Monday, December 17, 2012

A Walk In The Woods on Christmas

My worst Christmas and my best Christmas were on the same day!  Let me explain:

One Christmas, when we had the family gathered together for dinner, one family member began getting upset and angry.  He started making sarcastic and insulting remarks.  The noise level heightened in the room--tempers were getting hotter.

I couldn't take it any longer, so I escaped outside.  We lived near a woods--a fresh snow had fallen.  A blanket of snow lay on the branches of the trees.  Everything looked so clean, so white, so pure, so inviting.  I found myself walking deeper into the woods...just wanting to be alone.

It was after dark, but the snow glistened like diamonds as the moon shown down upon it.  "All was calm"..."all was bright!"

I began to feel a peace like I'd never felt before.  Peace seemed to be surrounding me; and, a Heavenly Presence began to walk with me.  I was no longer alone.  No words were spoken--we simply walked together in silence.  It truly was a "silent night"...a "holy night."  There, in the woods, I fell to my knees and began to worship my Lord.  I'd never before felt such love...such peace...such joy!

When I returned to my backyard, I could hear the voices inside the house.  They were so loud and disturbing that I couldn't make myself go back in.  So, I decided to stay outside and make a snowman.  (I hadn't made a snowman in years!)  I started to feel like a kid again.  I started to sing as I played in the snow.  I even made "snow angels."

What had started out to be my worst Christmas had turned into my best Christmas on the same day!  Why?

I had been in His Presence...I had worshipped my Lord...I had celebrated Christmas with "The Prince of Peace."