Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Times of testing and trials precede the real race.  These "time trials" either qualify or disqualify us to run in the big event.  Times of testing are needful to show us how prepared we are to compete against the opposition.  Whether you're an athlete, a soldier, a student, a Christian, etc.--you will be required to enter times of testing ("time trials").

Jesus was challenged at the start of His public ministry by satan.  They fought a 3-round boxing match...a "no-holds-barred" fight!  Satan would throw a powerful punch--then Jesus would counterpunch.  Satan fought one way (by tempting Jesus); Jesus fought a different way (by quoting scripture).  Jesus won this fight--but there were more to come!  [Luke 4:1-13]

As soon as you step out in FAITH, you're going to be faced with a fight.  But, remember--we're not fighting flesh and blood...we're duking-it-out with the devil!  [Ephesians 6:12]

Are you PREPARED--have you been properly TRAINED and EQUIPPED[Ephesians 4:11-12/6:10-19Do you have enough WORD (scripture) inside of you to pass the test?  Do you have enough FAITH to win the battle?  Do you have the ENDURANCE to finish the race?

Will you be able to say at the end of your life:  "I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith"[II Timothy 4:7]


Tuesday, October 30, 2012


We all make mistakes--but God isn't as concerned when we make a mistake as He is about what we do after we make a mistake.

Some people try to HIDE their mistakes; some RUN from their mistakes; others QUIT trying when they make a mistake.  But, a few, LEARN from their mistakes and try...try again until they learn the right way.

"You never really fail unless you fail to try!"

CHAMPIONS keep on trying until they win whereas CHUMPS quit--fail to finish; therefore they are known as "losers."

Proclaimed PERFECTIONISTS pride themselves on their accomplishments, but torment themselves if they make a mistake.  The personality of a perfectionist is distorted and polluted with unrealistic expectations--demanding perfection from themselves (and others)--punishing rather than extending grace.

King David made more serious mistakes than most anybody.  Yet, God said to him:  "David, you're a man after My own heart!"  How could God say that?  David had Bathsheba's husband murdered after he had committed adultery with her.  I'll tell you why:  Because David could confess his mistakes (he "owned" them and took responsibility for them).  He asked forgiveness and repented; therefore, God forgave him and restored him to a right relationship with Him.

I never want to forget my mistakes.  I want to learn from them and grow from them.  Mistakes are like the MARKS we make on the doorpost to measure the GROWTH of our children.  That's how God looks at our MISTAKES, if we grow from them!

GROW in His grace and you'll be a WINNER!

[I Samuel 13:14/16:7]

Monday, October 29, 2012

Who Do You Want To BE?

When I was a child, I wanted to BE like Roy Rogers.  (Hey, I was a "Tomboy"--so what'd you expect?)  He was my favorite cowboy (and I loved his horse, Trigger).  When I became a pre-teen, I admired Annie Oakley.  (I was still in my western-cowboy craze!)

Both Roy and Annie were movie stars.  They represented honesty, fairness, and were loving characters who always stood for justice.  They were "straight-shooters!"  You could trust them and count on them to fight the bad guys and win.

As I entered high school, my interests turned to the business field.  I idolized my mother--she was a private secretary (and a very good mother).  I wanted to BE just like her!  In adulthood I achieved my goal by becoming an executive secretary (and a mother).  BUT...I didn't feel fulfilled!

One day--in the middle of typing a letter--I heard God say, "Come and follow Me.  Do it today--don't delay!"  It was that day that my life changed.  I-knew-that-I-knew what He'd called me to BE!  I "left my NET (my "security net" as a secretary) to BE about "His business!"  That was 33 years ago...and I've never looked back!

Now I transcribe for Him!  He blended my natural talents with my spiritual gifts.  Now I am complete in Him!  I know  WHO He is and I know WHO I am.  I know WHAT He's called me to do.

WHAT about you?  WHO are you following after?  HOW fulfilled and complete do you feel?  WHERE are you headed?  WHAT are you doing about it? 

I pray that you will, through Christ Jesus, you will--BECOME all that you can be!  [Matthew 4:19-20/Luke 2:49]

Friday, October 26, 2012


An acquaintance of mine often calls to complain to me that she's been OFFENDED.  Somebody's hurt her feelings by something they've said to her, and she can't get over it!  It's as though she's STUCK on a FENCE!

She dwells on the offense...she sulks over it, magnifies it, and replays it over-and-over in her mind (like a broken record).  What usually OFFENDS her is a careless statement, a simple comment, or a difference of opinion...but she takes it personally.  She expects everybody to agree with her, think like her, and believe like her.  And--when they don't, she's OFFENDED!  She wants "cookie-cutter companions" and "bobble-headed buddies" who will always march in line to her tune.

When anyone rejects or opposes her ideas or opinions, she personally feels ATTACKED!  Then her defense system is activated...resentment and anger builds up until she blows up.  She separates herself from the offender and starts slinging slander and unkind comments--expecting others to "take her side."  She won't forgive the one who offended her--and she won't go and talk to the offender.  She starts a war in her heart and can find no peace.

She'll remain STUCK on the OFFENSE (stuck on the fence) until she forgives the offender.  When she does, God will forgive her and remove her from where she's stuck. Then He will show her how to walk past the offense and enter His gates with praise and thanksgiving.  Then, and only then, will she find peace for her soul.

Lord, please forgive us our offenses as we forgive those who have offended us.  Restore unto each of us a right relationship 1st with You so that we might be able to mend broken fences and remove that which separates us from a broken relationship with others. 

[Read:  Matthew 6:9-15]

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Communication Is Like A "Coin Toss"

Good conversation operates like a "coin toss" at the beginning of a footballgame.  The coin is tossed to decide who STARTS and the other side WAITS for its turn. 

A good conversation has a "rhythm" to it--like the waves in the ocean that FLOW back-and-forth.  Tidal waves and under currents develop when the talker starts to ramble on, embellish, justify, make excuses, babble on, or run-off-at-the-mouth.  And, even more dangerous are out-of-control feelings, which can drown the recipient and cause irreparable damage.

Try to keep your opening comments brief--like saying, "Please listen to me--I have something I need to tell you."  Then allow the hearer to respond with a statement such as:  "I'm listening....what do you want to say?"  Then it's your turn again to say what you have to share.  Allow pauses in the conversation for the other person to talk and/or express themselves.  It's not meant to be a "one-way" conversation!  Both the hearer and the one talking are to participate.  This rhythmic way of relating (if spoken and received in love) will draw the two parties closer together.

It's the same with prayer:  You talk--God listens!  God talks--you listen!

Is prayer a "one-way" conversation...are you doing all the talking?  Have you quit speaking to God?  What's He been saying to you lately--are you listening?  How's your relationship doing--are you drawing closer to HIm--or are you pulling away?

  "If your day is hemmed in with prayer, you're less likely to unravel!"

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Boundary Lines Can Become Starting Lines

Have you ever "hit-the-wall," found yourself at a "dead end," or realized you couldn't go any farther on your own?  Were you ever told "you'll never amount to anything " or that "you're no good"?  Has anyone ever tried to block your progress or stop you from reaching a certain goal?  Well, many of these things have happened to me!  But I have learned that with God's help I'm able to do impossible things!

Religion and manmade rules put LIMITS and RESTRICTIONS on how far you can go, what you can and cannot do, who you should follow, and what you are to believe.  But Jesus demonstrated to us and taught us A BETTER WAY!

"With Him all things are possible; but without Him we can do nothing!"  [Paraphrased from:  Matthew 19:26/John 15:5]

We can have as much of Him as we want...we can go as far with Him as we want.  He will EXTEND our borders as we STRETCH our faith.

First, we are to REACH UP to Him (in faith)--and then REACH OUT to help others.  In so doing, He EXTENDS our sphere of influence and causes us to prosper.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Proverbs 31:20, which says:  "She EXTENDS her hand to the poor...she STRETCHES (reaches out) her hands to the needy."  EXTEND means "to enlarge."  STRETCH means "to reach out; to fully extend to a greater size; beyond normal limits."  In other words--get out of your COMFORT ZONE!!!

Yes, "BOUNDARY LINES Can Become STARTING LINES" for a new and wonderful life with Christ!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Must Be About HIS Business

A long time ago I was the Executive Secretary for the Headmaster at TCS.  Each morning he would call me into his private office to give me instructions for the day--things he wanted me to do and to tell me his plans for the day.  I always took a pen and a steno pad with me to write down what he had to say.

Thirty-three years ago I was callled into the ministry; and since then I've been serving the Lord as His personal secretary.  I begin each day with Him....I pick up my pen and a pad of paper and eagerly await to write down what He has to say (His instructions for my day).

Writing (for me) is like PRAYING with a PEN!

Sometimes the instructions are personally for me.  Sometimes He gives me something to share with you (and others).  He dictates "love letters" to me to send to you.  Then I go to my computer and transcribe them.  Next, I send these letters to those on my contact list.  Some read them...some discard them...some don't even open them--tossing them aside like "junk mail."  Others could "care-less" or are too busy to take time to read them.  A few, however, seem to benefit from what they have to say.  Nonetheless, I listen to what He has to say....I write it down....I pray--believing these "love letters" will touch a few hearts each day.

The Lord is waiting for you to come and meet with Him today.  His door is open.  His appointment book has reserved time to meet one-on-one with you.  He has things to tell you and He has time to listen to what you have to say.

Go to Him today...don't delay or cancel...He's waiting for you!

[Luke 2:49 -...I must be about HIS business!"]


Monday, October 22, 2012


I Corinthians 13:5 says to "test yourselves to see if you are in the faith."  Here's a self-evaluation "pop quiz" to test your level of faith: 

(1)  Who do you put 1st/think of 1st each and every day?   [20 pts.] 

(2)  Is your love for the Lord growing every day?  Are you growing in knowledge of His Ways?  [10 pts. each] 

(3)  Do you base your decisions on His interests  rather than your own?  [20 pts] 

(4)  Is there anything that you're not willing to give up in order to serve Him?  Are you willing to follow His Will and not your own?   [10 pts. each] 

(5)  Are you striving to be more like Jesus?  [20 pts.]

It reads in Revelation 3:15-16 - NLT - "I know all the things you do, that you are neither HOT nor COLD.  I wish that you were one or the other!  But since you are like LUKEWARM water, neither hot or cold, I will spit you out of My mouth!"

WARNING:  There's nothing more deceptive, damaging, or destructive to our relationship with the Lord than being LUKEWARM!!!

The definition for LUKEWARM is to "lack enthusiasm."  Here are some synonyms for being lukewarm: 

  • INDIFFERENT:  Neutral; unconcerned; apathetic; of no importance.
  • LACKADAISICAL:  Showing a lack of interest or spirit.
  • LISTLESS:  Indifference due to illness; dejection.
  • LANGUID:  To be faint; without vigor or vitality; weak; slow; dull.
(How'd you score on THE TEST OF FAITH?)

Friday, October 19, 2012


I loved the movie "A League Of Their Own," which was about a women's baseball league during World War II.  To keep the game going, while the men were away fighting the war, women were scouted and recruited to try out for a position on one of the league's teams.

All had the skills needed to play the game, but many were not selected.  Only a FEW remained.  Those who were CHOSEN lacked skills, abilities, and were flawed in other areas.  For  instance:  Some were scholastically challenged, some were poor, some did not fit the feminine female image (the body beautiful), some were not well-known or popular, etc.

Only a REMNANT remained!  Only a few had a deep desire to be on the team; only a few had a passion for the game; only a few were totally dedicated to the league.

Let me ask you:

  • How far are you willing to go?
  • How much are you willing to sacrifice for the Lord's league?
  • How much do you desire to be on the His team?
As a child, I played "sand lot" softball; then I played on school/church teams; after I graduated, I played federation ball.  I never made it to the minor or major leagues, but--in my spiritual life--I intend to GO ALL THE WAY!

It's a long way from the "sand lot" to the Lord's "Hall of Fame."

[Suggested Scripture Readings:  Matthew 7:24-27/20:16; Hebrews Chapter 11]

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stay On The Right Path

Have you ever come to a fork-in-the-road and not known which way to go?  Well, I have--many times!  But now I have a GPS.  It guides me in the right direction.

In Psalm 23:3 it says, "It is I who will lead you in "The Path of Righteousness! " [Paraphrased]  The Holy Spirit is our personal guidance system.  This guidance system won't lead you astray--He knows the right way for you to go.  If you get lost, He will redirect you and get you back on the right path.

Installed in some newer cars is a voice-activated satellite system.  If you get into trouble (an accident, get injured, or find yourself in danger), it'll send help.  The Holy Spirit is our spiritual voice-activated guidance system.  Just call out His Name and He will send help!

In this world you have to pay for a manmade GPS or voice-activated satellite system.  But--the Lord's GPS and voice-activated satellite system is a FREE GIFT.  BELIEVE (in Him) and RECEIVE (Jesus Christ into your heart), and He will give it to you.  He will personally install it in your heart!  It comes with a lifetime guarantee.

Use it!  Don't forget to activate it.  In so doing, you'll stay on the right path and you'll find your way back home!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


My father built a side-by-side duplex home so that my grandparents could live close to us.  The house had an inner-connecting door so that we could go back-and-forth to their side without having to go outside.

Before leaving for school each morning, I'd knock on grandpa's door.  I'd take my spelling book with me--and grandpa would help me practice my spelling.  I got very good at it--I even won some spelling bees.  Oh--I wasn't a quick study!  Memorizing didn't come easily for me, but going over-and-over the words with grandpa every day helped a lot!  I not only memorized the words, but I also learned what they meant.

Grandpa and I developed a very close relationship.  I was devoted to him....I adored him!  He not only helped me with my spelling, but he was ALWAYS there for me; ALWAYS cared for me; ALWAYS heard me knocking at his door; ALWAYS welcomed me with open arms; ALWAYS took time with me; ALWAYS loved me (just the way I was)!

I truly believe that's one of the main reasons I've developed a close relationship with my Heavenly Father, and delight in meeting with Him each morning to open The Book and learn His Word.  The daily routine/ritual along with the deep relationship that I developed with my grandfather, when I was a child, helped train me to adhere to the same practice with my Heavenly Father. 

I pray that you go to The Father each morning, knock on His door, open The Book, "study to show yourself approved" and "take the test to see if you will be found faithful."   [Paraphrased from II Timothy 2:15 and II Corinthians 13:5]  But, more imporantly, that you develop a close and personal relationship with Him.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Most of you are familiar with the Bible story about Mary and Martha having Jesus over for dinner.  Martha was the older sister...she was "the boss"...she was "in charge."  She had lots-and-lots of things to DO--the shopping, prepare the meal, clean the house, set the table--everything had to be just right!

Mary, her younger sister, wasn't much help!  All she did was greet Jesus at the door, welcome Him in, and then she sat down with Him--leaving her sister alone in the kitchen to "stew" and "burn" all by herself!  Martha's really getting "steamed-up" (like boiling water in a teakettle)--and she BLOWS!!!   In her anger she spurts out harsh words at both her sister and Jesus: 

"Don't you care (about me)?  See how hard I'm working...I have so much to do!  And you're not helping me one bit, Mary.  You've left me all alone to do all the work.  Jesus, tell her to get her butt in here and help me!"

I think Jesus might've responded with something like this:  "Martha, you're missing the point!  You are too DISTRACTED with all your DUTIES.  Put down what you're DOING and come BE with Me.  Come and sit a while and spend some time with Me.  Dinner can wait.  You need a time out!"  [Paraphrased from Luke 10:38-42]

Maybe Jesus asked Mary to relieve Martha from her kitchen duties and finish the dinner for her so she could spend some quality time with Him.

What about you  Are you too DISTRACTED with too many DUTIES; therefore, not having any time or energy left to be with Jesus?  Are you putting THINGS first instead of your relationship with Him?  Is your life too cluttered with tasks and self-imposed expectations?  Are you taking on more than you can handle?  It may be time to slow down and regroup.  You may need A TIME OUT!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012


PROCRASTINATION is poisoning and polluting our society.  It breeds laziness and delays what needs to be done.  A procrastinator says things like:  "I'll do that tomorrow"...."I'll take care of that later"..."In just a little bit."   But tomorrow turns into the next day, and then the next, etc.  Later turns into a lie--never intending to do it!  Excuses and postponements mount.

DELAY CAUSES DECAY!!!  It erodes peoople's patience and trust.  It's a form of rebellion and slothfulness.  It ruins relationships.  It is a sign of disrespect and shows a lack of consideration for the other person.   It can be identified in the passive-aggressive personality.  It peels away, layer-by-layer, one's credibility.  A procrastinator's word is no good--nor is he or she very responsible or reliable....always putting off what's not important to them.

Proverbs 6:6-11 compares an ANT to a SLUGGARD.  It condemns the sluggard's passivity, lack of initiative, the habit of procrastination, its obliviousness to what needs to be done, its laziness, and its lack of discipline.

DO what needs to be done without delay today!  Don't say you "can't" like the ant!  Don't hit the "snooze button"....GET UP--GET GOING!  God's got things for you to do!

Friday, October 12, 2012


It's been scientifically proven that what you THINK actually stores memories in your brain.

If the thought is positive, it truly will look different from what a negative thought will look like.

The negative thought produces a different type of chemical than a positive thought.  The negative thought developes thorn-like growths that dispense poison into one's system.  This poison first flows to the heart--then it travels to the immune system--ultimately causing sickness and disease.

What's the remedy...what's the cure...what can you do about it?  Answer:  You have to replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts by reprogramming/renewing your mind.

How do we renew our minds and change our negative circuitry?  Answer:  By studying God's Word, trusting in Him as The Great Physician, through meditating on His Word, and by praying(communicating) with Him.

The renewing of the mind is a constant, lifelong process.  We must daily deal with the "thorns of negativity" that try to attach themselves to us (things that get under our skin and infect us--like anger, hate, lust, greed, unforgiveness, etc.). 

We must also change our lifestyle by changing the way we think.  Philippians 4:8-9 instructs us to to THINK ON whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of a good meditate (or medicate) ourselves on these things.  And secondly, to DO what we've learned and been instructed to do.

Renew your mind...and you'll be fine!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


When I was a kid, I enjoyed coloring books.  Every once-in-a-while my mother would surprise me by giving me a "Connect the Dots Coloring Book."  I always enjoyed creating a picture by "connecting the dots."

Remember what you had to do to form the picture?  Each dot had a number beside it.  You started with #1...then drew a line to #2...and so-on.  When you finished "connecting the dots," you colored in the picture to complete it.

Our days here on earth are like the dots.  One day leads to the next...and the next...and the next until our life is finished.  Step back and take a look at how your life is "lining up"--this is your personal LIFELINE!  Your days are recorded in the Lord's ("Connect the Dots") Book of Life.  What do you see?  Some lines go upward (high points in your life) and some drop low (low times in your life); some seem flat whereas some are jagged and some are going in opposite directions, etc.

Sometimes, when I was in a hurry to finish or wasn't being careful, I'd make a mistake--I'd miss a dot or draw a line to the wrong dot.  Then I'd have to "erase" it, backtrack, and start from the last point.  Life's kinda like that, too.  We make a mistake...we miss a step...and things just don't look right or turn out right.  We can't seem to see the picture!

I'm somewhere on Dot #26,000 (as I'm over 71 years old) and I don't know how many dots (days) I have left!  My life is not yet complete, but I know my picture is recorded in His Book of Life!  (I hope He likes my picture!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Everyday Decisions and Choices

Everyday decsions and choices impact your life and the lives of others much more than you realize.  You've probably heard this old saying:  "Little becomes MUCH in the Master's hands!"  Little daily acts of kindness are like "nuggets of gold"....small, but precious!

We can CHOOSE to be KIND or rude; FORGIVING or hold a grudge; TRUTHFUL or dishonest and deceitful; UNSELFISH --not sharing-- keeping (hoarding) everything for ourselves, SUPPORTIVE and UPLIFTING or critical and condemning, etc.  I could go-on-and-on, but I'm sure you get the idea.

God is LOVE!  His kind of love was demonstrated here on earth through His Son, Jesus Christ.  We're to follow His example.

What NOT to do is recorded in I Corinthians 13:1-11 as well as how we are to behave and demonstrate a Christ-kind-of-love.

If you're not sure what to do, or how to do it--simply ask:  What would You do, Jesus?  How would you handle this situation?  What would you say?  And--IF you're following His lead...and know much abut His (godly) character--you'll know the'll know what to do!

Years ago there was a popular Christian phrase that said:  "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?"
If you KNOW Him...and FOLLOW Him'll know how to respond.

My question to you is this:  "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?"

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Regardless of our circumstances or ability, everyone has an "equal opportunity" to serve the Lord.  All who do will receive a heavenly reward and an "attah-boy"...a "well done, good and faithful servant" (followed by a reward)!  All we are asked to do is USE what He's given us!

We're all given an equal amount of time (24 hrs. in a day) to decide how we want to invest it, spend it, waste it, or use it.

A story is told in Matthew 25:14-30 about three servants:  One was given 5 talents (Upper Class); one was given 2 talents (Middle Class); one was given 1 talent (Lower Class).  Two of the servants faithfully and wisely used what had been given to them.  Therefore, the Master let them keep what they had gained. 

                 Faithful use of one's gifts and talents
                 sets the stage for one's advancement!

The one servant, however, did nothing with what had been given to him...he hid his talent!  So the Master took it from him.  (I'm sure he either said, or was thinking to himself--"Well, this isn't fair!"  How right he was....therefore, he remained on  WELFARE!)

The reward of further responsibility (the first 2 servants) is contrasted by judgment upon the INACTIVE and LAZY servant!

We may start out with "a silver spoon in our mouth," or be as "poor as a church mouse," but we all are given an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to use what's been given to us (our abilities and talents) to serve the Lord.  God will reward us and promote us according to our AVAILability (our willingness to serve and make good use of what we've been given).

                                 USE IT or LOSE IT!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

SHARE if you truly CARE!

When we "shut down" from sharing...when we "close off" from caring...we will start to decline, decay, and die!

I truly believe if everyone (especially the rich and well-to-do) would WANT less and GIVE more, our national debt would rapidly decline.  When people become GREEDY, they usually ignore those who are in NEED.  They HOARD their abundance and pass by those they could HELP!  For example:

How many pairs of shoes does a lady really need?  (Some collect hundreds!)  How many TV's, computers, and I-pads does one household have to have?  Can any Hollywood actress wear the same dress twice?  Give the excess away!!!

My mother was not rich (by any stretch of the imagination), but she was a generous GIVER.  She gave and never expected anything in return.  She gave unconditionally (no strings attached).  She gave SACRIFICIALLY--she gave from her heart.

GIVING is a "love language" -- one way to express love.
GIVING brings hope and life to others.
GIVING says, "your worth it!"

SHARE if you CARE!
GIVE out of the "treasury of your heart."

Let us not "hoard" our goods, but "let us labor, working with our hands what is good that we may have something to GIVE to him who has a NEED." [Ephesians 4:27

Friday, October 5, 2012


Spiritual, life-threatening battles are where Prayer Warriors are produced.  The soldiers on the battlefield (on foreign soil) have learned how to pray desperate prayers.  Seasoned Prayer Warriors can stand up and cry out in times of distress--and God moves on their behalf.

The world today is filled with violence:  Crime, political corruption, domestic abuse, murder, severe poverty and famine, deadly diseases, drive-by shootings, rapes, floods and fires spreading across our land, abortion, etc.  HELP US, LORD!  HEAR OUR PRAYERS!

Jonah was in distress.  He'd been cast overboard during a severe storm, swallowed up by a whale, and submerged into the depth of the sea.  Here is what is written in The Book of Jonah:  Jonah said, "I called out in my distress to the Lord, and He answered me.  I cried for help from the depths of Sheol (the realm of death); You heard my voice."  Yes, He hears our cries of desperation!

Our pretty, polite pew and pulpit prayers are spoken softly...but when we're facing death and destruction, we SHOUT (cry out) to the Lord!

Years ago I was attending a women's retreat in Canada.  It was held in a large Conference Center.  There was also a campground located on the grounds.  My husband and son were camping on the premises while we women were inside the Conference Center--praising and worshipping the Lord--having a wonderful time.  Suddenly a severe tornado arose and began spinning its way directly towards the Conference Center.  When my husband and another man spotted it, they STOOD UP and SPOKE (prayed loudly) to the whirling wind.  Two Prayer Warriors stood their ground against a mighty tornado.  God heard (and answered) their prayers of distress.  Right before their eyes they saw that tornado split-in-two (divide) and go around the Conference Center.  God had saved us from destruction!

Agathon, a 4th century Christian, said this:  "Prayer is WARFARE to the last breath."  When we pray to the Lord, and resist what is wrong in the world, He can take what is wrong and make it right.  We must STAND fast and HOLD firm to our faith...we must fight for what is right.  "The prayers of a righteous man (one who is in right standing and in a right relationship with the Lord) avails much."  [James 5:16]

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Light dispels darkness.  The brighter the light, the better the visibility.  The more lights there are, the larger our field of vision.

The other day I needed  to put on my "blinker" light (distress signal).  Oh--not in my car...I was in spiritual distress!  I was stuck in a thick "Fog of Feelings" and the air stunk with my "Stinkin' Thinking"...I couldn't see my way through a certain problem.  I got three-quarters of the way, but couldn't go any futher.

Someone saw my distress signal and came to shed more light.  They knew the way, they had traveled this route before and had experience and were equipped to shed enough light to see me through.

People--we all NEED one another as we journey through life.  From-time-to-time you or I get struck, run out of gas, slide into a ditch, or get hurt and need someone to come and help us.

We need to let even our little "blinker" light shine--indicating that we need assistance.  Some people, however, are too proud to ask for help or admit they have a problem.  What a pity!

I heard a story about a man who was stuck on his roof during a flood.  He was waiting for the Lord to rescue him.  The Lord sent a helicopter--but the man refused to go; then the Lord sent a rowboat--but the man refused to leave his house.  He was waiting for a miracle--for the water level to go down or for his personal "Red Sea" to open up and provide a dry path for him to walk through.  He waited too long...he drown!

God provided help for me in my time of distress, but I had to be open to receive the help(er),  Therefore, I was able to move on.  He provided the way....He provided the answer!

Remember--the Lord is "a present help in time of trouble," but the help He sends may be through another person, by another means than you expected, or He may send you to help someone else.

[Psalm 46:1/John 1:5] 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Spiritual Guide for Success - #4

Please carefully read these two versions of Philippians 2:3-5 -- 

[NLT] Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others.  Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.  Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.  You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus has. 

[NKJ]  Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each ESTEEM others better than themselves.  Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.  Let this mind be in you which also is in Christ Jesus.

We're told to ESTEEM one another, which means"To value highly; respect."  However, I seem to see more disrespect these days!

My parents taught me to respect those in authority (like policemen, teachers, etc.), older people, and the like.  I was taught to say "please" and "thank you"--to be "polite."  

We lose respect for people who don't keep their word (break promises), are lazy, lie, cheat, are inconsistent, procrastinate, or when trust is broken.  We  gain respect when we keep our word and follow through with what we said we'd do, etc. 

I find it a rare occurrence when anyone truly takes an interest in what someone else has to say.  Most are more interested in telling their personal "tale of woes" (complaining), "tooting their own horn" (bragging), or trying to become "the center of attention" (it must be all about THEM)!  Just LISTEN to someone talk for an hour and you'll LEARN what's important to them, what they believe in, and what kind of person they are (proud, humble, caring, critical, self-absorbed, insecure, etc.).

People will think more highly of you and respect you more IF you show them respect and honor them by your words and your willingness to respectfully listen to them and validate their worth.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Spiritual Guide for Success - #3

Today I'll be sharing about my favorite thing to do--ENCOURAGE people.  ENCOURAGE means "to give courage, hope, confidence, support, or help."

It's in my (spiritual) DNA to encourage give them hope; to build up their confidence; to stand by their side in times of trouble, illness, or distress; to verbally encourage or support them in any way I can.

It disturbs me and grieves me deeply when I see or hear others put people down by DISCOURAGING them by disapproving of them, leaving them like "cast down" sheep--unable to rise up above the criticism, rejection, and verbal abuse.  They suffer from the disease of low self-esteem; therefore, never able to reach their full potential because nobody believes in them--nor do they have any confidence in themselves (no self worth).

David was being chased by King Saul and his mighty army...there was a "death threat" on his head; and, even David's own men were (at the time) upset with him.  So what did David do?  He ENCOURAGED himself in the Lord!  He wrote in Psalm 42:5, "Why so downcast, oh my soul...put your trust in God."  That's the remedy (the antidote) for DISCOURAGEMENT, folks...PUT YOUR TRUST IN GOD!

Here is a quote that may help you to be encouraged and climb out of the ditch of discouragement:

"He (God) is a spring in my darkest valley and a stream of living water in my driest desert."  [Lettie B. Cowman]

Monday, October 1, 2012

Spiritual Guide for Success - #2

On 9/28 I wrote about how we are to EDIFY one another.  Today I'm going to write about how to EXHORT one another.  To EXHORT means to "urge earnestly or strongly advise."

A parent strongly urges a child not to do this or that.  Why?  Because they don't want to see them get hurt or fail.  A pastor should give strong advice in his sermons rather than "tickle ears" and entertain.  Nowadays many churches "soft-sell" the message.  Therefore, the congregation can only drink "milk" rather than chew on " the meat" of The Word.  They remain ill-equipped, immature, weak, and naive to fight against evil or recognize false teaching.

To exhort means to WARN.  It's a heartfelt plea.  It's not a put-down or a's an earnest word of advice--given in love and out of concern fo the welfare of the person.

Many Christians prefer to splash around in shallow waters; however, the Lord is calling us to go out into the deep.  America's at a place where it's either going to "sink or swim."  We're deeply in debt, our economy is sinking, we're being pressured (tossed to-and-fro) on every side, and hated by many countries.  Our only way to stay afloat or to win a war is to listen to and obey Godly counsel.

It reads in Hebrews 3:-12-13, "Beware brethren lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God:  but EXHORT one another daily...lest any of you become hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.  [15] ...Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in rebellion."

I strongly urge you...I exhort you to turn your hearts towards Jesus...listen to His strong words of advice.  Trust and obey what He has to say....and GO ALL THE WAY with Him!