Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Walk with Me

Puppies are so cute and cuddly!  But--they make lots of messes....they poop and wet, chew and whine, tug and pull on a leash when you try to walk with them.  They have to be TRAINED!  The dog's master is responsible for the training (or seeing to it that a dog trainer is involved).  However, some dogs never get trained.  No one cares enough to take the time or make such a costly investment

I love to walk with my dog every morning (usually at sunrise).  Some days he walks right beside me (without any tension on the leash).  Other days his nose gets him in trouble (he's part beagle and collie).  He tugs and pulls so hard that he nearly chokes himself---wanting to go his own way--being lurred away to chase after a bunny or follow the scent of another 4-legged creature.  Yet--when he obeys my leading--we both walk effortlessly along.

Why do I choose to lead him and not let him loose?  'Cause he will get into trouble, he might run into traffic and get killed or injured; he might get lost or kidnapped; or starve, etc.  But if he stays with me, he will be safe, have a good home, plenty to eat, a nice bed, and well taken care of and loved.

Don't we act like a puppy or like my dog?  We want to go OUR OWN WAY....we PULL AWAY and DISOBEY unless we are trained in the way that we should go.  [Proverbs 22:6/Hebrews 12:11]

I love to walk with my dog by my side, at the break of day.  In like manner, I love to walk in the light of His Word, by His side.  I pray I don't tug or pull, but that I will simply submit to His leading along the way.