Friday, December 16, 2011

PEACE On The Earth!

When I was a young child, I believed in Santa Claus.  But it didn't take me very long to learn the truth (thanks to my brother)!  There are many false tales told about make-believe characters, which are fun to read and hear about....but they're NOT REAL!!!  So how can we tell the REAL thing from that which is FALSE?  You have to be exposed to the truth so you can discern the false!

Newly hired bank clerks 1st have to go through a training process where they're required to handle and count thousands-and-thousands of authentic currency for several days until  they can  detect the authentic money from counterfeit money.  Somewhere in that process,  fake bills are slipped  inbetween the real stuff.  To pass the test, the trainee would have to immediately be able to tell the difference.

When we come to know Christ and learn His Word (the Bible), we'll be able to detect true doctrine from false doctrine, if we've been taught and trained to tell the authentic from the false teachings and from the false teachers.  

There are many "scam artists" (wolves in sheep's clothing) in the world today (and even in our churches).  Their only purpose is to exploit people--take their money and pocket it to prosper themselves.   We are "seduced" by their sweet-talk and their charismatic personalities.  They entertain us and make us feel good!  BEWARE!

Often my husband will see an advertisement on the computer that wants you to buy something (that you really think you MUST have)....but you are told you have only 15 minutes to order or you'll miss the deal!  BEWARE!  Satan rushes!  He wants you to act before you have time to think about it!  He tempts you to buy something you don't need.  It's called "impulse buying!"  It appeals to the EYE, it is tempting to the FLESH!  Hum!  Sound familiar?  Yep--that's how satan tempted Eve!  (She would've been one of those shoppers who "shopped 'til she dropped!")

And what's happened to our society because of such temptation?  Credit-card instability...bankruptcy, etc.  We've been lured away by the lusts of our flesh, by greed, by wanting more-and-more-and more!  We're poor stewards of our money; many worship money...which is a false idol!  We're swayed and persuaded to follow after things and people rather than follow after Christ.  

America has lost its 1st love!  Our Pledge of Allegiance says, "in God we trust," but we've put our trust in money, success, and fame instead!  We're doomed to destruction UNLESS we turn from our wicked ways and turn back to God.   There's an old song that says, "Let there be PEACE on
earth--and let it begin with me."  Christ is our "PRINCE of PEACE!"  Everything else pales in comparison!  He's the only "star" to follow!  He's the only "gift" we need!