Monday, November 26, 2012

Don't Forget To PUT ON Your SHOES!

Ephesians 6:15 - And SHOD your FEET with the PREPARATION of the GOSPEL of PEACE.

The Lord tells us to PUT ON his "designer shoes"--shoes He's specifically designed for us to wear.  Oh--they're not flip-flops, sandals, high heels, or slip-ons!  Those may be stylish--they may look good--but they don't provide enough protection and stability for spiritual battles.  Spiritual footwear is what we're required to wear to do spiritual warfare.

These shoes represent "peace of mind."  In the heat of battle, the greatest temptation the warrior faces is that of growing fearful and retreating.  Our foundation in the gospel will keep us from turning away and exposing our vulnerable backside to the onslaught of the enemy.  Notice the word "preparation."  Our battles actuallly begin before we experience conflict in our day.  You can't cram for a battle like you can for a test in school.  Our preparation of standing on the Word of God begins before the conflict arises.  Once the battle is raging, it's too late to prepare!

A Christian who STANDS FIRM says, "Look, satan, I have shoes that anchor me in the ground and I'm immoveable because God is on my side.  These shoes help me stand.

The GOSPEL means "good news."  The good news is that we have "PEACE" with God through our relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Here's how we acquire this internal peace.  (1)  Knowing that Jesus accepts us where we are and gently invites us to grow.  (2)  Realize that God's given us an added measure of strength to perform the task.  (3)  Remain quiet and be still.  Don't have a critical spirit; don't bad-mouth or condemn others.  (4)  Accept the differances, habits, traits, and personalities of others.  (5)  Demonstrate a joyful attitude.  Don't just "grin and bear it" out of duty, but have the right heart attitude--knowing that you're serving the Lord, and not being a slave to man.  (6)  Forgive others their faults and mistakes. 

WALK by FAITH wearing your "spiritual footwear" today!