Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Can't Do This Alone!

My granddaughter is only 4, but she is very independent.  She frequently says, "I can do it by myself!"  She will struggle-and-struggle until she'll finally give-in and ask for HELP!

Aren't we all like that, too?  I've seen and heard hundreds of people say:  "I have to be STRONG for them!  (They're trying to care for, and stay strong for, a loved one who is ill, injured, impaired, or dying.)  God, however, wants us to allow others to help/assist us when our burden becomes too heavy for us to carry all alone.

We're told in the Bible to "pick up our cross and carry it."  But even Jesus knew He couldn't carry His cross all by Himself!  He, too, needed help.  So God picked "Simon of Cryrene" out of the crowd to carry Jesus' cross (burden) when He fell and had no more strength to go any further.

Why did someone have to assist/help Jesus?  Jesus had to experience (feel and go through) everything we go through in life.  He ran out of strength (as a human being)--being a man!

I used to believe, and say:  "God doesn't give us more than we can handle (carry)!"  But I've gained more godly wisdom--and now I say (and believe) that:  "God does give us more than we can handle so we will include Him in the process!"  [See:  Matthew 16:24 & 27:32]