Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Times of testing and trials precede the real race.  These "time trials" either qualify or disqualify us to run in the big event.  Times of testing are needful to show us how prepared we are to compete against the opposition.  Whether you're an athlete, a soldier, a student, a Christian, etc.--you will be required to enter times of testing ("time trials").

Jesus was challenged at the start of His public ministry by satan.  They fought a 3-round boxing match...a "no-holds-barred" fight!  Satan would throw a powerful punch--then Jesus would counterpunch.  Satan fought one way (by tempting Jesus); Jesus fought a different way (by quoting scripture).  Jesus won this fight--but there were more to come!  [Luke 4:1-13]

As soon as you step out in FAITH, you're going to be faced with a fight.  But, remember--we're not fighting flesh and blood...we're duking-it-out with the devil!  [Ephesians 6:12]

Are you PREPARED--have you been properly TRAINED and EQUIPPED[Ephesians 4:11-12/6:10-19Do you have enough WORD (scripture) inside of you to pass the test?  Do you have enough FAITH to win the battle?  Do you have the ENDURANCE to finish the race?

Will you be able to say at the end of your life:  "I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith"[II Timothy 4:7]