Monday, October 1, 2012

Spiritual Guide for Success - #2

On 9/28 I wrote about how we are to EDIFY one another.  Today I'm going to write about how to EXHORT one another.  To EXHORT means to "urge earnestly or strongly advise."

A parent strongly urges a child not to do this or that.  Why?  Because they don't want to see them get hurt or fail.  A pastor should give strong advice in his sermons rather than "tickle ears" and entertain.  Nowadays many churches "soft-sell" the message.  Therefore, the congregation can only drink "milk" rather than chew on " the meat" of The Word.  They remain ill-equipped, immature, weak, and naive to fight against evil or recognize false teaching.

To exhort means to WARN.  It's a heartfelt plea.  It's not a put-down or a's an earnest word of advice--given in love and out of concern fo the welfare of the person.

Many Christians prefer to splash around in shallow waters; however, the Lord is calling us to go out into the deep.  America's at a place where it's either going to "sink or swim."  We're deeply in debt, our economy is sinking, we're being pressured (tossed to-and-fro) on every side, and hated by many countries.  Our only way to stay afloat or to win a war is to listen to and obey Godly counsel.

It reads in Hebrews 3:-12-13, "Beware brethren lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God:  but EXHORT one another daily...lest any of you become hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.  [15] ...Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in rebellion."

I strongly urge you...I exhort you to turn your hearts towards Jesus...listen to His strong words of advice.  Trust and obey what He has to say....and GO ALL THE WAY with Him!