Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Work In Progress!

I can so relate to the Apostle Peter....he was such a "work in progress!"  Remember when Jesus kept asking him, "Peter, do you love Me?" and Peter kept saying "yes," but he really didn't get it! 

You see--Jesus' love for us is PERFECT...but ours needs to be perfected!  I John 4:18 is a life-changing verse for me.  Everytime I start to fuss or fear, this verse reminds me that my love needs to grow.  It tells me that my fear is bigger than my love; it reminds me that my faith needs to grow as well as my love.

Whenever you find FEAR standing in your way, you have to hurdle over it!!!  Peter had to get past his guilt, shame, and fear.  He had denied that he ever knew Jesus--and he ran away in fear.  But Jesus came to him (after He was resurrected) and they reconciled.  LOVE had lifted Peter up and carried him past his fear and shame.  The heavy weight of guilt was gone!   From that day on, Peter walked in "agape" love--love for his Lord and Savior--and love for those he was sent to minister unto.

LOVE for the Lord must express itself in love for fellow believers.  The "perfect love" that "casts out fear" sweeps away doubt and unbelief.  His perfect love will carry you over any obstacle and draw you closer to Him.

Face your fears, hurdle over them,  and find Christ waiting for you with outstretched arms of love!