Monday, November 28, 2011

Are You Qualified?

We're told to "exercise towards godliness!"  I have always been interested in athletics, so  many of my friends happen to be very familiar with physical exercise.  These lady-jocks labor long and hard to "tone" their bodies and "toughen" their muscles.  They delight in aroebic workouts , such as jogging or bike riding; and with a great degree of accuracy, they can swing a tennis racket or a golf club.  I've even won trophies and touraments in tennis, basketball,  and softball --as a player and as a coach.  I've played in state, reginal, and world tournaments in tennis and softball.  It was such fun!  I learned a lot about LIFE through athletics--and I've met some wonderful  people.  But, Scripture tells me that "bodily exercise profits little!" 

GODLINESS is a whole different ballgame!  It requires a different kind of skill...a different kind of training...a different mindset.  If you want to be a "pro" (like an ordained minister, a bishop, or a priest)--you have a longer, more difficult way to go.  If you just want to be an "amateur," less skill is required.  But BOTH call for discipline, commitment, and loyalty.  One qualifies you as an "athelete"  whereas the other qualifies you as a "Christian!"

Some PLAY-around at sports--we call them "weekend warriors or jocks"!  And many Christians just PLAY church on the weekend (usually one day only....for an hour or so)!  And most of them just set on the bench (the pew)

We, who call ourselves "Christians," must COMPETE for the "high calling!"  What's the "high calling?"  It's being "called up" to play on Christ's team!  "Many are called, but few are chosen!"
[Matthew 20:16]

Have you heard THE CALL?  Would you make it through the "try outs?"  Or would you be "cut" (disqualified) from His team?  The ministers are usually the paid professionals; the lay-leaders are usually unpaid amateurs, and the rest are just spectators--followers and fans of His Team.  They come to "cheer" or "boo" the team....but they never have the pleasure of competing for the prize!

Yes, many are called, but few are chosen!  They simply don't QUALIFY!  What about you