you'd better hurry, or you'll be late to work.  You're thinking, "I should pray, but I don't have time!"  YES YOU DO!  Let me show you an easy way to pray while you're getting dressed for the day.

I'd like you to put on (pray on) a "spiritual suit."  God has one just your size!  You'll find it in Ephesians 6:10-20.  So, for the next couple of weeks, I'll be writing about the new wardrobe the Lord wants you to PUT ON and faithfully wear each and every day.

This spiritual suit comes with instructions.  Let's look at Vs. 10-11:  Here the Lord is asking us to "be strong in the power of His might."  The only way that'll ever happen is if we PUT ON the whole suit of (spiritual) armor that He's issued us.  Why must we wear this suit?  "So we'll be able to STAND against the wiles (strategies; tricks; deception) of the devil."

It's becoming more-and-more STRESSFUL in the workplace and the marketplace these days because of competition, downsizing, the economy, unemployment, etc.  It's a real "pressure cooker" of an environment!  Therefore, we must COVER ourselves with protective clothing (God's armor).  It's so essential in order to defend against STRESS!

STRESS is a s-l-o-w, but deadly, killer!  Therefore, let us guard against it by "praying on" each piece of armor everyday.  Let us DRESS for STRESS!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Look On The Motives...NOT The Mistakes!

I used to CONDEMN myself and put myself down whenever I'd make a MISTAKE.  By the grace of God, I have finally learned:

God is more concerned about the MOTIVES of our hearts than He is about the MISTAKES we make!

King David make a lot of MISTAKES, too.  Yet, God said that he was "a man after My own heart."  He said that because He could see deep down into David's heart.  He saw the intents and MOTIVES of David's heart...and He performed heart surgery....He gave David a "new heart."

Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a DISCERNER of the THOUGHTS and INTENTS of the HEART. 

My heart was damaged, so I also received "a new heart."  Now I  "examine my heart " and schedule frequent appointments with The Great Physician [God]--asking Him to keep a close eye on my heart. 

He's given me a prescription [RX].  He's told me that the best way to have a healthy heart is to "hide The Word" in my heart...take daily mega-doses of the gosPILL (gospel)!  He also has advised that I take time to REST (times of prayer and meditation).

How 'bout you?  How's your heart?  Have you had it examined lately?  Is it time for a check-up?

Thursday, November 15, 2012


What's the antidote for DISCOURAGEMENT?  It's ENCOURAGEMENT!  There's two types:  One is "generic" -- it comes from people.  The other is of a higher quality--more pure--of greater strength.  This can only be found in the Lord.

Read what the Lord commanded and commissioned Joshua to do (after he became "The Commander and Chief"---succeeding Moses):  [Joshua 1:6-9]

Vs. 6 - be strong and of good courage.  Vs. 7 - be strong and very courageous.  Vs. 9 - Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

FEAR is an instinct whereas COURAGE is something you acquire. Courage is an essential virtue for a Christian to possess.  To be DISMAYED means to be afraid of the trouble that lies ahead.

The Lord says to each of us:  "I will be with you.  I will never leave you or forsake you."  If I know someone will "be with me, stay with me, and believe in me"--I am more confident to operate out of courage.  The Lord is the only one, however, who will NEVER let you down (discourage you) or leave you all alone. 

David ran to the Lord to ENCOURAGE himself IN THE LORD after his own men turned their backs on him.  Where do we find the Lord when we're discouraged?  Answer:  Down INSIDE our HEART! 

Listen to your heart; have a heart-to-heart talk with the Lord and you'll be able to walk in COURAGE and go forward in FAITH!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


When my mother had something important to say and she wanted me to listen closely, she would always talk more softly (almost in a whisper).  When she spoke in this way you knew you'd better pay close attention to what she had to say!  The Lord does likewise.  He doesn't speak when everyone's shouting, screaming, or simply more interested in hearing their own voice.  He wants us to "BE STILL" (quiet down and settle down so we can hear His voice) "and KNOW THAT HE IS GOD!"  [Psalm 46:10]

Even in a worship service, the congregation comes to a place of "SACRED SILENCE."  This is a place of rest...a place where everyone pauses in silence and waits for the Lord to speak.

Our society today is suffering from "conversation clutter" and "noise pollution."  Excessive noise, loud clanging music, and constant chatter are drowning out the Lord's soft whispers.  {I Corinthians 13:1-2]

We read in I Kings 19:11-12 that God did not speak when strong winds, an earthquake, or fire came--but afterwards, when everything had calmed down, He spoke in "a still small voice" (a whisper).  So what am I trying to say?  Simply this:

Shhh!  Listen for His soft, loving voice...draw closer to Him...become more intimately acquainted with Him and you'll hear Him whisper something special in your ear today.  Don't pull away...pause to hear what He has to say...and you'll have a more peaceful and less stressful day!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Where have all the LEADERS gone?  Why are so many falling into sin?  Corrupt politicians, dishonest business leaders, unfaithful marriage partners, and now a  [4]  STAR  [general]  has FALLEN!

When I saw on the news that General David Patraeus resigned from his position as Director of the CIA, I became deeply grieved.  This man was a 4-star general.  He had an impeccable record in the military for 37 years.  He was known as a man of honor--highly respected, a great leader, a man everybody looked UP to.  What caused him to FALL?  One woman!  So sad!

So many of our country's leaders have fallen into sin.  And--GREAT HAS BEEN THEIR FALL!!!
Integrity, honesty, loyalty, and faithfulness are fading away and fraying the very fabric of our nation.

Another solider, by the name of King Daivd, FELL for a woman (another man's wife) and fell into sin.  He not only committed adultery, but he also had her husband murdered!  Yet, God still claimed that David was "a man after His own heart."  How could He say that about David?  Because David CONFESSED his sin (he took full responsibility for his actions), he asked God for FORGIVENESS, and he REPENTED (turned away from a sinful lifestyle and returned to God).  [See:  Psalm 51]

Let us pray that General Patraeus will do likewise.  Let us pray for other leaders who have fallen into sin.  Let us undergird all our leaders in prayer so that they will be able to resist temptation.  Let us also pray for our families and ourselves so that we can, once again, become ONE nation UNDER God!

FORGIVE us of our sins....RESTORE our land...give us godly LEADERS, Lord!

Friday, November 9, 2012


In school I always preferred "open book tests."  I used to freeze (be frozen with FEAR) at exam time!  I was terrified that I'd fail!  All semester I'd faithfully study (night-and-day)--going over-and-over the lesson material.  I hit-the-books hard!  But I didn't operate on FULL POWER because I was operating out of FEAR rather than FAITH!

Many years later, I took a demanding 3-week course (in order to qualify to be a teacher for home schooling.  I needed to pass this course in order to be permitted to home school my son).

The course consisted of 10 tests.  You could go at your own pace;  BUT--if you failed any one, you'd have to start all over again (from the very beginning).  For example:  If you failed Test #9, you'd have to go back to Test #1 and start all over!  I was terrified!!!  So what did I do?  I PRAYED...I cried out to God!  And guess what happened?  He performed a MIRACLE...I kid-you-not!

By the time I got to Test #10, I was exhausted...I was "brain-dead!"  (This was only the 3rd day of the 3-week course.  Somehow I was miraculously way ahead of schedule.)  With a shaky hand, I turned in my paper...and waited for the results.  I PASSED!    

I passed even a bigger test that day:  I died to my old FEAR-of-failure!  My love for my son overrode my fear of failure.  And, more importantly,  God's love for me had LIFTED me over the "Fence of Fear."

I John 4:18 has since become one of my life verses:   "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."   [God's love is perfect--ours had to be perfected!]

Final note:  I urge you to open the Bible and study His Word.  Someday you may have to take a test and remember what you'd learned from The Book!  Are you ready?  [See:  II Timothy 2:15]

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Our Only HOPE

You can't turn a big ship quickly (or easily)!  America is a BIG SHIP!  This ship is losing power, damaged, and it needs to be restored.  It's drifting out to sea and headed in the wrong direction!  It must be turned around!  But how?

Only little tugboats can help turn the ship around...but it'll take a lot of them!  We, God's people, are the tugboats. 

God is the Lighthouse that is located in a safe harbor.  His light will show us the way.  The night is growing darker.  The ship's light is dimming.  We, the tugboats, must keep our lights shinning.  [Matthew 5:14-16]

"Loose lips sink ships"  was an old WWII slogan--and it applies to us today.  We must be careful what we say and what we listen to in the days ahead.  Negative speech combined with fearful thoughts will dull our senses and cause us to sink into "The Sea of Despair."

Let us have ears to hear the voice of the Lord, and eyes to see  the way He wants to lead us.  Let us not abandon the ship!  Let us give God a helping hand.

"Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear."  [Isaiah 59:1]

Jesus Christ is our only HOPE; He is our "S-O-S"...our "Savior On the Sea. "  He will make a way where there seems to be no way--IF we will follow Him!  We must TRUST and OBEY!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Is History Repeating Itself?

Make HISTORY by telling, teaching, and living HIS STORY!

It's recorded in Old Testament history how the Jews (God's chosen people) were set free when Moses (God's elected leader) led the people out of bondage, across The Red Sea, and into The Promised Land.  The people were told to keep telling that story to their children...and for all generations to come.

The Jews stopped with Volume I, but there's a 2nd volume (Volume II)  called The New Testament.  It tells the STORY of Jesus; and, in like manner, we're told to remember HIS STORY--to tell His story, and to pass it on to our children and to all future generations.

A long time has passed since God's people crossed The Red Sea; and, it was a long, tough road  Jesus had to climb to Calvary's Hill.  Yet, God's people continued to tell HIS STORY.

Before Jesus left this earth, He instructed His disciples to "Go and make disciples of all the nations...teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you...and [know] I will be with you always."  [Paraphrased from Matthew 28:19-20]

HIS STORY even reached the shores of America.  America had a humble beginning, but it was built on a firm foundation by the faith of our forefathers.  And we grew and grew...and we became a great nation!  But, in recent years, our progress has been hindered.  What has hindered us?  What's causing our nation to start to decay and crumble?  Have we forgotten to tell HIS STORY?  Have we stopped living the life Jesus so clearly taught us to live?

Let's not just read old history books...let us make history by continuing to tell HIS STORY!

"To whom much is given much will be required!"  [Luke 12:48] 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What Are The Requirements?

We're told in Luke 12:48 that "to whom much is given...much will be required."  What does the Lord REQUIRE of us as a nation?  In our Pledge of Allegiance we profess to be "One nation, under God."  Have we remained FAITHFUL to what we were founded upon?

God created the world--and in Genesis 1:28 God blessed man (Adam) and gave him all that He had created.  Then He told him to "be fruitful and multiply" and to "rule over the land."  But Adam became preoccupied with other things.  Thus, he fell into sin and lost his position and prosperity!

Know this:  "Those who have the greatest knowledge of truth will be held accountable for the greatest fruitfulness."  And--"Through godly living we discover the blessing of heaven on earth."

God has BLESSED America abundantly over the course of its history.  But for the past 3 or 4 decades we have begun to decay and decline.  Why?  Could it be that we have stepped away and disobeyed...or simply neglected our duties?  Or, have we just become so greedy that we no longer remember what was required of us?

There are only 3 things the Lord requires of us.  They're listed in Micah 6:8.  (1)  To do justly:  Remain honest in all that you do.  (2)  To love mercy:  Cherish compassionate faithfulness.  (3)  To walk humbly with your God:  Commit yourself to live in submission to God.  Individually--or as a nation--these are the REQUIREMENTS!

If you study history--every great nation "fell" after about 200 years.  Unless we return to what we were founded upon, we, too, will fall...and great will be the fall!

We've allowed prayer to be taken out of the schools.  The National Day of Prayer has been cancelled by the President.  Christians are being prohibited from sharing the gospel, praying, or speaking the name of Jesus in many public places.  Freedom of speech and freedom of religion is no longer free!  We are no longer one nation--under God's authority!  We've rebelled and turned to other gods!

Lord, we (who are called by Your name) REPENT for the sins of our nation.  RESCUE us from destruction; RESTORE us again to a right RELATIONSHIP with You.  Amen.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Our Only HOPE To HEAL Our Land

We have examined the presidential candidates, under the "microscope of the media," for months-and-months.  While our eyes and ears have been watching and listening to what they had to say or what they were doing, God's been keeping His eyes on us; He's been listening to our thoughts; He's been discerning our motives (the hidden agendas) and observing what we treasure in our hearts.

KNOW THIS:  Our only HOPE to save our land depends on "we [His] people!"  And what we must DO is outlined in II Chronicles 7:14:

If My people, which are called by My Name...(We who call ourselves "Christians")

shall HUMBLE themselves...(Get down from our "prideful ponies" ("high horses") and confess our sins)

and PRAY...(talk to God and ask for His forgiveness, His plan, His help and guidance)

and SEEK His face...(look unto Him)

and TURN from their wicked ways...(repent and return to a right relationship with Him)

then I [the Lord] will hear from heaven...(He will listen to our cries and hear our distress)

and will FORGIVE their sin...(He will remove our sin)

and HEAL their land.  (He will rescue us and restore our land)

Lord, hear our prayer(s) our land!  Amen.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

WHO Should WE Elect?

The most important Presidential election we've ever had to vote for in this country will be held on the 6th of this month (next week).  WHO will be elected?  Will it be the "peoples' choice" or "God's elect?"

God made the world and mankind in 6 days.  Then, on the 7th day (the very next day), He appointed a man {Adam] to care for the land.

Our forefathers founded America and formed a Constitution on which we stand"One nation, under God!"

We, the people of this land, on the 6th day of November, will ELECT a President to lead and preside over this country.  On the 7th (the very next day) we will be held accountable for our choice!

The people chose Saul to be king over the nation of Israel--but God's elect was David!  Under Saul's leadership, the nation FELL and did not stand(Whether our nation will continue to STAND or FALL depends upon who WE elect!]

What do we stand for?  Who will we elect?  Who would our forefathers be voting for, if they could vote in this Presidential election?  Who is God's choice?  How do we know whom to vote for?

CORE VALUES:  Is the candidate integral, kind, compassionate, gentle, strong under pressure, faithful, have self-control, and desire peace?  Does he have a good reputation?

TALENTS/ABILITIES:  What can he do?  What is he skilled (gifted) in?  What are his accomplishments?  What's his "track record?"

PRIORITIES:  Will he be a leader who will serve God 1st, the people 2nd, and defend our Constitution?

Choose wisely on that day (the 6th of Nov.) who you will vote for!

Joshua 24:15 - Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Times of testing and trials precede the real race.  These "time trials" either qualify or disqualify us to run in the big event.  Times of testing are needful to show us how prepared we are to compete against the opposition.  Whether you're an athlete, a soldier, a student, a Christian, etc.--you will be required to enter times of testing ("time trials").

Jesus was challenged at the start of His public ministry by satan.  They fought a 3-round boxing match...a "no-holds-barred" fight!  Satan would throw a powerful punch--then Jesus would counterpunch.  Satan fought one way (by tempting Jesus); Jesus fought a different way (by quoting scripture).  Jesus won this fight--but there were more to come!  [Luke 4:1-13]

As soon as you step out in FAITH, you're going to be faced with a fight.  But, remember--we're not fighting flesh and blood...we're duking-it-out with the devil!  [Ephesians 6:12]

Are you PREPARED--have you been properly TRAINED and EQUIPPED[Ephesians 4:11-12/6:10-19Do you have enough WORD (scripture) inside of you to pass the test?  Do you have enough FAITH to win the battle?  Do you have the ENDURANCE to finish the race?

Will you be able to say at the end of your life:  "I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith"[II Timothy 4:7]


Tuesday, October 30, 2012


We all make mistakes--but God isn't as concerned when we make a mistake as He is about what we do after we make a mistake.

Some people try to HIDE their mistakes; some RUN from their mistakes; others QUIT trying when they make a mistake.  But, a few, LEARN from their mistakes and try...try again until they learn the right way.

"You never really fail unless you fail to try!"

CHAMPIONS keep on trying until they win whereas CHUMPS quit--fail to finish; therefore they are known as "losers."

Proclaimed PERFECTIONISTS pride themselves on their accomplishments, but torment themselves if they make a mistake.  The personality of a perfectionist is distorted and polluted with unrealistic expectations--demanding perfection from themselves (and others)--punishing rather than extending grace.

King David made more serious mistakes than most anybody.  Yet, God said to him:  "David, you're a man after My own heart!"  How could God say that?  David had Bathsheba's husband murdered after he had committed adultery with her.  I'll tell you why:  Because David could confess his mistakes (he "owned" them and took responsibility for them).  He asked forgiveness and repented; therefore, God forgave him and restored him to a right relationship with Him.

I never want to forget my mistakes.  I want to learn from them and grow from them.  Mistakes are like the MARKS we make on the doorpost to measure the GROWTH of our children.  That's how God looks at our MISTAKES, if we grow from them!

GROW in His grace and you'll be a WINNER!

[I Samuel 13:14/16:7]

Monday, October 29, 2012

Who Do You Want To BE?

When I was a child, I wanted to BE like Roy Rogers.  (Hey, I was a "Tomboy"--so what'd you expect?)  He was my favorite cowboy (and I loved his horse, Trigger).  When I became a pre-teen, I admired Annie Oakley.  (I was still in my western-cowboy craze!)

Both Roy and Annie were movie stars.  They represented honesty, fairness, and were loving characters who always stood for justice.  They were "straight-shooters!"  You could trust them and count on them to fight the bad guys and win.

As I entered high school, my interests turned to the business field.  I idolized my mother--she was a private secretary (and a very good mother).  I wanted to BE just like her!  In adulthood I achieved my goal by becoming an executive secretary (and a mother).  BUT...I didn't feel fulfilled!

One day--in the middle of typing a letter--I heard God say, "Come and follow Me.  Do it today--don't delay!"  It was that day that my life changed.  I-knew-that-I-knew what He'd called me to BE!  I "left my NET (my "security net" as a secretary) to BE about "His business!"  That was 33 years ago...and I've never looked back!

Now I transcribe for Him!  He blended my natural talents with my spiritual gifts.  Now I am complete in Him!  I know  WHO He is and I know WHO I am.  I know WHAT He's called me to do.

WHAT about you?  WHO are you following after?  HOW fulfilled and complete do you feel?  WHERE are you headed?  WHAT are you doing about it? 

I pray that you will, through Christ Jesus, you will--BECOME all that you can be!  [Matthew 4:19-20/Luke 2:49]

Friday, October 26, 2012


An acquaintance of mine often calls to complain to me that she's been OFFENDED.  Somebody's hurt her feelings by something they've said to her, and she can't get over it!  It's as though she's STUCK on a FENCE!

She dwells on the offense...she sulks over it, magnifies it, and replays it over-and-over in her mind (like a broken record).  What usually OFFENDS her is a careless statement, a simple comment, or a difference of opinion...but she takes it personally.  She expects everybody to agree with her, think like her, and believe like her.  And--when they don't, she's OFFENDED!  She wants "cookie-cutter companions" and "bobble-headed buddies" who will always march in line to her tune.

When anyone rejects or opposes her ideas or opinions, she personally feels ATTACKED!  Then her defense system is activated...resentment and anger builds up until she blows up.  She separates herself from the offender and starts slinging slander and unkind comments--expecting others to "take her side."  She won't forgive the one who offended her--and she won't go and talk to the offender.  She starts a war in her heart and can find no peace.

She'll remain STUCK on the OFFENSE (stuck on the fence) until she forgives the offender.  When she does, God will forgive her and remove her from where she's stuck. Then He will show her how to walk past the offense and enter His gates with praise and thanksgiving.  Then, and only then, will she find peace for her soul.

Lord, please forgive us our offenses as we forgive those who have offended us.  Restore unto each of us a right relationship 1st with You so that we might be able to mend broken fences and remove that which separates us from a broken relationship with others. 

[Read:  Matthew 6:9-15]

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Communication Is Like A "Coin Toss"

Good conversation operates like a "coin toss" at the beginning of a footballgame.  The coin is tossed to decide who STARTS and the other side WAITS for its turn. 

A good conversation has a "rhythm" to it--like the waves in the ocean that FLOW back-and-forth.  Tidal waves and under currents develop when the talker starts to ramble on, embellish, justify, make excuses, babble on, or run-off-at-the-mouth.  And, even more dangerous are out-of-control feelings, which can drown the recipient and cause irreparable damage.

Try to keep your opening comments brief--like saying, "Please listen to me--I have something I need to tell you."  Then allow the hearer to respond with a statement such as:  "I'm listening....what do you want to say?"  Then it's your turn again to say what you have to share.  Allow pauses in the conversation for the other person to talk and/or express themselves.  It's not meant to be a "one-way" conversation!  Both the hearer and the one talking are to participate.  This rhythmic way of relating (if spoken and received in love) will draw the two parties closer together.

It's the same with prayer:  You talk--God listens!  God talks--you listen!

Is prayer a "one-way" conversation...are you doing all the talking?  Have you quit speaking to God?  What's He been saying to you lately--are you listening?  How's your relationship doing--are you drawing closer to HIm--or are you pulling away?

  "If your day is hemmed in with prayer, you're less likely to unravel!"

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Boundary Lines Can Become Starting Lines

Have you ever "hit-the-wall," found yourself at a "dead end," or realized you couldn't go any farther on your own?  Were you ever told "you'll never amount to anything " or that "you're no good"?  Has anyone ever tried to block your progress or stop you from reaching a certain goal?  Well, many of these things have happened to me!  But I have learned that with God's help I'm able to do impossible things!

Religion and manmade rules put LIMITS and RESTRICTIONS on how far you can go, what you can and cannot do, who you should follow, and what you are to believe.  But Jesus demonstrated to us and taught us A BETTER WAY!

"With Him all things are possible; but without Him we can do nothing!"  [Paraphrased from:  Matthew 19:26/John 15:5]

We can have as much of Him as we want...we can go as far with Him as we want.  He will EXTEND our borders as we STRETCH our faith.

First, we are to REACH UP to Him (in faith)--and then REACH OUT to help others.  In so doing, He EXTENDS our sphere of influence and causes us to prosper.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Proverbs 31:20, which says:  "She EXTENDS her hand to the poor...she STRETCHES (reaches out) her hands to the needy."  EXTEND means "to enlarge."  STRETCH means "to reach out; to fully extend to a greater size; beyond normal limits."  In other words--get out of your COMFORT ZONE!!!

Yes, "BOUNDARY LINES Can Become STARTING LINES" for a new and wonderful life with Christ!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Must Be About HIS Business

A long time ago I was the Executive Secretary for the Headmaster at TCS.  Each morning he would call me into his private office to give me instructions for the day--things he wanted me to do and to tell me his plans for the day.  I always took a pen and a steno pad with me to write down what he had to say.

Thirty-three years ago I was callled into the ministry; and since then I've been serving the Lord as His personal secretary.  I begin each day with Him....I pick up my pen and a pad of paper and eagerly await to write down what He has to say (His instructions for my day).

Writing (for me) is like PRAYING with a PEN!

Sometimes the instructions are personally for me.  Sometimes He gives me something to share with you (and others).  He dictates "love letters" to me to send to you.  Then I go to my computer and transcribe them.  Next, I send these letters to those on my contact list.  Some read them...some discard them...some don't even open them--tossing them aside like "junk mail."  Others could "care-less" or are too busy to take time to read them.  A few, however, seem to benefit from what they have to say.  Nonetheless, I listen to what He has to say....I write it down....I pray--believing these "love letters" will touch a few hearts each day.

The Lord is waiting for you to come and meet with Him today.  His door is open.  His appointment book has reserved time to meet one-on-one with you.  He has things to tell you and He has time to listen to what you have to say.

Go to Him today...don't delay or cancel...He's waiting for you!

[Luke 2:49 -...I must be about HIS business!"]


Monday, October 22, 2012


I Corinthians 13:5 says to "test yourselves to see if you are in the faith."  Here's a self-evaluation "pop quiz" to test your level of faith: 

(1)  Who do you put 1st/think of 1st each and every day?   [20 pts.] 

(2)  Is your love for the Lord growing every day?  Are you growing in knowledge of His Ways?  [10 pts. each] 

(3)  Do you base your decisions on His interests  rather than your own?  [20 pts] 

(4)  Is there anything that you're not willing to give up in order to serve Him?  Are you willing to follow His Will and not your own?   [10 pts. each] 

(5)  Are you striving to be more like Jesus?  [20 pts.]

It reads in Revelation 3:15-16 - NLT - "I know all the things you do, that you are neither HOT nor COLD.  I wish that you were one or the other!  But since you are like LUKEWARM water, neither hot or cold, I will spit you out of My mouth!"

WARNING:  There's nothing more deceptive, damaging, or destructive to our relationship with the Lord than being LUKEWARM!!!

The definition for LUKEWARM is to "lack enthusiasm."  Here are some synonyms for being lukewarm: 

  • INDIFFERENT:  Neutral; unconcerned; apathetic; of no importance.
  • LACKADAISICAL:  Showing a lack of interest or spirit.
  • LISTLESS:  Indifference due to illness; dejection.
  • LANGUID:  To be faint; without vigor or vitality; weak; slow; dull.
(How'd you score on THE TEST OF FAITH?)

Friday, October 19, 2012


I loved the movie "A League Of Their Own," which was about a women's baseball league during World War II.  To keep the game going, while the men were away fighting the war, women were scouted and recruited to try out for a position on one of the league's teams.

All had the skills needed to play the game, but many were not selected.  Only a FEW remained.  Those who were CHOSEN lacked skills, abilities, and were flawed in other areas.  For  instance:  Some were scholastically challenged, some were poor, some did not fit the feminine female image (the body beautiful), some were not well-known or popular, etc.

Only a REMNANT remained!  Only a few had a deep desire to be on the team; only a few had a passion for the game; only a few were totally dedicated to the league.

Let me ask you:

  • How far are you willing to go?
  • How much are you willing to sacrifice for the Lord's league?
  • How much do you desire to be on the His team?
As a child, I played "sand lot" softball; then I played on school/church teams; after I graduated, I played federation ball.  I never made it to the minor or major leagues, but--in my spiritual life--I intend to GO ALL THE WAY!

It's a long way from the "sand lot" to the Lord's "Hall of Fame."

[Suggested Scripture Readings:  Matthew 7:24-27/20:16; Hebrews Chapter 11]

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stay On The Right Path

Have you ever come to a fork-in-the-road and not known which way to go?  Well, I have--many times!  But now I have a GPS.  It guides me in the right direction.

In Psalm 23:3 it says, "It is I who will lead you in "The Path of Righteousness! " [Paraphrased]  The Holy Spirit is our personal guidance system.  This guidance system won't lead you astray--He knows the right way for you to go.  If you get lost, He will redirect you and get you back on the right path.

Installed in some newer cars is a voice-activated satellite system.  If you get into trouble (an accident, get injured, or find yourself in danger), it'll send help.  The Holy Spirit is our spiritual voice-activated guidance system.  Just call out His Name and He will send help!

In this world you have to pay for a manmade GPS or voice-activated satellite system.  But--the Lord's GPS and voice-activated satellite system is a FREE GIFT.  BELIEVE (in Him) and RECEIVE (Jesus Christ into your heart), and He will give it to you.  He will personally install it in your heart!  It comes with a lifetime guarantee.

Use it!  Don't forget to activate it.  In so doing, you'll stay on the right path and you'll find your way back home!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


My father built a side-by-side duplex home so that my grandparents could live close to us.  The house had an inner-connecting door so that we could go back-and-forth to their side without having to go outside.

Before leaving for school each morning, I'd knock on grandpa's door.  I'd take my spelling book with me--and grandpa would help me practice my spelling.  I got very good at it--I even won some spelling bees.  Oh--I wasn't a quick study!  Memorizing didn't come easily for me, but going over-and-over the words with grandpa every day helped a lot!  I not only memorized the words, but I also learned what they meant.

Grandpa and I developed a very close relationship.  I was devoted to him....I adored him!  He not only helped me with my spelling, but he was ALWAYS there for me; ALWAYS cared for me; ALWAYS heard me knocking at his door; ALWAYS welcomed me with open arms; ALWAYS took time with me; ALWAYS loved me (just the way I was)!

I truly believe that's one of the main reasons I've developed a close relationship with my Heavenly Father, and delight in meeting with Him each morning to open The Book and learn His Word.  The daily routine/ritual along with the deep relationship that I developed with my grandfather, when I was a child, helped train me to adhere to the same practice with my Heavenly Father. 

I pray that you go to The Father each morning, knock on His door, open The Book, "study to show yourself approved" and "take the test to see if you will be found faithful."   [Paraphrased from II Timothy 2:15 and II Corinthians 13:5]  But, more imporantly, that you develop a close and personal relationship with Him.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Most of you are familiar with the Bible story about Mary and Martha having Jesus over for dinner.  Martha was the older sister...she was "the boss"...she was "in charge."  She had lots-and-lots of things to DO--the shopping, prepare the meal, clean the house, set the table--everything had to be just right!

Mary, her younger sister, wasn't much help!  All she did was greet Jesus at the door, welcome Him in, and then she sat down with Him--leaving her sister alone in the kitchen to "stew" and "burn" all by herself!  Martha's really getting "steamed-up" (like boiling water in a teakettle)--and she BLOWS!!!   In her anger she spurts out harsh words at both her sister and Jesus: 

"Don't you care (about me)?  See how hard I'm working...I have so much to do!  And you're not helping me one bit, Mary.  You've left me all alone to do all the work.  Jesus, tell her to get her butt in here and help me!"

I think Jesus might've responded with something like this:  "Martha, you're missing the point!  You are too DISTRACTED with all your DUTIES.  Put down what you're DOING and come BE with Me.  Come and sit a while and spend some time with Me.  Dinner can wait.  You need a time out!"  [Paraphrased from Luke 10:38-42]

Maybe Jesus asked Mary to relieve Martha from her kitchen duties and finish the dinner for her so she could spend some quality time with Him.

What about you  Are you too DISTRACTED with too many DUTIES; therefore, not having any time or energy left to be with Jesus?  Are you putting THINGS first instead of your relationship with Him?  Is your life too cluttered with tasks and self-imposed expectations?  Are you taking on more than you can handle?  It may be time to slow down and regroup.  You may need A TIME OUT!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012


PROCRASTINATION is poisoning and polluting our society.  It breeds laziness and delays what needs to be done.  A procrastinator says things like:  "I'll do that tomorrow"...."I'll take care of that later"..."In just a little bit."   But tomorrow turns into the next day, and then the next, etc.  Later turns into a lie--never intending to do it!  Excuses and postponements mount.

DELAY CAUSES DECAY!!!  It erodes peoople's patience and trust.  It's a form of rebellion and slothfulness.  It ruins relationships.  It is a sign of disrespect and shows a lack of consideration for the other person.   It can be identified in the passive-aggressive personality.  It peels away, layer-by-layer, one's credibility.  A procrastinator's word is no good--nor is he or she very responsible or reliable....always putting off what's not important to them.

Proverbs 6:6-11 compares an ANT to a SLUGGARD.  It condemns the sluggard's passivity, lack of initiative, the habit of procrastination, its obliviousness to what needs to be done, its laziness, and its lack of discipline.

DO what needs to be done without delay today!  Don't say you "can't" like the ant!  Don't hit the "snooze button"....GET UP--GET GOING!  God's got things for you to do!

Friday, October 12, 2012


It's been scientifically proven that what you THINK actually stores memories in your brain.

If the thought is positive, it truly will look different from what a negative thought will look like.

The negative thought produces a different type of chemical than a positive thought.  The negative thought developes thorn-like growths that dispense poison into one's system.  This poison first flows to the heart--then it travels to the immune system--ultimately causing sickness and disease.

What's the remedy...what's the cure...what can you do about it?  Answer:  You have to replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts by reprogramming/renewing your mind.

How do we renew our minds and change our negative circuitry?  Answer:  By studying God's Word, trusting in Him as The Great Physician, through meditating on His Word, and by praying(communicating) with Him.

The renewing of the mind is a constant, lifelong process.  We must daily deal with the "thorns of negativity" that try to attach themselves to us (things that get under our skin and infect us--like anger, hate, lust, greed, unforgiveness, etc.). 

We must also change our lifestyle by changing the way we think.  Philippians 4:8-9 instructs us to to THINK ON whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of a good meditate (or medicate) ourselves on these things.  And secondly, to DO what we've learned and been instructed to do.

Renew your mind...and you'll be fine!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


When I was a kid, I enjoyed coloring books.  Every once-in-a-while my mother would surprise me by giving me a "Connect the Dots Coloring Book."  I always enjoyed creating a picture by "connecting the dots."

Remember what you had to do to form the picture?  Each dot had a number beside it.  You started with #1...then drew a line to #2...and so-on.  When you finished "connecting the dots," you colored in the picture to complete it.

Our days here on earth are like the dots.  One day leads to the next...and the next...and the next until our life is finished.  Step back and take a look at how your life is "lining up"--this is your personal LIFELINE!  Your days are recorded in the Lord's ("Connect the Dots") Book of Life.  What do you see?  Some lines go upward (high points in your life) and some drop low (low times in your life); some seem flat whereas some are jagged and some are going in opposite directions, etc.

Sometimes, when I was in a hurry to finish or wasn't being careful, I'd make a mistake--I'd miss a dot or draw a line to the wrong dot.  Then I'd have to "erase" it, backtrack, and start from the last point.  Life's kinda like that, too.  We make a mistake...we miss a step...and things just don't look right or turn out right.  We can't seem to see the picture!

I'm somewhere on Dot #26,000 (as I'm over 71 years old) and I don't know how many dots (days) I have left!  My life is not yet complete, but I know my picture is recorded in His Book of Life!  (I hope He likes my picture!)