Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Profound Prosperity!

Success and prosperity have different meanings for different people.  To some it means money and fame; to some it means titles and treasures--but to be spiritually prosperous is a whole 'nother matter!

In III John 2 Paul says:  "...I pray that you may PROSPER in all things and be in HEALTH, just as your SOUL prospers.  HEALTH refers to sound doctrine, sound word, and sound faith.  PROSPERITY ought to be the result of a quality of life, commitment, dedication, and action that is in line with God's Word.  In the Greek it means "to help on the road" or "succeed in reaching."

Divine prosperity is not a momentary phenomenon, but an ongoing process of well being.  It involves every area of our lives (the spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, and material).  And, it is paramount to maintain a rhythm, order, and balance to maintain good health and prosperity.

"The thief (satan) comes to ROB, steal, and destroy--but I have come to bring you a more abundant life!"  [My own interpretation of John 10:10.]   Take the word "ROB" and look at it this way:  R - rhythm; O - orderliness; B - balance.  If we can focus on those three words and try to live by them, we will be able to walk in prosperity of the spirit.

RHYTHM:  A steady pace each day--not rushing...not jamming and cramming too much into a day.  ORDERLINESS:   It says in Matthew 6:33 to "seek 1st the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."  The Lord  should be 1st, family 2nd, work 3rd, church 4th.  BALANCE:  Get proper rest, eat a balanced diet, manage your time, finances, work, recreation, etc.

Satan comes to ROB, but the Lord comes to GIVE you a more abundant and PROSPEROUS life!