Tuesday, June 26, 2012


The Shepherd "left the 99" to go and search and rescue the "one" that was lost.  The 99 were all huddled safely together, but the "one" needed help.

God is asking, "Who will go and rescue the ONE?"  We have our "clicks" and our "in-groups," etc.  But, can we venture out of our "comfort zones" to search out and assist those that have been overlooked, ignored, or forgotten?

It's easy to hang around with our friends, or set in the comfort of our homes (in front of the computer or TV).  It's more fun to do our own thing.  But there's more joy in doing the Jesus thing!

A few years back, there was a popular phrase--four letters:  "W-W-J-D" that stood for "What Would Jesus Do?"  Those four letters were stamped on a bracelet, which was to be worn as a visual reminder for us each day to try to act as Jesus would have acted and responded.

STOP today and
            LOOK around!
                         LISTEN to the hearts of hurting people.  WALK in love.  Let them see Jesus in you.