Sunday, October 2, 2011

In His Time!

[Read:  John 11-12]

Jesus' closest friends (besides a few of the 12 disciples) were Martha, Mary, and Lazarus.  He so enjoyed visiting them in their home in Bethany.  This was the closest place He could call "home" here on earth.  This was where He could relax and "chill-out"--here He could escape the demands of the day, and even take a break from His 12 traveling companions.

While Jesus was out-of-town, Lazarus became very ill.  The sisters sent word to Jesus, but Jesus never arrived until 4 days after their brother's death.  This really upset them!  Jesus hadn't "dragged His feet" --He simply "waited" for the Lord to release Him to go.  His Heavenly Father had a better itinerary for Jesus to follow.

When He was on the outskirts of Bethany, Martha came to Him and confronted Him..."Lord, IF You had been there, my brother would not have died!"  She was reacting out of her hurt and anger!  Then Mary shows up and says the same thing.  She was weeping, as were those who had accompanied her.  Then JESUS WEPT!  Jesus wept out of compassion for them (and maybe because they doubted His loyalty, concern, and love for Lazarus).

Jesus was about to resurrect Lazarus from the dead--for He was the "I AM--the resurrection and the life!"  Then He ordered the people to "take away the stone."  Back in vs. 33 the people heard Him GROAN and again in vs. 38, for He was troubled in His spirit.  (Groaning here was used to express anger--acting with deep feeling, and/or stern admonishment).  Jesus had feelings, too!  Next, He collected Himself and prayed to His Father (out loud), so the people could hear.  He then called Lazarus to "Come forth!"  Lazarus heard THE WORD,  and he arose from the dead!  

Jesus truly was THE WORD IN DEMONSTRATION!!!  He was not only "a hearer of THE WORD" that His Heavenly Father had spoken to Him, but He truly was The Son of God, The Resurrection, and the giver of  (eternal) life!

[See:  John 1-44]