Thursday, October 11, 2012


When I was a kid, I enjoyed coloring books.  Every once-in-a-while my mother would surprise me by giving me a "Connect the Dots Coloring Book."  I always enjoyed creating a picture by "connecting the dots."

Remember what you had to do to form the picture?  Each dot had a number beside it.  You started with #1...then drew a line to #2...and so-on.  When you finished "connecting the dots," you colored in the picture to complete it.

Our days here on earth are like the dots.  One day leads to the next...and the next...and the next until our life is finished.  Step back and take a look at how your life is "lining up"--this is your personal LIFELINE!  Your days are recorded in the Lord's ("Connect the Dots") Book of Life.  What do you see?  Some lines go upward (high points in your life) and some drop low (low times in your life); some seem flat whereas some are jagged and some are going in opposite directions, etc.

Sometimes, when I was in a hurry to finish or wasn't being careful, I'd make a mistake--I'd miss a dot or draw a line to the wrong dot.  Then I'd have to "erase" it, backtrack, and start from the last point.  Life's kinda like that, too.  We make a mistake...we miss a step...and things just don't look right or turn out right.  We can't seem to see the picture!

I'm somewhere on Dot #26,000 (as I'm over 71 years old) and I don't know how many dots (days) I have left!  My life is not yet complete, but I know my picture is recorded in His Book of Life!  (I hope He likes my picture!)