Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What Platform Do You Stand On?

I'm so sick-and-tired of all the political debates!  Each candidate is attacking the other candidates...they're making promises they can't keep...they're running around from this city to the next--gathering big crowds, shaking hands, and claiming they know how to "fix" this country.  Millions of dollars are being spent (wasted) on campaigns. 

But WHAT IF one candidate would simply do what King Jehoshaphat did?  He simply stepped up on the platform and spoke the truth:  "...we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon Thee."  Three armies were coming against Judah...and, in like manner, many countries are coming against us (America) these days.  We're in over our heads!!!  So what's THE answer; what's the ONLY answer?  I believe it's this:

WHAT IF one candidate (or our President) would get up before the people (this nation) and call us to pray and seek God's face...confess our sins....and ask that He heal our land?

America has compromised with other countries; America has looked to man for answers rather than turn to God.  We've been trying to do it our way rather than God's way.  We were once "one nation--under God," but we have pushed Him out of the way.

Just think--if our leading politicians and preachers would get off their platforms and get on their knees in prayer before the people--and if we, the people, would do likewise--I believe God would heal our land.

May we, the people, begin to "confess our faults one to another, and pray one for another," and "ask God to heal our land!"  [James 5:16]  Our money says, "IN GOD WE TRUST," but do we?  Let us pray for our politicians and leaders that they would put their trust in God, cry out to Him for help, confess their faults,and proclaim His Word rather than write their own speeches.