Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Good Breakfast!

"Start your day with a good's the most important meal of the day," we are told. Well, that's what the Israelities did when they left Egypt.  God told them that He would "rain bread from heaven" each day and that they were to "go out and gather a day's portion every day."  [Exodus 16:4]

By getting up and beginning each day with fresh "manna" (feeding on The Word) we are acknowledging that we are partaking of the food which He desires we eat.  The "manna" of the Word is lighter--it is a daily Word.  It can come from a devotional or reading a few verses of Scripture.  It can be found in a Christian book, or an e-mail.  It may not be new revelation, but it will sustain you.

I believe what the Lord's trying to tell us is to get up every morning and begin our day feeding on His Word.  In doing so, He will give us a "fresh Word" (manna) for the day.  (No one likes eating stale bread!)

If we want the Lord to serve us  the "meat" of the Word (which is a direct, personal,  rhema Word) rather than "milk" (which is for newborns in Christ Jesus), we must obtain this from an in-depth personal study.  This can be done by first praying before reading your Bible; or God may speak to you through a Bible study, Bible course, conference, Christian book,  Christian teacher, etc.  He may even speak to you in a dream.  Just ASK Him to speak to you...just tell Him you're HUNGRY for more!

By rising 1st thing in the morning and looking for fresh manna (Word), we are demonstrating that He is 1st in our lives and 1st in our day.  Then--we can more confidently get on with our day, and say--"Okay, God--let's go to work!