Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Flaws of Favortism

We are to identify with Christ, but far too often we prefer to identify with (what the world calls) "successful people!"  We treat someone who is well-dressed over someone who looks shabby.  We honor those with titles after their names and walk by or ignore the "unknowns" in the world.
Jesus tells us we're not to show FAVORTISM.  In Matthew 25:40 He said, "If you've done it unto the least of them, you've done it unto Me."

We often are very "selective" regarding how we treat people.  We're more motivated to react out of our prejudices and preferences than out of love.  I've recently seen the movie, ''THE HELP."  It really speaks to this issue of prejudice, partiality, and prominence.  These southern belles showed honor to those who dressed better and were of a "higher class"--making appearances, race, and wealth more important than godly character.  These women were rich in worldly goods, but spiritually poor.  They had "a form of godliness"...but they lacked authenticity--they were shallow and sugar-coated with pride!  They abused and misued their staff!

"An empty religion will betray itself in RELATIONSHIPS!  To make superficial distinctions among people, preferring those of prestige and position, is incompatible with the faith of our Lord, which excludes favoritism based on wealth or class. " [Footnote from The Spirit-Filled Life Bible, p. 1897]