Thursday, January 5, 2012

Doubter Becomes A Disciple

Peter wearily sat mending his worn fishing net....discouraged 'cause he'd fished all night and had caught nothing!  (And he was an experienced fisherman.)  Jesus comes along and tells him to launch out into the deep (go farther than he's used to going at a time when the fish usually don't bite) for a catch. 

Peter DOUBTS that any fish can be caught at this time and in this way....BUT he takes Jesus at His Word and obeys His command.  And what happens?  He catches more fish than his boat can hold! 

Then--Peter DOUBTS himself and feels like a real "loser!"  His weak faith turned into fear!  He falls to his knees and confesses that he's a "sinful man."  Then Jesus speaks to him again:  "Don't be AFRAID....from now on you will catch men!"

TRANSFORMATION...the former life fades into the background and a new life begins!  There's an immediate "change" in Peter's life!

Many, many years ago I was an Executive Secretary at a Christian school.  (I'd been in the secretarial field for 'bout 25 years.)  I was in the middle of a contract the middle of typing a letter WHEN the Lord showed up and said to me, "Come--leave your 'net' (typewriter) and follow Me.  Do it today!" 

I knew since I was in the 4th grade that I'd been "called" to the ministry....but I got married, had two children, and life just took a different turn.  But "the call" never went away.  And--that day--my heart clearly "heard" Jesus speak to me.  It was so personal!  CHANGE POINT....CROSSROAD!  I left my long-standing secretarial career and began my journey with Jesus on the road to ministry.

What's in your heart....what's He called you to?  Wait...listen!  TRUST and OBEY, for there's no other way to go, if you want to BE all that He wants you to be!