Thursday, February 23, 2012

How Good Is Your WORD?

My dad was a good honest man.  He was a plumber and had his own small business.  If  you called on him to install or repair any household plumbing, if he said he'd do it--it was a "done deal!"  He'd seal the deal with a handshake--and that was that!  His WORD was good!  Everybody respected my dad.  He was not rich or famous--nor was he highly educated.  But, he was an INTEGRAL man!  He had a good REPUTATION.  You could count on him!  If he started something....he'd finish it!

My dad was the same kind of husband and father.  Mom and we kids could always count on him.  He was a good provider and protector.  I always felt secure and protected around my father. 

Kids seem to identify God, The Father and compare Him to their earthly fathers.  Usually that's their 1st impression of God.  I had a good example of a father, so it was easy for me to accept God, The Father.  However, I've met so many people who had a cruel father, an absentee father, or who never knew their father; therefore, they don't trust in God, The Father. 

Divorces, broken homes, and dysfunctional families are so prevelant these days.  No wonder our Christian values are fading from the landscape.  What can we do about it?  Answer:  Be a living example of God's love.  Let your value system be like His.  Be honest, be integral.  Mean what you say....then follow through with what you promised to do.  Let your YES's be yes and your NO's mean no!

Be of a GOOD REPUTATION and help raise the standard in this land....."One nation, under God!"