Wednesday, October 17, 2012


My father built a side-by-side duplex home so that my grandparents could live close to us.  The house had an inner-connecting door so that we could go back-and-forth to their side without having to go outside.

Before leaving for school each morning, I'd knock on grandpa's door.  I'd take my spelling book with me--and grandpa would help me practice my spelling.  I got very good at it--I even won some spelling bees.  Oh--I wasn't a quick study!  Memorizing didn't come easily for me, but going over-and-over the words with grandpa every day helped a lot!  I not only memorized the words, but I also learned what they meant.

Grandpa and I developed a very close relationship.  I was devoted to him....I adored him!  He not only helped me with my spelling, but he was ALWAYS there for me; ALWAYS cared for me; ALWAYS heard me knocking at his door; ALWAYS welcomed me with open arms; ALWAYS took time with me; ALWAYS loved me (just the way I was)!

I truly believe that's one of the main reasons I've developed a close relationship with my Heavenly Father, and delight in meeting with Him each morning to open The Book and learn His Word.  The daily routine/ritual along with the deep relationship that I developed with my grandfather, when I was a child, helped train me to adhere to the same practice with my Heavenly Father. 

I pray that you go to The Father each morning, knock on His door, open The Book, "study to show yourself approved" and "take the test to see if you will be found faithful."   [Paraphrased from II Timothy 2:15 and II Corinthians 13:5]  But, more imporantly, that you develop a close and personal relationship with Him.