Monday, December 5, 2011

Vertical and Horizontal Faith Must Work Together!

What  you believe you can receive IF you complete (follow through and do) the work that the Lord's asked you to do!  Here are a couple of examples of those who obeyed (followed instructions and completed their assignments) and those who disobeyed and doubted God's Word:

(1)  Ten spies were sent into The Promised Land and told to bring back a report.  Eight reported that they DOUBTED--not believing it was possible to enter that land because the giants there were too big and powerful to defeat.  Only two of the spies (Joshua and Caleb) BELIEVED that they could!  Therefore, the rest of the Israelites "bought the lie and bailed out;" therefore, only 2 from the 1st generation  ENTERED IN to The Promised Land!  (Guess which 2?  Yep--Joshua and Caleb!)

(2)  Abraham was told to sacrifice his son, Isaac (kill him with a knife).  He, however, BELIEVED that God could (and would) save him because of what God had PROMISED. 

We tend to BELIEVE only what we can SEE in the natural.  True--in the natural, it can't be done!  But, in the supernatural, it can!  However, FAITH without WORKS is DEAD!

I had a friend once who BELIEVED God was going to give her a Christian bookstore.  She thought (reasoned in her mind) that some benefactor was going to just drop $100,000 in her lap to open the store.  So she waited..and waited...and waited!  She did NOTHING but pray and wait!  I suggested this:  "Why don't you buy a box of books and sell them; once sold, buy 2 boxes and sell them; keep multiplying 'til you fill a garage full--then sell them.  Soon you'll have your store!  And--in the meantime, IF that benefactor comes by and gives you the money--great!  But DO what you can 'til then!"  Well, she never did!  So she never ENTERED INTO business!  The WORD God had given her was a PROMISE He would have kept IF she would have worked the Word!  [James 2:20 - Faith without works is DEAD!]

"There is practical harmony or synergism between VERTICAL FAITH in God and HORIZONTAL WORKS to a needy world.  FAITH is both spiritual and practical."[Word Wealth from The Spirit Filled Life Bible, p. 1898]