Friday, December 2, 2011

Make Room for One Another!

My 8 year old grandson and 4 year old grand daughter have so much energy!  They're in constant motion from the time their feet hit the floor 'til their heads hit the pillow at night!  Oh, how I wish I had their ENERGY!  Even young adults, like two of my older grandchildren (24 and 21 years old) are full of enthusiasm and vitality.  But when you reach my age (70)--you can't maneuver as quickly--and an  afternoon nap is something to look forward to!  BUT, the youngsters can't keep up with me, a senior citizen, when it comes to EXPERIENCE and wisdom.  Knowledge they have in abundance....but they lack wisdom.  There's only two ways to get wisdom:  (1)  Be patient 'cause it takes a lot of time--it cannot be gained quickly; (2)  Ask God for wisdom.

America does not value its elderly as do other countries....and that's a shame!  But God does!!!  In Titus Chapter II, we're told that the older (more mature and experienced) men and women are to mentor the younger men and women.  Mentoring is becoming a "lost art!"

My father was a "Master Plumber."  He mentored and trained "Apprentices and Journeymen Plumbers."  Whether "blue collar" or "white collar" workers, the older, more experienced worker was respected and looked up to.  In the home the mother would train up her daughter how to be a wife and take care of a home and her children.  The father would teach his son how to be a good husband, provider, and father.   And it was commonplace to have grandparents living in the home.  There was always someone older (and more mature or experienced) around to teach the younger. 

Dad always used to say, "You can't put old heads on young shoulders!"  The older I get--the more I understand what he was saying.  Older folks generally have more patience, too.  The young always seem to be in such a RUSH....such a HURRY!  They have "a need for speed!"  But the more I read and study Scripture, I've noticed that Jesus never hurried...He never rushed!  He always sought counsel and advice from His Elder (His Heavenly Father) before He did anything.
He didn't act like "he knew it all!"  He didn't get to a place where He thought he could do it all on His own! 

WE NEED ONE ANOTHER!!!  Neither a community nor a church can function properly without a mixture of both young and old(er).  And each age group has its strengths and its weaknesses.   Each has its role to play; each age group should be respected and listened to.  Each group needs to submit, one to the other.  I know I need to listen to and respect the younger generation when it comes to learning anything on the computer or all the electronic gagets in my life, etc.  But, in like manner, they can learn things from me, too!

We're such a "throw-away" society; we discard and devalue anything that is old.   Many companies today are firing or eliminating workers that are 50 or older.  Don't they realize that 60 is now the new 40?  WHAT A WASTE of wisdom, talent, and experience!   Even in many churches today,  we often times see seniors sidelined...put out to pasture and forgotten before their time.  What a shame!  Caleb climbed mountains in his old age!  Sarah was about 90 when she gave birth to her 1st child!  Moses was no youngster (about 80) when he became the CEO to a nation!  Moses mentored Joshua (a younger man) to be his successor; and David advised his son, Solomon, how to run a kingdom.  GET THE PICTURE?  We need one another!