Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Rotten Fruit of Pride--Prejudice--Partiality!

Our PREJUDICES are generally found in the things  we fear (or don't understand).  Peter put down the Gentiles, for example; Jews  hated Christians.  PRIDE steps in and declares that it's bigger and better than any other way...or any other person.  And PARTIALITY penetrates our thinking.  All these bad character qualities ("stinkin' thinking") are being dealt with in Acts Chapter 10.

Remember the line in the song from SOUTH PACIFIC--"you've got to be taught to hate and fear..."?    Well, it's true--we're taught prejudice ...we become adept at showing partiality...and we're proud of it!!!  Americans--and many so-called Christians--verbalize or demonstrate this prideful attitude all the time.  We "look down" at others who are different instead of "looking up" to Jesus and seeing those who are different through Jesus' eyes.   Jesus showed no PARTIALITY!

God had to sedate Peter, put him in a trance, and give him a vision before he'd change his prejudiced mind about the Gentiles.  After he "woke up" (his eyes were opened to the truth), he immediately went and visited the Gentiles, and enfolded them into the flock of believers.   Then he said this:  "In truth, I perceive that God shows no PARTIALITY!"  In other words--He doesn't show favoritism, nor does He discriminate.  God's love and grace are made available to all and can be received by anyone.

What about YOU...what about ME?  Do we need to deal with some area or attitude of PRIDE, PREJUDICE, or showing PARTIALITY (favoritism) towards someone or something?  Open your eyes...look around you....what do you see?  Where aren't you showing love?  Where are you putting up barriers?  Who are you excluding or judging? 

PRUNE the fruit of prejudices, pride, and sprouts of partiality so that you can bear better fruit....more FRUIT of the SPIRIT!  [See:  Galatians 5:22-23]