Saturday, October 8, 2011

Turn Up The Heat!

[Acts 2-3]

The church was established on the Day of Pentecost in a miraculous way.  Some 120 believers were gathered together in a home to wait and to pray.  All were in "one accord" (being in agreement, having group unity, having one mind and purpose)--waiting for the "infilling of the Holy Spirit."  Jesus kept His Word!  The Holy Spirit, "like a mighty wind," rushed into the house and filled each believer who was gathered there to pray.  Jesus' own spirit came to live inside their hearts.

The church continued to grow...and GROW!  In Acts 2:42 we're told that the church "CONTINUED (to endure; to go on in a specified way; to cause to remain) STEADFASTLY (firmly fixed; constant) in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in breaking of bread, and in prayer."

So what has happened to weaken many churches today?  Why are churches closing and dying?  Why are so many believers stalled in their faith?  Here are a few reasons:

  • Families choose soccer games, sleeping-in, etc. over going to church.
  • Many attend only when they feel like it.
  • Most only drop a $1 in the offering plate--then go out to dinner, but don't think twice about  tipping the waitress $10.
The "pilot light" (the Holy Spirit) has been "turned off" in many churches today!  The church has become "LUKEWARM!"  And God is turning up the heat--wanting to remove the DROSS...purify the church once again...RESTORE it to its original design...the way He intended it to be.  And what was that original design?

"To continue steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine (Hebrews 6:1-2) and fellowship, in breaking of bread (communion) , and in prayer!"