Thursday, November 22, 2012


We must 1st learn to STAND before we're able to WALK!  We were told in Ephesians 6:14 to STAND...and PUT ON "The Belt of Truth."  We're not yet fully dressed--properly COVERED.  We're too exposed, vulnerable, and not adequately equipped to deal with the STRESS awaiting us; therefore, we aren't ready to walk out the door and face the world.

I remember a scene from an old John Wayne movie:  It showed a troup of Boy Scouts headed towards the battlefield.  John Wayne sees the boys marching towards the enemy forces and he tells his Sgt. to "get those BOYS out of there!"  He knew they were too naive, too immature, too unprepared, and lacked the skill and knowledge needed to fight the opposing army.

Children "dress up" in their parents' clothes and PLAY being "grown up."  They PRETEND to be mature and ACT as  grown ups (so do many Christians)!  The TRUTH is they are not readily prepared to face the stresses and challenges of the day.

The typical Christian wears PAPER ARMOR, which is made up of a system, a method, or a program (of 10 or 12 sessions with a teacher or a counselor).  That's NOT what you need!  What you need is a set apart time (daily), in the presence of the Lord, until you PUT OFF your unholy
garments and PUT ON His holy garments.  Put on the FULL ARMOR of God before you leave His presence and head (walk) into your STRESS-filled day! 

DRESS for STRESS...and you'll be at your best!

[Ephesians 6:14; Isaiah 40:31]