Saturday, December 31, 2011

Do You Have A Reservation?

We're coming to the end of The Book (of Revelation).  I'll just point out three things as we finish reading it:

(1)  In Revelation 19:14 we're given the "Dress Code" -- we're to wear "clean, white linen garments."  This means washed by the blood of Jesus Christ; these are robes of righteousness.  Our sins have been forgiven and covered by the blood of The Lamb (Jesus).

(2)  In Revelation 21:27 we'd better be sure that our name is written in "The Book of Life."  To qualify to be in this book we must have been "born again" (accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior; confessed our sins; and invited Christ into our hearts.  [John 3:3-5]

(3)  In Revelation 22:12 we're told we will receive "a reward."  This will be our payment, wages, salary, or recompense for service.  It will be our divine reward for the moral and spiritual quality of our actions.  We're each paid a different wage or given a different reward--based on the work we've done for His Kingdom.  [I Corinthians 3:10-14

This will be our new dwelling place for all eternity.  The NEW JERUSALEM!  This is where Jesus takes "His Bride" (His church).  We, His believers, are that bride!  


Friday, December 30, 2011

Victory Ride!

Recently I saw the movie "War Horse," and it was sensational!  What an awesome horse!  My favorite horse has always been Trigger...until now.  And yet to come will be a horse that will be even more beautiful and powerful--the "White Horse" that Christ will be riding when He returns!  This white horse symbolizes VICTORY!

I loved cowboy movies when I was a kid.  The good guy almost always wore a white hat; the bad guy a black hat.  The good guy always won the fight and was the hero; the bad guy lost and was the villian.  The good guy had a beautiful horse, too.  Oh--how I loved those movies!  So when I read this portion of scripture, my spirit leaped inside of me to be able to visualize what it's going to look  like when Christ returns.

The rider on the white horse, named VICTORY, is Jesus Christ, who was described as FAITHFUL and TRUE.  Better than any action or special affects movie you'll ever see--this will be REAL!!!

Christ will be clothed in a robe dripping in blood; He will be called "THE WORD OF GOD."  The army that follows Him is wearing clean, white linen (representing righteousness)--following Him on white horses.  Out of His mouth comes a sharp sword (The Word of God).  He comes to rule with a rod of iron.  Written on His robe is this:  "King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  WOW...what a picture...what a scene...what an ending!  The VICTORY is ours--we who follow Christ and believe in Him!!!

The BAD GUY (satan) loses the war....The GOOD GUY (Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior) wins!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Delusions of Luxury

Just as overeating can make a person sick and too much insulation in a home can trap toxic air inside, too much wealth can be dangerous to the moral and spiritual health of an individual.  In Matthew 13:22 Jesus warns about the "deceitfulness of riches, which can result in greed and eventually destruction. 

This is seen about Babylon in Revelation 18: 2-3; 7-8.  Babylon was known for its wealth, power, oppression, deception, and warfare.  It raped the people to make itself rich.  Babylon is a symbol of an evil world system.

However, there's always a costly price to pay for self-indulgence and for injustice!  (1)  The city became a habitate for demons.  (2)  Luxury became addictive to the people.  (3)  The city lived in denial of her true condition. (4)  The economic and trading systems collapsed.  (5)  All the possessions disappeared and the city was left desolate.

Are any of these things taking place in America today?  I'll let you answer that question!  How can we avoid an economic collapse?  God's answer can be found in II Chronicles 7:14--

If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


THE WAY WE PREPARE TODAY WILL DETERMINE OUR TOMORROWS!  That's a fact!  I used to coach basketball and softball; and I always drilled/worked the players hard in our practice sessions.  In so doing, they never tired in a game--nor did they panic.  They were "prepared" to handle almost any game situation.  

Jesus said in Revelation 16:15  - "Behold, I am coming as a thief.  Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame."   What He's trying to say is that we are to be ready, watching, and prepared for His coming.  We're to be "clothed" in His garments (of righteousness).  In other words....CLEAN UP YOUR ACT! 

Have you ever had "unexpected company" come for a visit?  Was your house in order?  What if Jesus stepped inside your door this morning?  Or what if He sat down and watched evening television with you?  What would He see?  What if He listened to your phone conversation with a friend?  What would He hear?  And, most concerning of all, what about the thoughts and motives of your heart?

Psalm 19:14 is a good prayer to say every day:  "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord...".

BE READY when He comes!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm In The Book!

In biblical times (and for probably centuries before) towns, cities, villages, etc. kept track of people by recording their names in a Registry Book.  A book was kept that listed all who resided therein.  In this way they could track the number of citizens.  If one of the citizens committed a crime, if it were severe enough, they could be stricken (removed) from the book...and thrown out-of-town!

In Christian families, names were written in the Family Bible--showing dates of birth, baptisms, confirmations, marriage, and death.  (This tradition is slowly fading in our country these days...sad to say!)

The Lord has a book, too.  It's called, "The Book of Life of the Lamb."  [Revelation 13:8]  The names written therein are the names of those who dwell on earth and worship God's Son.  All those who do not worship Him will be slain! 

In Revelation 3:5 it is written that "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from The Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before the angels."  Only those who are FAITHFUL, and endure to the end, will be OVERCOMERS!  We "overcome" (defeat) satan by "the blood of the Lamb" and "the testimony
of our mouth."  [Revelation 12:11]  We "overcome" by believing in and following after Christ.

My name's written in His book--THE BOOK OF LIFE--I pray yours is, too!

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Lamb of God

Revelation 12:11 says, "And they OVERCAME him (the devil) by the BLOOD of the LAMB and by the WORD of their TESTIMONY...".  This requires two parts:  One, is God's part--the other is our part!

(1)  THE BLOOD:  Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection (overcoming death) was the ultimate weapon that defeated satan.  All our sins were forgiven by Jesus' sacrifice (His shed blood).

(2)  THE WORDS OF OUR TESTIMONY:  What is our testimony?  Declaring our FAITH in Jesus that is unwavering....the result of an abiding relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Romans 10:9-10 say it another way:  "IF you CONFESS with your mouth the Lord Jesus and BELIEVE in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, for with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

He did His you do yours!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Take the Bitter with the Sweet!

In Revelation 10:8-11 John is told to take and eat "the little book."  This book would taste as sweet as honey, but would upset his stomach.  In other words, the message in the "little book" means that God's brings us grace, love, and mercy; but--when rejected--it brings judgment.

I also look at it another way--life is both "bitter and sweet!" We had a somewhat "bitter" Christmas get-together on Friday night with my son's family.  He was sick....and, after they left our house, on their way home, his wife had an auto accident (much damage to the car, but everybody was okay).  However, some very "sweet" things happened  Christmas Eve Day:  Our neighbor surprised us with two restaurant gift cards; and, my best friend invited us over to her home for dinner.

Remember the old movie, "City Slickers?"  The 3 friends were asked what was their WORST DAY and what was their BEST DAY.  The one friend said, "The same day!"  What he meant was this:  He had an abusive father--but one day (when the son got big enough), he kicked his father out of the house!  And that was the BEST DAY!!!  Bitter became better--all in the same day!

Life has its ups-and-downs.  We just need to "get up" when we're knocked "down!"  Get up and begin to see Jesus in our circumstances. 

Mary and Joseph had much to feel "down" about--alone, away from family, misunderstood, in a strange city, giving birth to a baby in a stable.  BUT, they had much to celebrate....the birth of the Christ child!  No family to share with....but angels came--shepherds, too.  They were not alone!  God surrounded them with His love...and His love (His Son) was in the midst of them.

Oh--Holy Night!  Holy, indeed!  What a sacred time!  I pray we cherish this sacred time--remembering the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Word Pictures

In biblical times (Eastern Christianity) God "spoke" to His people often through dreams and visions (word pictures).  Like the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words."  However, in Western Christianity that form of communication has almost been wiped-out/eliminated from our theology.  Our Bible colleges, theological schools, and secular universities teach us to only use the left hemisphere of our brains (the reasoning/logical side).  It is the right hemisphere of our brains where we use our creative side.  In the beginning God CREATED everything--and He made us in His image, which means we can be creative, too.  God had a "picture" in mind when He created the world.  Then He "spoke" it into existence!  That, my friend, is a WORD PICTURE!

The Lord gave the Apostle John personal and profound revelation knowledge (through a vision) about the "end times."  John wrote this "word picture" in his personal's called "THE BOOK OF REVELATION."

Habakkuk 2:2-3 states that we're to "WRITE THE VISION...make it plain that he may run who reads it, for the VISION is yet for an appointed time...though it tarries, wait for it because it will surely come."  That's exactly what John did.  Now our part is to READ it, BELIEVE it, and WAIT for it to come to pass.

WAITING is not passive.  We're to "occupy 'til He comes."  [Luke 19:13]  That means we are to continue on in faith--making disciples--spreading the Word wherever we go--letting our light shine into the darkness--doing all that He's asked us to do.

Read John's personal journal.  Ponder over it...meditate on it!  And--ask God to give you a personal "word picture" (through a dream or a vision).

Friday, December 23, 2011

Prophetic Word Pictures

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lukewarm, Complacent, Stressed, or Weary?

Oh, how I dislike lukewarm bath water, warm iced tea, or lukewarm coffee!  My coffee and my bath water better be as hot as I can stand it...and my iced tea better be ice-cold!  What causes these things--that were once very hot or very cold--to turn to lukewarm?  We let them SIT too long!

That's the trouble with believers today....they sit around WATCHING rather than DOING!  They'll sit in front of the TV to see a sporting event or some celebrity perform--but they, themselves, just "veg" (vegetate) on the couch! 

Jesus said He'd rather we be hot or cold than lukewarm!  In other words--GET OFF THE FENCE (and the couch)!  Get involved....take one side or the other!  He said, "you're either for Me or against Me!"  I see so many people today that can take Him or leave Him!  

Many treat God like a dispensing machine, a convenience store, or a drive-by fast food restaurant....a quick stop--then they're on their way again!   Give me what I need (want) and I'll be on my way!

But Jesus wants us to let Him COME IN to our HOMES (and our hearts).  He keeps knocking at the door of our hearts....He wants to come in and dine with us....He will even provide the food (His Word)!

Are we like the INN KEEPER.....keeping Him OUT....not having ANY ROOM for Him in our lives?  Are we crowding our lives with things, entertainment, and senseless chatter rather than sitting at His feet (as did Mary) and worshipping Him?  Are we so BUSY (as was Martha) getting things "ready" for Christmas that we forget to spend quality time with Christ?

PAUSE...LISTEN....hear that knock?  He's knocking at the DOOR (of your heart)!  Can He come in....will you put everything else aside and come sit beside Him?  Quiet yourselves down--listen to the silence:  SILENT NIGHT....HOLY NIGHT....ALL IS CALM!  Ahhh--yes, I hear Him knocking!  Please come in!  I have a GIFT for you--here's my heart....I give it to You!  Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Have you ever had an "Ah-Ha Moment" or an "epiphany"....when something is revealed  to you that you never saw before?  Well, the Apostle John experienced one of the biggest ah-ha moments ever!  It was called a REVELATION (an unveiling of a reality that previously has not been perceived).

Often, in the Bible, God would send ANGELS to deliver "messages" to His people.  For example:  Mary was visited by an angel to tell her that she was going to birth the baby Jesus; and an angel announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds the night He was born.  Instead of FED EX or the Postal Service--God sent His messages by angels!  How's that for AIR MAIL or SPECIAL DELIVERY?

I've known people who have "seen" angels.  My son saw angels protecting him one time when he was in danger.  Many times, at the bedside of dying patients, angels are seen.  God sends them to escort the believer to his heavenly home. 

In Revelation 1:1 God sent His angel to John.  He told him things that had never been revealed before.  What an honor, what a responsibility to receive such a personal message from the Lord--delivered by an angel!

Have you ever received revelation knowledge from the Lord?  If not, have you ever asked for such?  Have you been "seeking" Him?  Wisemen "seek" after Him.  Be wise this Christmas!  Ask for the perfect Christmas gift....more of Jesus!  And remember:  JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Profound Prosperity!

Success and prosperity have different meanings for different people.  To some it means money and fame; to some it means titles and treasures--but to be spiritually prosperous is a whole 'nother matter!

In III John 2 Paul says:  "...I pray that you may PROSPER in all things and be in HEALTH, just as your SOUL prospers.  HEALTH refers to sound doctrine, sound word, and sound faith.  PROSPERITY ought to be the result of a quality of life, commitment, dedication, and action that is in line with God's Word.  In the Greek it means "to help on the road" or "succeed in reaching."

Divine prosperity is not a momentary phenomenon, but an ongoing process of well being.  It involves every area of our lives (the spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, and material).  And, it is paramount to maintain a rhythm, order, and balance to maintain good health and prosperity.

"The thief (satan) comes to ROB, steal, and destroy--but I have come to bring you a more abundant life!"  [My own interpretation of John 10:10.]   Take the word "ROB" and look at it this way:  R - rhythm; O - orderliness; B - balance.  If we can focus on those three words and try to live by them, we will be able to walk in prosperity of the spirit.

RHYTHM:  A steady pace each day--not rushing...not jamming and cramming too much into a day.  ORDERLINESS:   It says in Matthew 6:33 to "seek 1st the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."  The Lord  should be 1st, family 2nd, work 3rd, church 4th.  BALANCE:  Get proper rest, eat a balanced diet, manage your time, finances, work, recreation, etc.

Satan comes to ROB, but the Lord comes to GIVE you a more abundant and PROSPEROUS life! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Immature Faith

Immature faith tries to manipulate God.  It takes spiritual shortcuts and formulas in hopes of receiving a "guarantee" for what was requested.  Immature believers regard prayer as a weapon to use to force God to make good on His promises.  True prayer is not human effort trying to persuade God or force God to meet our demands.

Mature believers' prayer is founded upon finding and coming into agreement with God's will.  We're to:

  • Ask according to His will.
  • Stand in faith.
  • Pray with authority.
  • If you don't know His will, ask!  [James 1:5]
  • Believe that He hears your request(s).
  • Pray tenaciously/persistently until the answer arrives.
Genuine prayer is not an attempt to get God to meet our desires and demands.  Instead it is submitting ourselves to His will.  In this way we OPEN the DOORWAY to His fullest blessing being released in our lives. 

ASK...KNOCK (pray and seek His face)...and the DOOR (of blessing) will be OPENED unto you.  You do your part and He will do His!  We "have not" so often because we "ask amiss!"  [See:  Matthew 7:7 and James 4:3]

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Work In Progress!

I can so relate to the Apostle Peter....he was such a "work in progress!"  Remember when Jesus kept asking him, "Peter, do you love Me?" and Peter kept saying "yes," but he really didn't get it! 

You see--Jesus' love for us is PERFECT...but ours needs to be perfected!  I John 4:18 is a life-changing verse for me.  Everytime I start to fuss or fear, this verse reminds me that my love needs to grow.  It tells me that my fear is bigger than my love; it reminds me that my faith needs to grow as well as my love.

Whenever you find FEAR standing in your way, you have to hurdle over it!!!  Peter had to get past his guilt, shame, and fear.  He had denied that he ever knew Jesus--and he ran away in fear.  But Jesus came to him (after He was resurrected) and they reconciled.  LOVE had lifted Peter up and carried him past his fear and shame.  The heavy weight of guilt was gone!   From that day on, Peter walked in "agape" love--love for his Lord and Savior--and love for those he was sent to minister unto.

LOVE for the Lord must express itself in love for fellow believers.  The "perfect love" that "casts out fear" sweeps away doubt and unbelief.  His perfect love will carry you over any obstacle and draw you closer to Him.

Face your fears, hurdle over them,  and find Christ waiting for you with outstretched arms of love!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Love You, Bro!

As kids, it is common to see brothers and sisters fight and tease; sibling rivalry is also apparent in many families.  But we're supposed to grow out of that phase and GROW UP!   In I John 2:10-11 we're sternly warned:  "He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in Him.  But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes."

Now I'm not saying that you have to LIKE your brothers or sisters....but we're supposed to LOVE them!  Up close and personal--living in the same house with a sibling--causes you to "see" all their flaws and imperfections (and they see yours).  The same is true re:  our brothers and sisters in Christ.  We place a higher "value" and "expect" more from family members than we do others.  And when that standard is not met, it's easy to grow bitter, resentful, angry, judge them and not forgive them.

As a hospice chaplain I saw many siblings that had held a grudge or been hurt by their brother or sister--therefore, they hadn't spoken or seen one another for decades.  Now one of them was dying....and the other finally came to reconcile.  It was a tender, emotional, was so beautiful to see them "release" all the hurts, hatred, and just hug one another.

There's 5 things I truly believe need to be said/done before you (or the other person) dies.  And the sooner the better!!!

  • I'm sorry, please forgive me.
  • I forgive you.
  • Thank you.
  • I love you.
  • Goodbye (have closure). 
Say those things today....say them (and mean them) before it's too late.  You'll have peace-of-mind, if you do.  And know this: 

"A person reveals the genuineness of the relationship with God by his relationship with others."

Friday, December 16, 2011

PEACE On The Earth!

When I was a young child, I believed in Santa Claus.  But it didn't take me very long to learn the truth (thanks to my brother)!  There are many false tales told about make-believe characters, which are fun to read and hear about....but they're NOT REAL!!!  So how can we tell the REAL thing from that which is FALSE?  You have to be exposed to the truth so you can discern the false!

Newly hired bank clerks 1st have to go through a training process where they're required to handle and count thousands-and-thousands of authentic currency for several days until  they can  detect the authentic money from counterfeit money.  Somewhere in that process,  fake bills are slipped  inbetween the real stuff.  To pass the test, the trainee would have to immediately be able to tell the difference.

When we come to know Christ and learn His Word (the Bible), we'll be able to detect true doctrine from false doctrine, if we've been taught and trained to tell the authentic from the false teachings and from the false teachers.  

There are many "scam artists" (wolves in sheep's clothing) in the world today (and even in our churches).  Their only purpose is to exploit people--take their money and pocket it to prosper themselves.   We are "seduced" by their sweet-talk and their charismatic personalities.  They entertain us and make us feel good!  BEWARE!

Often my husband will see an advertisement on the computer that wants you to buy something (that you really think you MUST have)....but you are told you have only 15 minutes to order or you'll miss the deal!  BEWARE!  Satan rushes!  He wants you to act before you have time to think about it!  He tempts you to buy something you don't need.  It's called "impulse buying!"  It appeals to the EYE, it is tempting to the FLESH!  Hum!  Sound familiar?  Yep--that's how satan tempted Eve!  (She would've been one of those shoppers who "shopped 'til she dropped!")

And what's happened to our society because of such temptation?  Credit-card instability...bankruptcy, etc.  We've been lured away by the lusts of our flesh, by greed, by wanting more-and-more-and more!  We're poor stewards of our money; many worship money...which is a false idol!  We're swayed and persuaded to follow after things and people rather than follow after Christ.  

America has lost its 1st love!  Our Pledge of Allegiance says, "in God we trust," but we've put our trust in money, success, and fame instead!  We're doomed to destruction UNLESS we turn from our wicked ways and turn back to God.   There's an old song that says, "Let there be PEACE on
earth--and let it begin with me."  Christ is our "PRINCE of PEACE!"  Everything else pales in comparison!  He's the only "star" to follow!  He's the only "gift" we need!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fruitful Growth

We don't hear the old biblical word "virtue" spoken these days.  It has to do with moral excellence...which is rapidly fading in our society and being replaced by such things as cheating, lying, unethical practices, pornography, adultery, fornication, stealing, addictions, and other immoral acts(which are viewed on the news and are commonplace in our communities every day).  But God has a different standard--a higher standard for us to strive for, and it is this:

"Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge (of God), and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone."  [II Peter 1:5-8 LB]

Faith involves much more than just facts!  It must result in action and growth in Christian character.  It's paramount to know God better, to develop perseverance, to do God's will, and to love people.  These qualities do not come by magic--it takes hard work to develop them; and, they're not an option!  All of them are a progressive work and are woven together into the fabric of our character and our daily living.  It is God who empowers and enables us to grow in these qualities, but it is our responsibility to do so!

Remember these 3 things:  KNOW -  GROW  -  GO!  The 1st thing is to develop a deep, personal relationship with God; 2ndly, grow up and mature in your faith; 3rd, go out and demonstrate your love and devotion fpr the Lord by living your faith on a day-to-day basis.

Bloom, blossom, and bear (spiritual) fruit, where He has planted you, for His glory!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Have A Blessed Day!

Bless others and God will bless you!  You can't outgive God  We're "called" to be a blessing.   Here are some profoundly practical scripture verses to guide you to be a blessing to others:

  • He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit.
  • Let him turn away from evil and do good;
  • Let him seek peace and pursue it.
  • For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
  • And His ears are open to their prayers;
  • But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.
Preceding the above there are a couple verses that tell us to "be compassionate, love one another, be tenderhearted, and courteous--not returning evil for evil, or use abusive language.  But--on the contrary--BE A BLESSING, (knowing that you were called to this) so that you may inherit a blessing!!!"  [I Peter 3:8-12]

I believe those scripture verses speak for themselves and don't require anymore explanation.  In other words...

If you want to receive a blessing (from God)--be a blessing to someone else!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011


We're living in the midst of people of "The ME Generation!"  But we're of "The CHOSEN Generation."  Quite a difference!  Those of this latter group have been picked from among the larger group--those who think it's all about them--for special service.  

"Many are called, but few are CHOSEN" for this special service!  [Matthew 20:16]  Only those that have ears to hear the call and do what is commanded of them will qualify.  They have spiritual ears to hear the Lord calling them.  They are atuned to His voice and have heard His word.  In so doing, they have developed faith, for   " comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."
[Romans 10:17; John 10:4]

We, His chosen,  fight not as regular soldiers fight...we fight through praise and worship.  We will only experience power for spiritual victories as we prioritize and grow in our worship of the Living God.  Kingdom power is kept from pollution in this way, as kingdom people keep humbly praising and worshipping before the King. 

"The true worshippers worship Him IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH!"  [John 4:23-24]  We, His chosen generation, worship Him...we don't idolize Him!  Idols are manmade religions!  

Oh, come let us adore Him....Christ the Lord!  Come, let us follow Him!  Come, let us serve Him!
For the greatest thing in all the world is 1st--to KNOW Him...then to SERVE Him because we LOVE Him.  We serve Him out of LOVE...not out of duty!  

Monday, December 12, 2011

Try It--You'll Like It!

You gotta "work the Word" so that the Word can work for you!  One of the biggest lessons I learned from the Bible came when I began applying the following verse in my life:   James 5:16 - Confess your trespasses (faults, unintentional errors, sin, slips) to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed....

A friend of mine and I decided to pray for one another on a daily basis.  We trusted each other and shared many things with one another (confessed our faults and our fears; things we needed to change in our lives; etc.).  It was a humbling experience, but it was also a healing experience!.  We both overcame many obstacles and experienced a great deal of spiritual growth in each of our lives.  It was amazing!

I strongly suggest you find a "prayer partner" and commit to doing what this verse asks.  Like I said in a previous message (12/10)...."be a DOER of the Word--and not a hearer only." [James 1:22]

God made that Word so "real" in my life!  It was one of those "words" that leaped right off the paper and became "alive" and activated a change in my heart and a change in my life!  I pray that God shows you a verse today that will CHANGE your life and bring more healing to your body and to your mind.  I encourage you to "work the Word"....try it--you'll never be the same!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Use All The Ingredients!

One time I made a cake and I didn't add the sugar.  Ugh!  It tasted awful!  One time a friend of mine forgot to add yeast to her bread mix.  It was flatter than a pancake!  We each forgot to add to the mix an important ingredient, so our efforts resulted in failure!  The same holds true re:  our FAITH.

                  It's paramount for you to mix [His] THE WORD with [your] FAITH!

  • You must do the work
  • You must add all the ingredients
  • You must follow all the instructions
  • You must believe you'll achieve the end result you'd hoped for
Here are some supporting Scriptures:

Romans 12:3 -...God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.
Hebrews 11:1 - Faith is the substance of things hoped for...
James 2:20 - ...Faith without works is dead.
James 2:22 - ...Faith was working together with His works...

The 1st thing I do when I want to bake or cook something is to make sure I have all the ingredients.  Now, my husband is more apt to start cooking--then realize he doesn't have one or two of the ingredients.  So he has to run to the store and get them....which causes delays (and causes me frustration)!  Oh--he's gotten a lot better about this--but he's had to learn THE HARD WAY!

How 'bout you?  Do you mix The Word with faith?  Do you demonstrate your faith by showing us your works?  Is your faith alive and actively serving the Lord?  Remember the old saying, "I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day!" 

Saturday, December 10, 2011


We're told in James 1:22 to "be a DOer of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."  That's a powerful sentence!  These days we'd say it this way:  "Actions speak louder than words!"
Often we comment, "I'll believe it when I see it!"  Here's another similar saying:  "Walk your talk!"

In society these days, words cannot be trusted!  Contracts are easily broken, lies are commonplace, cheating is considered okay (if you don't get caught), marriage vows are short-lived, promises are not kept, etc.  People of integrity...people who are honest, and those who speak the truth are far and few between.

When my dad gave a HANDSHAKE that was a was a "done deal!"  He kept his word!  Whether it was a business deal , for a friend, or with his family--his word was good!

Don't SAY IT if you don't intend to DO IT!  People won't respect you--they won't believe you--and you'll damage your reputation if your word is no good!

Jesus DID everything He said He would do!  
     He didn't do everything everybody else wanted Him to do.
           He didn't do everything He wanted to do!
                  He only did what His Father asked Him to do!

May we learn to DO LIKEWISE!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Where Are You Looking?

When I coached softball, I drilled it into the players to LOOK at the 1st base coach as soon as you hit the ball.  Don't look at the BALL you just hit...but immediately start to RUN towards 1st base--keeping your EYES FIXED on the 1st base coach.  I was very adamant about this!  Why?  Because if they took their eyes of that person, they'd run a crooked path down the 1st base line, which would slow them down and cause them to take more steps than necessary.  And--a step or two out-of-line could cost them being thrown out at 1st!

Same thing holds true with our Christian walk:  We need to keep our EYES FIXED on Jesus.  We need to RUN the way He's asked us to run.

There's also a 3rd base coach in softball.  As the players round 2nd base, they knew they were then to LOOK at the 3rd base coach for instructions (whether to "hold" at 2nd, run to 3rd, or go on HOME)  And waiting for you at HOME is the coach and your teammates--to congratulate you.  Those in the stands have been cheering you on and erupt in rejoicing when you cross that HOMEplate. 

It's a long way from 1st to homeplate!  There may be many STOPS (single-base hit; double; triple) along the way; you may get thrown-out once in a while, or hit a foul-ball or two, but the Lord will see to it that we WIN in the end.  The VICTORY is ours, if we stay in the game and play by the rules!

You may be standing on 1st base,  2nd, or maybe you're standing on 3rd.  There are no outs.  The winning run is on 3rd.  Jesus is the next batter.  Satan is the pitcher; he throws his best fast-ball.  And what does Jesus do?  He hits a "sacrifice" ball, which allows the runners to advance.  The runner on 3rd runs to HOME....crosses the plate...and we win!  VICTORY (in Jesus)!!!    Now that's something to cheer about!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

There's GIANTS in the Land!

BULLIES (and boys) were abundant in my neighborhood when I was a child.  I survived by becoming a "tomboy."  I could play football and wrestle with the best of them!  But there always seemed to be a "bully" around every corner who wanted to "challenge" me to a fight.  If I tried to walk away, it only made it worse.  So I soon learned to stand up to the bully and not back down!  When I did that, most of them backed away--but if I had to fight, I only had to fight them ONCE.  Well, I gained quite a reputation 'cause I won all the fights (except against my brother, who was 5 years older than me).  I never started a fight, but I sure could end one!

That childhood experience taught me to face my FEARS!  I've learned that the things we fear are the GIANTS in our lives....we generally imagine them to be bigger than they really are.  David (as a boy) faced a BIG GIANT (Goliath) when a whole army, along with King Saul, drew back in fear.  Why did David defeat such a big opponent?  Because he had FAITH!  Faith overcomes fear!  FEAR, DOUBT, and UNBELIEF are what cause us to "draw back" and be defeated.

Hebrews 10:38 says, "The just shall live by FAITH; but if anyone DRAWS BACK, My soul has no pleasure in him."

Do I still have fears to face?  You bet I do!  Do I sometimes "draw back" and not face them?  Sometimes, but eventually I remember that verse.  Then I "encourage myself in the Lord," as did David, and move out in faith.  Given the option of running in fear and disappointing the Lord, I choose to face my fear and (with God on my side) overcome it.  The fear still looks gigantic, but I go (forward) by FAITH and not by what I see in the natural!

Moving forward s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s my faith.  Mark 9:24 says, "I believe, but help me with my unbelief!  We're all "a work in progress!"  I have just so much faith for today, but I'm gonna need more faith tomorrow!

GO ON WITH GOD....GROW IN FAITH...and remember, "Perfect LOVE casts out fear! "  [I John 4:18]  God's love is perfect....ours has to be perfected!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

CROSSroad Intervention!

One of TV's reality shows is about INTERVENTIONS with family members who confront their addicted loved one to tell them they need to change their ways.   A highly skilled MEDIATOR orchestrates this process and is the "go-between" the one who is addicted and the family. 

Well, Jesus is our MEDIATOR.  He stands between God (the Head of the family) and us.  He pleads with the Father on behalf of the sinner.  In both cases, forgiveness is needed and a change of heart (repentance)  is needed in order to change the lifestyle.

We all are sinners, saved by grace.  God so loved us that He sent His Only Begotten Son to pay-the-price for our sins.  Jesus stepped in, on our behalf, and made a way for us to have a NEW LIFE. 

Folks--this is not a "reality show!"  This is "real life!"  We all are saved (rescued and redeemed)in an instant when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  Jesus always comes to save the one lost sheep.  How far will you go to rescue one who is lost?   

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Mature, Healthy Church

Often, when a person is SICK, they don't feel like eating, or their system can't tolerate food.  When they start to get better, they begin with liquids--then add soft foods to their diet--and finally solid foods.  Newborn babies can only drink milk.  As they grow, cereal is added--then soft foods, solid food, and finally meat.  If the baby/child is NOT READY (grown enough) to handle solid food, they will either spit-it-out or choke on it!

Paul is admonishing the church because they're still acting like babies--very immature for their age!!!  The members are still only able to handle "the milk of the Word."  Their BODY (the church body) has not been fed SOLID FOOD or MEAT!  Paul reminds them that they're still in Nursery School!  They haven't even been able to digest the elementary teachings that are found in "The Apostles' Doctrine."  Most Christians have never "tasted" such teachings!  They don't even know where to find this grade of milk!  (See:  Hebrews 6:1-2

I "hunger and thirst" for more!  I want ALL He has to offer....give me more!  I have a big appetite for His WordI desire to GROW UP in Him!  "Solid food belongs to those who are of 'full age'...those who by reason of use  have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.[Matthew 5:6; Hebrews 5:12-14]

Churches, and Ministers of The's your responsibility to "make disciples!"  [Matthew 28:19]

Graduate School (in Christ) requires a  Degree in DISCIPLESHIP!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Vertical and Horizontal Faith Must Work Together!

What  you believe you can receive IF you complete (follow through and do) the work that the Lord's asked you to do!  Here are a couple of examples of those who obeyed (followed instructions and completed their assignments) and those who disobeyed and doubted God's Word:

(1)  Ten spies were sent into The Promised Land and told to bring back a report.  Eight reported that they DOUBTED--not believing it was possible to enter that land because the giants there were too big and powerful to defeat.  Only two of the spies (Joshua and Caleb) BELIEVED that they could!  Therefore, the rest of the Israelites "bought the lie and bailed out;" therefore, only 2 from the 1st generation  ENTERED IN to The Promised Land!  (Guess which 2?  Yep--Joshua and Caleb!)

(2)  Abraham was told to sacrifice his son, Isaac (kill him with a knife).  He, however, BELIEVED that God could (and would) save him because of what God had PROMISED. 

We tend to BELIEVE only what we can SEE in the natural.  True--in the natural, it can't be done!  But, in the supernatural, it can!  However, FAITH without WORKS is DEAD!

I had a friend once who BELIEVED God was going to give her a Christian bookstore.  She thought (reasoned in her mind) that some benefactor was going to just drop $100,000 in her lap to open the store.  So she waited..and waited...and waited!  She did NOTHING but pray and wait!  I suggested this:  "Why don't you buy a box of books and sell them; once sold, buy 2 boxes and sell them; keep multiplying 'til you fill a garage full--then sell them.  Soon you'll have your store!  And--in the meantime, IF that benefactor comes by and gives you the money--great!  But DO what you can 'til then!"  Well, she never did!  So she never ENTERED INTO business!  The WORD God had given her was a PROMISE He would have kept IF she would have worked the Word!  [James 2:20 - Faith without works is DEAD!]

"There is practical harmony or synergism between VERTICAL FAITH in God and HORIZONTAL WORKS to a needy world.  FAITH is both spiritual and practical."[Word Wealth from The Spirit Filled Life Bible, p. 1898]

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Praise is the Pathway

PRAISE releases the Spirit of Prophecy into the church.  We woo the Spirit of Christ into our presence when we sing praises unto Him.   Two important things happen when we do this:  (1)  He joins us in song; (2) this praise releases the spirit of prophecy.

When we declare His Name, and joyfully sing praise to our God, Christ comes to flood our minds with the glory of the Father's character.  Therefore praise introduces edification, exhortation, and comfort to bless the whole body.

Ephesians 5:18-19 tells us to "be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...".

Today is Sunday.  We're to go to church and lift up His Name.  We're to invite Him to come and be present with us in His House (the church....and in our hearts) this day.  He has something to say to us....come and sing a love song unto Him and He will come and express His love to us.

Come and WORSHIP...come and draw near to Him...and He will draw near to you.  Come and be a LIVING SACRIFICE.  I love the worship song that goes like this: 

"Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary--pure and holy, tried and true.  With thanksgiving I'll be a living sanctuary for You."  

(Make this your prayer today as you lift up your voice unto Him.)

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Kids love "Action Figures!"  Action figures are the imaginary "heros" of today.  Actually "Authority Figures" should be the heros! 

When I was a kid, we were taught to RESPECT those in authority--such as parents, teachers, police, employers, etc.  But it seems these days most authority figures are more disrespected than respected!  Why?  Well, my answer is this:  People lose respect for those in authority because their TALK (what they say) doesn't match their WALK (their behavior/lifestyle)!   When I was a child, I would NEVER have thought to question my parents, my teachers, or my pastor's authority!  Now I think that may have been going to an extreme...never questioning them.  It's good to ask questions; it requires parents (and others in positions of authority) to think about why they DO  what they do or SAY what they say. 

What value system do you live by?  Who are you accountable to?  What makes you think you're always right?  WHO do you submit to?  Do you show RESPECT to those in authority?

James 1:22 tells us to "be doers of the word, and not hearers only...!"  Jesus DID what His Father told Him to DO!  He submitted to and sat under His Father's authority.  He also adhered to those in authority in the world--not breaking The Law, but He kept The Law!  Jesus once questioned His disciples--asking them, "WHO do you say I AM?"  Who do we say He is?  He should be our  role model and our AUTHORITY FIGURE....He was/is/and always will be our one and only ACTION HERO!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Make Room for One Another!

My 8 year old grandson and 4 year old grand daughter have so much energy!  They're in constant motion from the time their feet hit the floor 'til their heads hit the pillow at night!  Oh, how I wish I had their ENERGY!  Even young adults, like two of my older grandchildren (24 and 21 years old) are full of enthusiasm and vitality.  But when you reach my age (70)--you can't maneuver as quickly--and an  afternoon nap is something to look forward to!  BUT, the youngsters can't keep up with me, a senior citizen, when it comes to EXPERIENCE and wisdom.  Knowledge they have in abundance....but they lack wisdom.  There's only two ways to get wisdom:  (1)  Be patient 'cause it takes a lot of time--it cannot be gained quickly; (2)  Ask God for wisdom.

America does not value its elderly as do other countries....and that's a shame!  But God does!!!  In Titus Chapter II, we're told that the older (more mature and experienced) men and women are to mentor the younger men and women.  Mentoring is becoming a "lost art!"

My father was a "Master Plumber."  He mentored and trained "Apprentices and Journeymen Plumbers."  Whether "blue collar" or "white collar" workers, the older, more experienced worker was respected and looked up to.  In the home the mother would train up her daughter how to be a wife and take care of a home and her children.  The father would teach his son how to be a good husband, provider, and father.   And it was commonplace to have grandparents living in the home.  There was always someone older (and more mature or experienced) around to teach the younger. 

Dad always used to say, "You can't put old heads on young shoulders!"  The older I get--the more I understand what he was saying.  Older folks generally have more patience, too.  The young always seem to be in such a RUSH....such a HURRY!  They have "a need for speed!"  But the more I read and study Scripture, I've noticed that Jesus never hurried...He never rushed!  He always sought counsel and advice from His Elder (His Heavenly Father) before He did anything.
He didn't act like "he knew it all!"  He didn't get to a place where He thought he could do it all on His own! 

WE NEED ONE ANOTHER!!!  Neither a community nor a church can function properly without a mixture of both young and old(er).  And each age group has its strengths and its weaknesses.   Each has its role to play; each age group should be respected and listened to.  Each group needs to submit, one to the other.  I know I need to listen to and respect the younger generation when it comes to learning anything on the computer or all the electronic gagets in my life, etc.  But, in like manner, they can learn things from me, too!

We're such a "throw-away" society; we discard and devalue anything that is old.   Many companies today are firing or eliminating workers that are 50 or older.  Don't they realize that 60 is now the new 40?  WHAT A WASTE of wisdom, talent, and experience!   Even in many churches today,  we often times see seniors sidelined...put out to pasture and forgotten before their time.  What a shame!  Caleb climbed mountains in his old age!  Sarah was about 90 when she gave birth to her 1st child!  Moses was no youngster (about 80) when he became the CEO to a nation!  Moses mentored Joshua (a younger man) to be his successor; and David advised his son, Solomon, how to run a kingdom.  GET THE PICTURE?  We need one another!  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's a SIGN of the TIMES!

Call me "corny"...I don't care, but I loved the TV show, "The Waltons!"  It was all about family values; they went to church together (except for John Walton); they sat at the dinner table together--and even talked to one another instead of being silently "glued" in front of a TV while they ate!  But times are different now!

Nowadays I'm seeing a society that is growing more-and-more "barren."   America is entering a time of "spiritual famine."  We have a "form of godliness," but are steadily and increasingly weakening, spiritually starving, and decaying from the inside out.  The Bible would say we're in "perilous times."  Perilous means:  Harsh, difficult, painful, fierce, dangerous, and hard to deal with.

Unemployment is mounting, there are more shootings and robberies, divorce is more popular than marriage, living together is the "in thing" to do, homelessness is increasing, poverty is on the rise, the middle class is disappearing, etc.  Yep!  The world's getting darker! 

I prayed, "God, please TURN UP YOUR LIGHT...shine down your blessings upon us, heal us, help us!"  He answered, "You, who call yourselves Christians... turn up YOUR lights!!!"

Oh, then I remembered the little kids Sunday School song:  "This little light of mine--I'm gonna let it shine...let it shine...let it shine, etc."  Hum!  Have we run out of "oil for our lamps?"  Have we "hidden (or forgotten) our lamps?"   [Matthew 5:13-16; Matthew 25:1-13]

Didn't I recently hear a pastor say, "We have to see Jesus in the FLAME!"  But if our faith is flickering, or is snuffed out, how will we be able to see Him?  So what must we, as a nation, do to save our land?

  • Put OIL in our lamps (the fueling power of the Holy Spirit)
  • Turn up the FLAME (of our faith)
  • Turn from our wicked, lathargic, lukewarm ways
  • Turn around (repent)
  • Put 1st things 1st (God 1st)
  • Trust and obey what He has to say
Remember, when we were kids in school, we used to say "The Pledge of Allegiance?"  A line in that pledge says"ONE nation under God...!"  Maybe we should pledge to be "ONE nation under the ONE and only God !"

But, "be of good cheer"--the Lord's still in control!  We're closer to His return....these are the LAST DAYS!   He's coming back for His church!  Will we be READY?  Until then, keep your lamp full of oil and burning brightly!