Friday, February 10, 2012


Many people leaf through the pages of their Bible much like one leafs through a merchandise catalog--looking for all the "good stuff" (like God's blessings and His promises).  But, they skip over the pages that deal with sin or suffering--discipline or chastening.  They love the items dealing with grace and mercy, but only glance over selections on service and submission.

How faulty our faith becomes when it's used simply to acquire possessions and power.  Our faith will depreciate in value quickly if we mis-spend it on acquiring possessions, pleasure, or power rather than investing in a relationship with the Lord.  We need to spend our TIME getting to know Him rather than trying to get something out of Him!

We make EXCUSES for not taking time to be with Him.  In Luke 14:15-24, Jesus tells the story of a man who prepared a great supper and invited many to come.  He sent "special invitations"--but those who received them began to make excuses such as:  One had some real estate (property) to purchase; another had livestock to look after; and, another blamed his wife--saying he had to stay home and attend to her "honey-do list."

Either due to poor planning, scheduling, or wrong priorities many reject His INVITATION.  They decline devoting time to be with the Lord.  Therefore, quality time with Him falls to the bottom of their list of things to do and places to go.

Warning!!!  If we refuse to include Him in our lives, He will eventually withdraw His INVITATION to "come and dine" at His table!