Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Golf is such a strange game!  I'm trying to learn it, but I find it very frustrating!  However, my husband and friends allow me to use a "mulligan" quite often when I mess up.  A mulligan is like a "do-over."  You get a "2nd chance" to hit the ball....and you disregard the 1st shot.  Pros are not allowed to use a mulligan--only amateurs, like me.  But I'm getting better--my husband used to allow me as many mulligans as I wanted....but now I only use a few in a round of golf.

I couldn't find the word MULLIGAN in the Bible; but I found a few words that mean much the same thing:  GRACE, MERCY, and FORGIVENESS.  God gives us as many "DO OVERS" as we need to finish the course!  He is patient with our efforts and lack of ability.  He is pleased that we keep trying to improve. 

During a round of golf I am able to hit a few good shots...and that's why I keep coming back to try again.  Our Christian life is much like that....we mess up sometimes, but we also do well at other times. 

There are different personalities on the golf course:  Some are so perfectionistic that they can't enjoy the game; some throw their clubs in anger and frustration; some just do whatever they want --not paying attention to any instruction; some take lesson-after-lesson and practice on the driving range a lot before even going to the course.  And some devote their lives to the game.  But golf is just a GAME! 

Many Christians "play golf.", observe how they act (on and off the course)?  Many Christians "play church"!  Watch how they act  (in and out of the church)!