Monday, November 21, 2011

Take A Walk With Christ Today!

We're told in Colossians 1:10 to:  "WALK worthy of the Lord...fully PLEASING Him...being FRUITFUL in every good work, and increasing in KNOWLEDGE of God."  However, we (more often than not) walk where we want to walk...go where we want to go--pleasing man moreso than pleasing God.  We strive and compete to be recognized, promoted, and popular.  It feels so good to be popular, to be liked, to be recognized!  But, the closer I try to follow Christ, the less popular I seem to be! 

We're told to "die to SELF" and "live for Christ!"  Maybe part of the dying process is simply for Christ...putting Him 1st...letting others LOOK at Him and what He did rather than looking at us!  When they look at  us, they should be able to "see" Christ in us!  My "image" should pale in comparison to His.  As John the Baptist said, "He must increase and I must decrease!"

LISTEN to people talk.  They generally talk more about themselves than anything else.  They are self-centered..."it's all about me" kind of talkers.  It's about what they are doing, what they've accomplished, what they want to do.  It's rarely about asking how you are, what you're doing, etc.  And even less spoken is what Christ is doing and has done in their lives.  They're learning more about computers, I-pads, football fantasy, and who's who in Hollywood than they are about the life of Christ.

They start their day by turning on the TV to hear the news or blarring the radio in the car with loud music rather than quieting themselves down so they can hear the voice of the Lord.  Society is stressed and worn out!  Why?  Because they are not STRENGTHENING themselves through the power provided by Christ.

Let us remember--each and every day--to pray that we'll be able to WALK worthy of the Lord.  This kind of walk describes a radical commitment of will, affection, and disposition to pleasing Christ.  Fruitfulness, growth in godly knowledge, divine empowerment, and thankfulness characterize such a walk.