Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Where have all the LEADERS gone?  Why are so many falling into sin?  Corrupt politicians, dishonest business leaders, unfaithful marriage partners, and now a  [4]  STAR  [general]  has FALLEN!

When I saw on the news that General David Patraeus resigned from his position as Director of the CIA, I became deeply grieved.  This man was a 4-star general.  He had an impeccable record in the military for 37 years.  He was known as a man of honor--highly respected, a great leader, a man everybody looked UP to.  What caused him to FALL?  One woman!  So sad!

So many of our country's leaders have fallen into sin.  And--GREAT HAS BEEN THEIR FALL!!!
Integrity, honesty, loyalty, and faithfulness are fading away and fraying the very fabric of our nation.

Another solider, by the name of King Daivd, FELL for a woman (another man's wife) and fell into sin.  He not only committed adultery, but he also had her husband murdered!  Yet, God still claimed that David was "a man after His own heart."  How could He say that about David?  Because David CONFESSED his sin (he took full responsibility for his actions), he asked God for FORGIVENESS, and he REPENTED (turned away from a sinful lifestyle and returned to God).  [See:  Psalm 51]

Let us pray that General Patraeus will do likewise.  Let us pray for other leaders who have fallen into sin.  Let us undergird all our leaders in prayer so that they will be able to resist temptation.  Let us also pray for our families and ourselves so that we can, once again, become ONE nation UNDER God!

FORGIVE us of our sins....RESTORE our land...give us godly LEADERS, Lord!