Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Mature, Healthy Church

Often, when a person is SICK, they don't feel like eating, or their system can't tolerate food.  When they start to get better, they begin with liquids--then add soft foods to their diet--and finally solid foods.  Newborn babies can only drink milk.  As they grow, cereal is added--then soft foods, solid food, and finally meat.  If the baby/child is NOT READY (grown enough) to handle solid food, they will either spit-it-out or choke on it!

Paul is admonishing the church because they're still acting like babies--very immature for their age!!!  The members are still only able to handle "the milk of the Word."  Their BODY (the church body) has not been fed SOLID FOOD or MEAT!  Paul reminds them that they're still in Nursery School!  They haven't even been able to digest the elementary teachings that are found in "The Apostles' Doctrine."  Most Christians have never "tasted" such teachings!  They don't even know where to find this grade of milk!  (See:  Hebrews 6:1-2

I "hunger and thirst" for more!  I want ALL He has to offer....give me more!  I have a big appetite for His WordI desire to GROW UP in Him!  "Solid food belongs to those who are of 'full age'...those who by reason of use  have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.[Matthew 5:6; Hebrews 5:12-14]

Churches, and Ministers of The's your responsibility to "make disciples!"  [Matthew 28:19]

Graduate School (in Christ) requires a  Degree in DISCIPLESHIP!!!