Monday, January 9, 2012


I was talking to a gentleman the other night, and he said this:  "I think ALL women are controlling!"  That really disturbed my spirit, so I took it to prayer and meditated on what he had said, for quite some time.

If one gender or the other tries to CONTROL the other, then they're "out-of-order!"  Ephesians 5:21 talks about SUBMISSION.....submitting one to the other.  Roles and positions may differ, but there should be EQUAL respect and a flow between one another.

I asked why so many men have not taken their rightful authority/position in marriage and in their God-given roles these days.  I believe He shared this with me:

Because men have dropped-the-ball and given up their power--women have picked-up-the-ball and run with it!  Women have done this for many reasons, but I believe primarily two stand out:  (1)  Fear; (2) need.

These "role reversals" are running rampant in America today....especially in marriages!  Wives are told to "respect and submit to their husbands as to the Lord" and men are told to "love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her."  What woman wouldn't love that!!!  If men and women truly understood what God said about "submitting, one to the other," we wouldn't have wimpy men and overbearing women!

"The switch took place in The Garden of Eden when Adam gave-in to Eve and ate the forbidden fruit with her (and he knew better)!  It was at that moment he GAVE UP his authority...he sinned...and he GAVE OVER his power to satan.  Relationship was broken with God and "role reversal seeds" were planted in the hearts of mankind.