Friday, September 30, 2011


[Read:  John 9-10]

Jesus practiced "on-the-job training."  It was an ordinary work day for Him, so He used this particular event as a teaching session.  They came across a man who had been born blind.  He was physically blind.  [See:  John 9:1-34

His disciples asked a question:  "Who sinned, this man or his parents?"  Jesus answered:  "NEITHER!"  They were quick to "assume" that it was somebody's fault (sin) that he was blind.
Jesus was about to teach them about spiritual blindness.

He begins to minister to the man by spitting on the ground and making a ball of clay; then He anointed the man's eyes with the clay.  Next He instructs the man to go and wash in the Pool of Siloam (which is translated "Sent").  A crowd had gathered by this time--a mixture of neighbors and others in the community who were well acquainted with this man's history of blindness.  The man did as he was instructed....and he received his sight!

The plot thickens!  The people then brought this formerly blind man to the Pharisees (the religious leaders) on the Sabbath and told them the miraculous "work" that Jesus had performed.  The Law stated that no man shall "work" on the Sabbath.  The Pharisees were "spiritually blind"--they could physically SEE what Jesus had done, but they couldn't see WHO was standing before them.  They were accustomed to laws and man's works, but they couldn't perceive that Jesus had been sent to do "the works of Him [His Heavenly Father] who sent Him," nor could they see a "work of righteousness" when it was right before their eyes!!!

The formerly blind man went and SHOWED others he'd received his sight.  And we're to go and TELL others what Jesus did and who He IS. 

We, who call ourselves "believers" are instructed to go....SHOW and TELL the world His story!