Sunday, November 6, 2011


[Paul is speaking to the church in Corinth]..."we conducted ourselves in the world in SIMPLICITY and godly SINCERITY, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the GRACE of God, and more abundantly toward you."  

SINCERITY in this verse means:  "Transparent honesty; genuine purity; manifested clarity."  It describes one who does not fear thorough examination of his motives and intents, because he has nothing to hide.

The word, in Old Testament times, meant "to be judged by sunlight."  In oriental bazaars, pottery was displayed in dimly lit rooms.  Intelligent buyers would hold up the pottery in the sunlight to see if there were any defects or cracks (which were covered by wax to conceal the imperfections and damage).

If we're held up to the SON-light, what would be revealed in us?  I am a "marred vessel!"  No doubt about that!  But if I allow the Lord to "remake" me and/or "reshape" me--I become more like the vessel He desires me to be.  Therefore, it is imperative that I confess my sins and do my personal  "soul work" (work out my imperfections) to be more conformed to His likeness.

Let me share a story about "cracked" china.  I still have some of my mother's china--although many of the pieces are cracked and chipped.  Why do I keep these pieces?  Because they hold memories!  Memories are "pictures" stored in my heart.  Mom, when I got sick, would fix me tomato soup and serve it to me in her best china soup bowl.  This soup bowl had two handles.   Mom "bent the rules" and allowed me to slurp the soup right out of the bowl--without having to use the soup spoon--just by holding onto the two handles.   That was her way of giving me GRACE and expressing her love.  It made me feel very special and very loved!

Paul patterned his life after Christ.  He shed Christ's light and love for all the world to see by demonstrating SIMPLICITY, SINCERITY, and GRACE.  May we strive to do likewise.