Monday, February 6, 2012

The Love of a Grandparent

Grandparents often age like fine wine!  They seem to have more PATIENCE and take more TIME with their grandchildren than they did with their own children.  They've learned to FORGIVE (overlook and excuse) mistakes and accidents (like spilled milk) more easily than their mom and dads.

They don't seem as "up-tight" and "rushed" as do parents these days.  They "stop and smell the roses" and appreciate simple things and quiet times moreso than do their grown children.

My grandparents lived with us--and I was BLESSED!  Every day my grandfather would help me with my spelling words before I went to school.  After school grandma would always have a snack waiting for me (as both my parents worked).  We never had "outside" babysitters--my grandparents were always there.

I now am a grandparent; my circle of friends are all grandparents.  But I have two friends who are a "cut above" the rest of us.  One always has a "special" activity or event planned when her grandkids come over to her house.  It could be decorating a t-shirt for Valentine's Day or going to a pro-football game to celebrate a grandson's birthday.  She spares no expense--she goes way out-of-her way (and her comfort zone) to make a memory that will last a life time.  My other grandparent friend will drive hundreds-and-hundreds of miles (alone on the road in the winter time) to be able to spend a few days with her grandkids.  These two grandparent friends sacrifice TIME, comfort, energy, and $$$ to build a relationship with their grandchildren.  They SACRIFICE much...and they do it with JOY!

They're leaving a LEGACY of LOVE before they pass on!  What will you be leaving behind that will be remembered?