Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I live in a "gated community," which means there's a closed gate that will not allow access to strangers.  It opens by "voice activation." (by phoning) calling to one of the residents within).  In like manner, the Lord knows the voices of those who reside and abide with Him.

The "only way" to "enter His gates" is [with] thanksgiving"; the only way to "come into His courts is [with] praise." 

The Lord's gate is "voice activated."  It will only OPEN when we sing or speak songs/words of PRAISE and THANKSGIVING.

We need to ACCENT the POSITIVES and ELIMINATE the NEGATIVES in our lives.  Give praise and thanks for the positives in your life and eliminate negatives like murmuring and complaining.  [Phillipians 2:14]

Remember what happened to Jonah...

Jonah "bellyached"...and look where it got him!!!  [The Book of Jonah]

Monday, February 11, 2013


Many years ago, a few of us gals wanted to do something different--something daring--something exciting.  So we decided to go whitewater rafting on a cold October weekend.  We were very inexperienced.  In fact, one of the gals couldn't even swim.  As the Guide was talking to us, telling us the dangers that lay ahead--as we sat shaking--tightly clutching our paddles and huddled together in our tiny raft (while still on dry land)--he clearly discerened we wouldn't make it on our own! Therefore, the Guide decided it best to go in the raft with us and calmed our fears by saying, "I'll go with you!"  [See:  John 15:5]

It proved to be a very exciting trip.  We paddled hard, got drenched, swallowed a lot of water, slammed into a few rocks, got spun around, and were even tossed out of the raft.  But our Guide knew what to do--and he carefully watched over us--leading THE WAY.  He let us do our part, but when we got into deep water or trouble, he always rescued us.  He was always within arm's reach.  What a trip it was...what a journey!  And know this--your JOURNEY with JESUS will proved to be even more exciting and full of adventure, if you have the courage and the passion to go with Him.

Never forget that He is THE WAY...THE TRUTH...and He will give you a more abundant LIFE!  So, fasten your we go!  [See:  John 14:6]

Friday, February 8, 2013


There used to be a TV game show called, "Truth or Consequences."  Either you answered the question correctly, or you paid a consequence.  Well, the game of life is played much the same way.

John 14:6 tells us that Jesus is "THE WAY...THE TRUTH...and THE LIFE."  He leads us down THE PATH of TRUTH and shows us the way we're to go.  If we fall off the path or go another way, the thief will come and rob us, mislead us, and even try to kill us.  [See:  John 10:10]

It's our choice and our responsibility which path we decide to follow.  But if we choose to journey with Jesus, many blessings will accompany us along the way.  Miraculously our hearts will be transformed.  If we trust and obey, Jesus will have this to say:

"Since you have purified your souls in obeying the TRUTH through the Spirit in sincere love...through the word of God..."[I Peter 1:22-23], I will extend to you many blessings.  Therefore, walk on the PATH of TRUTH beside Jesus, and you'll arrive safely at your destination.  

If you disobey and stray onto a different path, know this:  You will pay the CONSEQUENCES!  The thief (satan) will come and rob you, wound you, and try to kill you.  But, Jesus said, "IF you follow Me, I will give you a more abundant life!"

Thursday, February 7, 2013


There are 4 kinds of (spiritual) heart conditions:

(1)  A Greedy Heart - This is the heart of "a taker"...a person who wants it all for themselves and doesn't want to share or give any of it away.

(2)  A Grieving Heart - They don't want to lose anything.  This person's heart resents when others receive who they don't believe deserve it or haven't earned it.

(3)  A Generous Heart - A person who gives liberally to others.

(4)  A Grateful Heart - A person who receives with deep gratitude.

The first two operate out of wrong motives:  Their blood is septic and there are blockages that stop the flow.  The second two operate out of right motives:  No blockages and a pure blood stream that flows to-and-fro...willing to take in and flow out.

Are you willing to allow the Lord to examine your heart?  If so, will you pray this prayer with me today:

Examine me, O Lord  Shine Your Light into the dark areas of my heart where I cannot see.  Therefore, if there be anything hidden therein that needs to be removed or repaired--I ask You to reveal it to me.  If there be any sin within, I ask You to forgive me.  I give You permission to remove any blockages that stop the flow.  Purify any septic sin that has polluted my body or damaged my heart.  Cleanse and heal my heart, Lord.  Amen.

[Psalm 26:2; I Corinthians 11:28; Galatians 6:4]

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The Lord will take you as far as your FAITH is willing to go.  Believe and receive what He has promised you by exercising your faith.

Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

How do we obtain FAITH?

Romans 10:17 - So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God.

Obedience to His word is also a requirement.

Psalm 37:23 - The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

But it's up to you to walk in FAITH!

James 1:22 - Be a doer of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

FAITH requires action!  It requires your participation.  In order to obtain all that He has promised you, you must do what He's told you to do (be obedient to His word).

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


When we were children, my brother and I would be playing outside and we'd hear mom yell, "It's suppertime!"  Often times we'd just ignore her 1st call--but, by the time she called again, we knew we'd better get home!  So we'd scurry inside and rush to the table.  Then she'd tell us to "go and wash our hands."   We'd come to the table in our dirty play clothes.  Mother, however, always set time aside before dinner to bathe and put on a clean garment (dress).

Usually my brother would say something sarcastic to me, and then I'd retaliate.  Next we'd start complaining about the food:  "Do we have to eat THIS...I don't like THAT!"  Finally, father would raise his voice and tell us, "That's enough!  Be quiet and eat your dinner!  You're being disrespectful!"

The meal had been prepared for us--it had been paid for--all we had to do was COME TO THE TABLE and eat! 

Isn't this a picture of the church today?  We're asked to COME TO THE TABLE (The Communion Table).  We're invited to partake of the BREAD and the WINE.  But many will not come...many will not hear the call, "It's SUPPERTIME!"

At the LAST SUPPER, Jesus said:  "Do this in remembrance of Me."  The BREAD represents His body (which was given for us)...the WINE represents His blood (which was shed for us).

What if this were your LAST SUPPER?  How would you COME TO THE TABLE?

[I Corinthians 12:23-30]

Monday, February 4, 2013


My computer crashed last week.  I was without power--unable to send or receive communications.  This sophisticated  system that had served me for so many years had ceased to function.

"To everything there is a season...a time to keep and a time to throw away...a time to work and a time to stop working!"  [Paraphrased from Ecclesiastes Chapter 3]

Was this a SIGN to lay down my blog...was this work finished?  I wasn't sure, so I asked the Lord.

Then I remembered how God had asked Abraham to LAY DOWN his beloved Son and give him back to the Lord.  I also remembered Jesus dying on the cross and saying, "it is FINISHED!"

But I also remembered that God gave Abraham a REPLACEMENT (a ram to sacrifice)--and God RESURRECTED His own beloved Son.

Well, my old computer had DIED and had to be REPLACED....but my blog LIVES ON!

The moral of my story is simply this: 

 Sometimes God just wants to know if we're willing to LET GO of something (or someone) we love dearly.  In so doing, He will either GIVE IT BACK to us in better form...or, something better back!