Monday, June 11, 2012

Keep Trying!

On Sunday afternoons my husband and I try to get a round of golf in.  It's not crowded then (late afternoon); we basically have the course to ourselves.  That's a good thing 'cause it allows us time and space to "PRACTICE"--try different shots and use different clubs.

We play "GCC" rules (my husband's initials)--not "PGA" rules (Professional Golf Assn.).  In our rule book you can have "do-overs" (mulligans).  This allows me a 2nd chance to hit a better shot.  [If he wouldn't allow me this privilege, I'd have quit golf a long time ago!]  He encourages me to risk trying a different shot or to use a different club.  He cheers me on and praises me when I hit it right.  And--most importantly--he doesn't condemn me when I mess up (he's learning patience).  Isn't the Lord a lot like that?

Jesus sent His disciples out 2 x 2 to do what He'd taught them to do.  And, boy, did they MESS UP!  But what was His response?  He critiqued their mistakes, gave them as many private lessons as they needed, and sent them back out to try it again-and-again.

When I began playing golf ('round the age of 65), I shot a 72 (on 9 holes--not 18).  Now I'm starting to break into the mid 40's for 9 holes and under a 100 for 18 holes (and I'm nearly 71 years old).  Now I wish I'd  learned to play golf when I was much younger.  It just goes to prove, though, that you can "teach an old dog new tricks!"  However,  I'm improving!  I'm getting better!  Why?  Because my partner (and coach) believes in me; he tells me I can do it; he encourages me.  Why else?  'Cause I keep trying!!!

Our faith is like that, too.  We only fail if we fail to try!  That's all the Lord asks of ENDURE, PERSEVERE and FINISH the COURSE!  And remember to WALK with Jesus all the way!