Thursday, October 4, 2012


Light dispels darkness.  The brighter the light, the better the visibility.  The more lights there are, the larger our field of vision.

The other day I needed  to put on my "blinker" light (distress signal).  Oh--not in my car...I was in spiritual distress!  I was stuck in a thick "Fog of Feelings" and the air stunk with my "Stinkin' Thinking"...I couldn't see my way through a certain problem.  I got three-quarters of the way, but couldn't go any futher.

Someone saw my distress signal and came to shed more light.  They knew the way, they had traveled this route before and had experience and were equipped to shed enough light to see me through.

People--we all NEED one another as we journey through life.  From-time-to-time you or I get struck, run out of gas, slide into a ditch, or get hurt and need someone to come and help us.

We need to let even our little "blinker" light shine--indicating that we need assistance.  Some people, however, are too proud to ask for help or admit they have a problem.  What a pity!

I heard a story about a man who was stuck on his roof during a flood.  He was waiting for the Lord to rescue him.  The Lord sent a helicopter--but the man refused to go; then the Lord sent a rowboat--but the man refused to leave his house.  He was waiting for a miracle--for the water level to go down or for his personal "Red Sea" to open up and provide a dry path for him to walk through.  He waited too long...he drown!

God provided help for me in my time of distress, but I had to be open to receive the help(er),  Therefore, I was able to move on.  He provided the way....He provided the answer!

Remember--the Lord is "a present help in time of trouble," but the help He sends may be through another person, by another means than you expected, or He may send you to help someone else.

[Psalm 46:1/John 1:5]