Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Often I turn the TV on to watch the weather report.  Most big TV weather stations have a Doppler Radar System.  Doppler Radar shows you the weather conditions in your area and around the nation.  Sunshine, rain, tornados, hurricanes, snow and ice storms, etc. can be spotted and tracked.

Well, the Lord has a DIVINE Radar System.  Anything that comes into your sphere shows up on His radar screen.  It could be good weather (sunny days), confusion (cloudy days), depression (gloomy days), angry people (thunder and lightening), overwhelming loss of a job or a loved one (tidal wave), financial distress (drought), danger (someone in distress), etc.

It's our job to WATCH the radar screen and see what's coming into our lives.  We're to be WATCHMEN in God's WATCHTOWER....alert to what's happening around us and to us.  How can we do this?  PRAYER!!!  Use these principles:  W-P-L-O, which stands for WATCH what's going on around you (your circumstances); PRAY (ask Him what you're supposed to do about it; respond--don't react); LISTEN to your CEO (the Lord); OBEY His instructions.

This is how I talk to God...this is how I hear Him...this is how I know what to do.  This is the Doppler Radar that I watch:  W-P-L-O.