Friday, January 20, 2012

CROSSroads - Part 2

Yesterday I wrote about how Rocky overcame his fear (following his fall of pride).  Today I want to write about the "ROCKY IV" movie.  In this movie Rocky's friend, Balboa, was killed (in the boxing ring) by a Russian boxer.  This fills Rocky with a "righteous anger!"  [Anger can sometimes override our fear.]  This time Rocky has no fear!  He is going to fight a private, personal battle with this GIANT-of-a-man, this Russian--in a foreign land.

The Russian tries to intimidate and instill fear with these words:  "I must BREAK you!"  But Rocky had previously been "broken" when he fell because of PRIDE.  He overcame his FEAR and defeated his last opponent.  He was PREPARED for this fight!!! 

Again, Rocky was facing a CRISIS.  He found himself at another CROSSroad.  Life is like that.  We fight one battle--and another one shows up in our face....we climb one mountain--then we have to enter another valley of decision! is full of ups-and-downs!  But God takes us THROUGH the valleys and UP the mountains!  He places people in our lives to help us go through the valleys and climb up the mountains.  Rocky had his managers, mentors, trainers, and his wife to help him.  It says in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 "Woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up...".  We all need help along the way!

Even Jesus needed to be comforted and attended to.   One example of this was when Mary "broke" the Alabaster Jar of her most costly posession over Jesus--anointed Him and preparing him for his "battle" on the cross.  Mary was used by God to strengthen Jesus emotionally whereas Simon was used to help Jesus when His physical strength ran out.

Crete, his previous opponent, had said these words to Rocky:  "You' FOOL!"  At that point in time, Rocky was a "fool" because he wouldn't listen to anybody; he thought he knew it all.  Therefore, he lost that fight to Crete and he fell into "The Valley of Fear!"  But God picked him up, he got his head on straight, and fought with his heart.  He fought an even bigger and more powerful enemy...and he won!

We are "The Body of Christ"--we need one another.  Most of all we need God on our side.  And "if God be for us--who can be against us?"  David defeated the GIANT in his life...and so must we.  Our giants are our FEARS.  Overcome your fears and doubts....go in FAITH...and the VICTORY is yours!