Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm In The Book!

In biblical times (and for probably centuries before) towns, cities, villages, etc. kept track of people by recording their names in a Registry Book.  A book was kept that listed all who resided therein.  In this way they could track the number of citizens.  If one of the citizens committed a crime, if it were severe enough, they could be stricken (removed) from the book...and thrown out-of-town!

In Christian families, names were written in the Family Bible--showing dates of birth, baptisms, confirmations, marriage, and death.  (This tradition is slowly fading in our country these days...sad to say!)

The Lord has a book, too.  It's called, "The Book of Life of the Lamb."  [Revelation 13:8]  The names written therein are the names of those who dwell on earth and worship God's Son.  All those who do not worship Him will be slain! 

In Revelation 3:5 it is written that "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from The Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before the angels."  Only those who are FAITHFUL, and endure to the end, will be OVERCOMERS!  We "overcome" (defeat) satan by "the blood of the Lamb" and "the testimony
of our mouth."  [Revelation 12:11]  We "overcome" by believing in and following after Christ.

My name's written in His book--THE BOOK OF LIFE--I pray yours is, too!