Friday, February 3, 2012


So many people are SELF-centered and think the world revolves around them!    "It's all about ME!"  That's how so many act and talk.  Everything has to center around them and what they are doing or who (they think) they are.  They're so "full of themselves" that there's no room for Jesus!

Then you have those INDEPENDENT types who are always saying, "I can do it myself" or "I did it all by myself!"  No--Jesus says in John 5:30, "I can of Myself do nothing" and He followed that up by saying, "I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me."  (Even the Lone Ranger needed Tonto!)

Last, but not least, you have those people who believe--and say, "It all belongs to me!"  WRONG!!!  Everything comes from God's hands and is put in our hands.  It all belongs to Him!
"The Lord GIVES...and the Lord can TAKE IT ALL AWAY!"  That's what He did with Job--He gave him great wealth, good health, a large family, and many blessings; then--He took them all away (except for a nagging, pessimistic wife).  But Job hung onto his faith--passed the test--and God returned to him more than he had before.

A daughter just recently told me about her mother, who will part with NOTHING!  She says "it's MINE and I'm going to keep it all!"  She has 2 automobiles and a truck, she doesn't drive, but won't part with any of them.  She HOARDES everything!  So very sad!

Love GIVES!  Love is demonstrated by our acts of kindness, forgiveness, compassion.  Love gives of its time, talents, and out of its treasury. 

IF YOU HAVE NOT LOVE--you have nothing
IF YOU HAVE NOT LOVE--you are nothing!
[I Corinthians 13:2-3]