Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Game of Life!

Whether in my work, in my family, with my friends, or in my play--I've always tried to be a team player.  As a kid, I always hoped to be "picked 1st," to be "chosen 1st" to play on a team.  I preferred to be  the "captain" of the team, so I knew I'd be able to pick-and-choose who I wanted on my team.  Nobody wanted to be chosen last....and, worst of all, nobody wanted to be passed by!  Not to be chosen was such a harsh REJECTION!    I was fortunate....I was pretty athletic, so--even if others didn't particularly like me--they chose me to be on their team 'cause they knew I could play.

I'm glad that the Lord "chose" me to be on His team!  I know (in the natural) I don't "qualify," but He still "chose ME!"  I know I'm not the best, but I'm "teachable"....and I'm committed to Him and the team.  I may not have much ABILITY, but He's more interested in my AVAILability!

I learn from my "teammates" (other Christians in The Body of Christ).  I am helped and encouraged to use my gifts and abilities; I'm folded in as a member of the team.  Each player and each position (each person in the Body of Christ) plays an important and needful part.

I once played on a softballteam that had only 7 players.  I had to play shortstop and 3rd base at the same time!  That left a "big hole" to cover in our infield!  If one part (position) is missing, everyone suffers!  It's the same in church (The Body of Christ). 

In life, as in the church, or on the ballfield, there are often too many "spectators" and "critics," but only a handful ("remnant") of participants ("players")!  It's easy to criticize, complain, and boo.  It's easy to sit in the stands and just watch the game.  It's much harder to be an active participant (player on the team).  However, the victory and the rewards go to the "remnant" rather than to the rest who never became actively involved.

Be a "team player"...get on His team, play your best, love the people on your team, love what you're doing, and you'll be a winner!