Monday, January 23, 2012


Picky eaters are very fussy about what they'll eat.  Many are afraid to try something new or different.  They'll pass over certain foods, or they won't finish what's on their plate.  Much good food is thrown away or wasted by them.

Many Christains act the same way when they look for food to feed their souls.  God's Recipe Book (The Bible) is filled with all that we need for a complete healthy diet.  But most only "pick-and-choose" their favorite portions of Scripture.  They ignore, pass by, or throw out the rest!
They'll gorge themselves on the sweet morsels (messages), but find the meat (of The Word) hard to swallow!

Jesus said "come and dine"....Jesus has "prepared a banqueting table" for us....and He wants to "come and dine" with us.  But we often make escuses why we can't come to His table:  We're too busy, we have other obligations, we don't feel like it, we'd rather do something else, etc.  Or we reluctantly come...take only a small portion, select only our favorite foods, or leave a lot on our plate and refuse to finish the whole meal.

The Lord is looking for those who will "hunger and thirst" (after Him).  Come with a big appetite for His Word....come and dine!  Set at the table with Him and be filled!