Wednesday, December 5, 2012


The prescription for worry is to take mega doses of Philippians 4:6 Amp. each day: 

"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God."

A dear friend of mine is the Director of Nurses at an Extended Care Facility.  In a matter of two weeks, the facility lost 14 residents (due to death)--leaving a big drop in their census.  This was a real concern, which could result in laying off staff, etc.

My friend confesses that she is a "worrier."  However, she is learning to take her worries and concerns to the Lord.  So, for a few days--she fretted, worried, and anxiety was starting to overwhelm her.  Then she remembered Philippians 4:6.  Not only that, but she decided to invite (not order or demand) her staff to join her for a time of prayer.  Within 3 days, the census began to rise...beds were being filled...God had heard their prayers.

Know this:  God will do His part (hear and answer your prayers) IF you will do your part!

  • TAKE your concerns to Him and make your requests known.
  • TRUST in Him to meet all your needs.
  • THANK Him for what He's done in the past and for what He's about to do.
Yep!  This is a good RX for worry!  "Don't happy" in the Lord!!!

Proverbs 17:22 - "A cheerful (merry) heart does good, like medicine."  Keep your heart healthy by laughing at the devil today!