Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lost & Found Christmas

A Home Health Aide, whom I knew when I worked at Hospice, had stopped at a Wendy's to use their restroom.  And, of course, she washed her hands before leaving.  It wasn't until she was at her next scheduled visit that she discovered she'd lost her wedding ring.  She went into a panic!  She frantically called a friend--exclaiming, "I've lost my diamond ring!"

The friend tried to calm her down...they prayed...and then she remembered the place where she was sure she LOST it.  After work, she and her friend went back to Wendy's and began to SEARCH through the garbage can.  And a miracle happened...they found the ring in the midst of all that garbage!

WHAT WAS "LOST" HAD BEEN "FOUND!"  (But they had to turn around and go back and search for it!)

The Christ child came into this world and was born in a dirty, filthy stable.  He came to save the LOST!  A few came SEEKING Him:  The wisemen came seeking the newborn king ("The King of the Kingdom of God"); the shepherds came seeking the newborn "Lamb of God."

Many have carelessly tossed Jesus into the garbage can--discarded Him like a piece of junk!  They prefer to SEEK after wordly GAIN (they worship power, money, and fame) that will rust and decay--and eventually be taken away.  But the true worshippers will SEEK after the Savior and find the most precious, lasting GIFT of all.

What about you?  WHAT are you seeking after...WHO do you worship?