Monday, October 8, 2012

SHARE if you truly CARE!

When we "shut down" from sharing...when we "close off" from caring...we will start to decline, decay, and die!

I truly believe if everyone (especially the rich and well-to-do) would WANT less and GIVE more, our national debt would rapidly decline.  When people become GREEDY, they usually ignore those who are in NEED.  They HOARD their abundance and pass by those they could HELP!  For example:

How many pairs of shoes does a lady really need?  (Some collect hundreds!)  How many TV's, computers, and I-pads does one household have to have?  Can any Hollywood actress wear the same dress twice?  Give the excess away!!!

My mother was not rich (by any stretch of the imagination), but she was a generous GIVER.  She gave and never expected anything in return.  She gave unconditionally (no strings attached).  She gave SACRIFICIALLY--she gave from her heart.

GIVING is a "love language" -- one way to express love.
GIVING brings hope and life to others.
GIVING says, "your worth it!"

SHARE if you CARE!
GIVE out of the "treasury of your heart."

Let us not "hoard" our goods, but "let us labor, working with our hands what is good that we may have something to GIVE to him who has a NEED." [Ephesians 4:27