Friday, November 4, 2011

Expressions of Love

I Corinthians Chapter 13 is called "the love chapter of the Bible."  It tells us what love is and what love is not...what it does and does not do.  I fall short time-after-time of loving as God would have me love (unconditionally).  God's love is perfect--mine certainly is not!  However, I am "a work in progress!"  I'm learning, day-by-day, to love more like Christ.  However, there are 5 ways I am somewhat successful in regularly expressing love:

(1)  A act of serving:  I try to do something nice for someone every day.  It's usually something very simple like making dinner or running a errand.

(2)  Give a gift:  I like to give surprise gifts--not just Christmas or birthday gifts.  Just a little something to cheer someone up and let them know they're special. 

(3)  A word of encouragement:  A note, a phone call, an e-mail, a card, or some word of affirmation goes a long way.  We all need to hear/read something positive--something encouraging in our day.  We all need to know someone's thinking of us.

(4)  Quality Time:  This one's my favorite.  When someone will sit with me for 15 minutes, or more, and give me a listening ear, someone who will truly hear my heart, I feel valued.  In my training to become a chaplain, the most valuable lesson I learned was to LISTEN to a person's story!  We're all quick to talk about ourselves...but so lax at listening to others.

(5)  Touch:  Some prefer to be held or hugged.  They don't need conversation--they prefer to simply be held or receive a loving touch.  

I challenge you to incorporate these 5 expressions of love into your day.  Demonstrate God's love in these simple ways.  Let others feel, see, and hear God's love through you.  LOVE is the GREATEST GIFT you can give--for "if you have not love, you are nothing!"