Monday, October 31, 2011

Who Is Your Role Model?

Paul tells the people in Corinth to IMITATE him!  In other words, behalf and act like him; set a Christ-like example!   He wanted their lives to model Christ's nature, as he had patterned his life after.  Unfortunately, the immoral conduct in the city of Corinth had begun to creep into the church and corrupt it!  I've seen the same thing happening our culture, in our society, and in our churches.

When I was a kid, my ROLE MODEL was Roy Rogers!  (And I especially loved Trigger!)  Roy was kind, he fought for what was right, he had good manners, and he was a good citizen (that was his character and role in the movies).  But, as I grew older,  I also observed this same behavior in
his personal life.   He was a faithful husband and father, he served his community, and he stayed true to his faith.  He was not "double-minded"--acting one way in the movies and another way in life--no, he was the same character on and off the screen!  [James 4:6-10]

What about you and me?  Do we ACT one way at church and another way at work....are we different at home?  Who is the "real you?"  Who do you model your life after? 

We all are "polluted" in some ways--only the Lord can "flush-out" that which is filthy!  Rid yourself of your fleshly nature and allow Christ to fill you with His"living water."  The more you take on His nature, the less you'll act like those in the world!

Be a godly role model in your homes, in your work, in your church, and in your play!  Set the right standard!   Strive after righteousness!  Strive to be more Christ-like!  IMITATE Him!

Matthew 5:20 Christ clearly says to you (and me)..."unless your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."

Entrance into His kingdom is by a righteousness of heart, not by pretending to be righteous--not by putting on an act--but being an authentic being like Christ!